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PS login issue

Ray UK

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Ive just tried upgrading from to on a wip subdomain.

I got the following errors.

SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_condition` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci: Table ''*******_wip_pshop.ps_condition' doesn't exist

SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_condition` CHANGE `operator` `operator` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL: Table '*******_wip_pshop.ps_condition' doesn't exist

SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_condition` CHANGE `value` `value` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL: Table '*******_wip_pshop.ps_condition' doesn't exist

SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_condition` CHANGE `result` `result` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL: Table '*******_wip_pshop.ps_condition' doesn't exist

SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_condition` CHANGE `calculation_detail` `calculation_detail` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL: Table '*******_wip_pshop.ps_condition' doesn't exist

SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_condition` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci: Table '*******_wip_pshop.ps_condition' doesn't exist

SQL 1064 in INSERT IGNORE INTO `ps_hook` (`id_hook`, `name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES (NULL, 'displayAdminOrderTop', 'Admin Order Top', 'This hook displays content at the top of the order view page', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminOrderSide', 'Admin Order Side Column', 'This hook displays content in the order view page in the side column under the customer view', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminOrderSideBottom', 'Admin Order Side Column Bottom', 'This hook displays content in the order view page at the bottom of the side column', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminOrderMain', 'Admin Order Main Column', 'This hook displays content in the order view page in the main column under the details view', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminOrderMainBottom', 'Admin Order Main Column Bottom', 'This hook displays content in the order view page at the bottom of the main column', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminOrderTabLink', 'Admin Order Tab Link', 'This hook displays new tab links on the order view page', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdminOrderTabContent', 'Admin Order Tab Content', 'This hook displays new tab contents on the order view page', '1'), (NULL, 'actionGetAdminOrderButtons', 'Admin Order Buttons', 'This hook is used to generate the buttons collection on the order view page (see ActionsBarButtonsCollection)', '1') (NULL, 'displayFooterCategory', 'Category footer', 'This hook adds new blocks under the products listing in a category/search', '1'), (NULL, 'displayBackOfficeOrderActions', 'Admin Order Actions', 'This hook displays content in the order view page after action buttons (or aliased to side column in migrated page)', '1'), (NULL, 'actionAdminAdminPreferencesControllerPostProcessBefore', 'On post-process in Admin Preferences', 'This hook is called on Admin Preferences post-process before processing the form', '1'), (NULL, 'displayAdditionalCustomerAddressFields', 'Display additional customer address fields', 'This hook allows to display extra field values added in an address form using hook ''additionalCustomerAddressFields''', '1'): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '(NULL, 'displayFooterCategory', 'Category footer', 'This hook adds new blocks...' at line 10

and then the login screen wouldnt work.

I could enter my details but got the following screen


If I then refresh it logs me out.


So i done a fresh install.

Same thing, it installed and after entering login details i got the above screen again.

MySQL version: 10.3.23-MariaDB

PHP version: 7.2.31

Memory limit: 128M

Max execution time: 90

Upload Max File size: 8M


The front end is working fine

Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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Just tried again.

Ive seen the has caused issues, so tried localhost instead.

Same problem.


When creating an account, I fill in all fields, then submit and it goes to a blank screen.

Log in to B.O gives the same result as my original post


Console shows this

Request URL:http://wip.********/en/login?back=my-account
Request method:POST
Remote address:***********
Status code:

Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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he actualizado prestashop a la version he igual cuando me deseo loguear como admin, ingreso las credenciales y ahi se queda. Actualice la version de php en el hosting a 7.3, he incluso he colocalo la herramienta de prestashop para comprobar requerimientos y me dice que todo esta bien, no se cual sea el error.

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