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Adding new products 'Unable to update settings' PS


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Hey guys,

I'm having problems while adding new products, the legend 'Unable to update settings' appears on the right corner and the product is not saved. I activated the debug mode in order to understand more the problem and here it's the screenshot.

I'm completely lost, don't know where to look at or where to start.

Can anyone help?


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Thanks for the reply Rhobur,

Indeed, the problem got "solved" changing the path in the php.ini to "/tmp"m but still the problem persists while adding new productos, still the message "unable to update settings" comes up.

This is what i've comed to realize.

The problem has to do something with the creation of the ssl token or something similar, i think because of this.

While I'm in the products page, the debug toolbar works just fine.


But when i try to add a new product, the debug toolbar stop working with the following legend

"An error occurred while loading the web debug toolbar."

An this is displayed


Also this screen displayed


So really, afterwards I don't know what else to do.

This is my actual configuration if it helps with all the posts I've read.

  • Prestshop version:
  • PHP: 7.1.33
  • Advanced Parameters > Traffic & SEO > Accented URL = OFF
  • Advanced Parameters > Perfromace > Smarty: Templates = Never recompile files; Cache = Yes, Multiserver = NO; Cache type = File system and Clear cache = everytime something has been modified
  • Advanced Parameters > Perfromace > CCC: Smart cache CSS = NO; Smart cache JavaScript = NO; Apache Optimization = NO
  • Advanced Parameters > Perfromace > Cache: Use cache = NO

php.ini values are as follows

  • allow_url_fopen = Off
  • allow_url_include = Off
  • asp_tags = Off
  • display_errors = Off
  • enable_dl = Off
  • file_uploads = On
  • max_execution_time = 30
  • max_input_time = 60
  • max_input_vars = 5000
  • memory_limit = 96M
  • post_max_size = 256M
  • session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
  • session.save_path = "/tmp"
  • upload_max_filesize = 256M
  • zlib.output_compression = Off

Just one final thing, recently before encountering all these problems, we deleted the default products, I don't know if it has something to do or if it helps, properly deleted, not set them inactive.

Thanks in advance 


Edited by EliasHM
Add on more line I was missing (see edit history)
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Hey Guys, I just write this reply in order to let the people now how this issue was solved.

Indeed was a server error configuration which was solved installing the:

  • PHP intl extension 
  • the iconv extension as well.

Also the following modules were not installed but also recommended:

  • short_open_tag to off and 
  • enable the PHP accelerator

I hope someone would find this useful.

Edited by EliasHM (see edit history)
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