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sp_shop_url' doesn't exist

eduardo cano

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This is an error 500


Table 'carelp_base.sp_shop_url' doesn't exist

SELECT s.id_shop, CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri) AS uri, su.domain, su.main FROM sp_shop_url su LEFT JOIN sp_shop s ON (s.id_shop = su.id_shop) WHERE (su.domain = 'carelprint.com' OR su.domain_ssl = 'carelprint.com') AND s.active = 1 AND s.deleted = 0 ORDER BY LENGTH(CONCAT(su.physical_uri, su.virtual_uri)) DESC

at line 769 in file classes/db/Db.php

764. if ($webservice_call && $errno) { 765. $dbg = debug_backtrace(); 766. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '

 ' . $this->getMsgError() . '. From ' . (isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '') . '->' . $dbg[3]['function'] . '() Query was : ' . $sql, 97); 767. } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) { 768. if ($sql) { 769. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError() . '<br /><br /><pre>' . $sql . '</pre>'); 770. } 771. 772. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError()); 773. } 774. }


Can You help me ?

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FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'shop_url

But I do not understand the meaning of SQL query 😉
When you write what you need, there are a lot of features in Prestashop that could simply solve your SQL query.

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