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Add a simple article or blog in Prestashop


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Hi all,

I am using Prestashop and for the first time I wanted to add a simple article in one of my drop-down main menu tabs but it seems that I cannot create an article in presta and just point it to this menu tab. The only thing I could do is write my text in the description section of this category (Catalog->Categories->my tab) but there are two issues here: 

1) Although it appears on laptop or desktop it does not appears on mobile. 
2)I get a message ( which I don't want it to be there) from the search option that the product was not found, although there is no product to look for. I guess I am getting this message cause presta is expecting a product to appear there and not just simple text.

My url I am trying to fix is: https://opersis.gr/el/90-ypiresies-katharismou-kai-fylaxis

I also attach a photo of issue no 2.

I would appreciate if you could tell me how I can post an article/blog in Presta. I know there are add-ons I could buy, but posting articles is not something I m gonna use often, so I don't want to pay for an add-on for this job.

Thanks in advance,


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