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[SOLVED]Adding a submenu item with external link

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Hello everyone. I need to do something with Prestashop, but i am not sure it can be done.

I want to add a new item in the main menu. That item have to contain a subitem with a link to another page. For example, a menu item called "Externals" and its subitem called "Google", which takes you to Google if you click on it.

I am working with the latest version of Prestashop, if that's relevant.

I was looking at the ps_mainmenu module, but I couldn't find the place that generate the html to the main menu. 

Thank you for your time. Excuse me if it's a repeated post, but i couldn't find something similar. 

Edited by reymarcus (see edit history)
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Hello again, i just figured out how to do this. Just need to go to modules\ps_mainmenu\ps_mainmenu.php and, in the function generatesCategoriesmenu, add a control for the subcategory where you want to put the link. In my case, the one with the id number 8

  if ($category['level_depth'] > 1) {
                $cat = new Category($category['id_category']);
                if ((int)$cat ->id_category == 8
                    $link = "http://google.com/";
                    $link = $cat->getLink();
            } else {
                $link = $this->context->link->getPageLink('index');

After that, you need to clean the cache. When you refresh the page, you should see the new link.

Thank you anyways and i hope this post helps someone.

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