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Oggi nuovo problema. Ho aggiornato il modulo [PrestaShop Marketplace in your Back Office] e mi da questo errore e non riesco ad entrare più nel Back office.

Oops! An Error Occurred
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Provato a fare backup ma non lo sistema. Ho rinominato il modulo [ps_mbo] e sono riuscito ad entrare in modalità Debug, ma ho fatto sbagliato e ho disattivato la modalità debug, ripresentando lo stesso errore.

Come posso fare a rientrare in modalità debug??? O sistemare il problema??

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ma perché non contatta il developer del modulo!?...il problema non é prestashop, ma il modulo. 

Con il debug attivo dovrebbe vedere il tipo di errore e quindi puó riprodurre il tutto ed inviarlo al developer...cmq quale errore dá con il debug attivo?



Ps: occhio alla versione del php....vedo che ultimamente molti installano Ps con php 7.3 ma non va bene perché poi si hanno problemi,

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  • 1 year later...
On 5/28/2020 at 9:59 PM, Matt75 said:


I'm sorry to know that you encountered an issue with this module.

You can find a fix here: https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_mbo/pull/96/files

This problem seems to occur when the server cache did not update according to my tests.

Good night

Hi Matt,

Thank you for your help. I have a similar problem.

I cannot access to Module Manager page as it's blank. I started having this issue when I tried to install a module for credit card payments but it never completed the process. So, after few hours it was still running, I closed it. When I reopened it the Module Manager page was blank and I started having issues to install any module. I asked the server provider and they told me the problem is linked to the module "ps_mbo". 

Then someone advised me to clear the cache and rename it into "ps_mbo.bak".

I tried but Module Manager is still blank. I cleared the cache and renamed the folder into "ps_mbo.bak"

I also checked the section Modules and this is what comes out. 

"The controller AdminPsMboModule is missing or is not valid"

I feel lost.



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