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Add supplier name and supplier reference to order in BO


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I would like to add two columns to the products summary in the order page (in backoffice):

  1. Supplier
  2. Supplier product reference

See attached screenshot for reference. PrestaShop version is


To show  the columns, I added the following code to admin/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/_product_line.php starting at line 75:

	{if $product.supplier_name}{l s='Reference number:'} {$product.supplier_name}<br />{/if}
	{if $product.product_supplier_reference}{l s='Supplier reference:'} {$product.product_supplier_reference}{/if}

The columns appear in the products summary, but the supplier name and reference code are missing. When I open an order in BO, a notice pops up with error "[8] Undefined index: supplier_name".

I also tried with {Supplier::getnamebyid($id)}, but I don't know how to pass the product's supplier_id.

Any help would be very appreciated! Thank you.

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  • ventura pinned and unpinned this topic

Thank you for your reply. I used the var dump, and it turns out all the relevant variables are empty:

["id_supplier"]=> string(1) "0"
["product_supplier_reference"]=> string(0) ""
["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) ""

even though the supplier parameters are set correctly in the product page.

Screenshot of the Suppliers section for the ordered product.

What can I do to fix this behavior? I already purged cache from BO and by delete the content of var/cache folders.

Edited by Royal
Typo (see edit history)
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I managed to get the supplier name by selecting a supplier as the default supplier (even if there's only one supplier enabled) and using this code:

	{if $product.id_supplier}{Supplier::getnamebyid($product.id_supplier)}<br />{/if}

The problem is that, if a product has more suppliers, the code returns only the default one.

Still no clue on how to get the supplier reference.

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override getProductsDetail function in classes/order/Order.php ( or classes/order/OrderInvoice.php - don't know which order detail you use)

   public function getProductsDetail()
        return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('
        SELECT od.*, p.*, ps.*, 
         concat(ifnull(spr.name,""),if(s.name is null or spr.name is null,"","<BR>"), ifnull(group_concat(s.name  SEPARATOR "<BR>" ),"")) as suppliers,
         concat(ifnull(supplier_reference,""),if(s.name is null or supplier_reference is null or supplier_reference="","","<BR>"), ifnull(group_concat(psup.product_supplier_reference SEPARATOR "<BR>" ),"")) as supplier_references 
        FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail` od
        LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ON (p.id_product = od.product_id)
        LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_shop` ps ON (ps.id_product = p.id_product AND ps.id_shop = od.id_shop)

        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_supplier psup on psup.id_product = p.id_product
        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier s on s.id_supplier = psup.id_supplier 
        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier spr on  p.id_supplier = spr.id_supplier
        WHERE od.`id_order` = ' . (int) $this->id);


and use in tpl

	{if isset($product.suppliers)}{$product.suppliers}{/if}
	{if isset($product.supplier_references)}{$product.supplier_references}{/if}

( I didn't test it - take it with the reserve)

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Hi EvaF, thank you for your reply.

I overrode the getProductsDetail function with your code, but the "supplier reference code" column is still empty. I think that the root of the problem is here:

On 7/17/2020 at 10:46 AM, Royal said:

I used the var dump, and it turns out all the relevant variables are empty:

["id_supplier"]=> string(1) "0"
["product_supplier_reference"]=> string(0) ""
["supplier_reference"]=> string(0) ""

even though the supplier parameters are set correctly in the product page.

I don't get why product_supplier_reference and supplier_reference are empty. When I open an order, I get the errors "Undefined index" and "Trying to get property 'value' of non-object".


Edited by Royal
Added screenshot (see edit history)
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it works for me:


the _product_line.tpl


	<td class="productQuantity text-center">

Because default supplier was twice (see picture above), I have changed a little bit query ( and added also product attribute)

    public function getProductsDetail()

        return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('
        SELECT od.*, p.*, ps.*, 
         concat( ifnull(group_concat(spr.name  SEPARATOR "<BR>" ),"")) as suppliers,
         concat(ifnull(group_concat(psup.product_supplier_reference SEPARATOR "<BR>" ),"")) as supplier_references 
        FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail` od
        LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ON (p.id_product = od.product_id)
        LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_shop` ps ON (ps.id_product = p.id_product AND ps.id_shop = od.id_shop)

        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_supplier psup on psup.id_product = p.id_product and od.product_attribute_id =psup.id_product_attribute         
        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'supplier spr on  spr.id_supplier = psup.id_supplier 
        WHERE od.`id_order` = ' . (int) $this->id);


the result:




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Hi EvaF.

I was able to get everything to work thanks to your code. I was using a different syntax in my _product_line.tpl (e.g. {$product..supplier_references} instead of {$product['supplier_references']}, which explains the error.

This thread can now be marked as solved.

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the discussion. Cheers!

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Hello, for Prestashop 1.7.7 you have to look for the html.twig file in src/PrestashopBundle/Form/Admin - and there are the templates from admin panel - in several different categories/folders. But you have to override them in module - or just replace the code inside, which is not good for updates - will loose it when updated.

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