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[Back office] Disabling lang with id=1 but new products still created with lang id=1


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Hi all,

Replication steps:

1) International / Localization: Import the localization pack for Australia

2) International / Localization / Languages > Add new Language

Name: English (Australia)

ISO code: au

Language code: en-AU

Date format: d/m/Y

Date format (full): d/m/Y H:i:s

Status: Yes

3) International / Localization > Configuration:

Default language : English (Australia)

Set language from browser: No

Default country : Australia

Set default country from browser language: No

Default currency : Australia Dollar (AUD)


4) International / Localization / Languages:

Disable the language with ID =1 , in this case English (English)

5) Catalog / Products > New Product

Name: test


* Expected result:

Going back to Catalog / Products, we can see the new product with the name 'test' in the list

* Actual result:

Going back to Catalog / Products, we can NOT see the new product with the name 'test' in the list. It says 'N/A' instead

Checking in the table 'product_lang' , there are two entries for the new product, one of them contains id_lang =1 . Screenshot attached.


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