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hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra won't load


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Hi all,

I have installed and assigned 3 modules to that hook. I'm seeing in the database all modules are assigned to the hook. The problem is that there is no way i can load the hook in products tab and to show that Modules tab with the options. 

I'm with v. , PHP 7.3 .

So far i tested.
 - All cache off. BO , the server everything.

- Disabled all none PS modules and overrides

- Switch PHP versions.

- Different hacks in Hook.php

- Many other things

 In  debug mode i see only 5 hooks loading in Product.


moduleRoutes,   displayBackOfficeHeader, actionAdminControllerSetMedia,  displayAdminNavBarBeforeEnd,  displayAdminAfterHeader


Here is the database query what i use for the check and is all good there - it returns that i have modules attached .

SELECT * FROM `ps4e_hook_module` hm INNER join ps4e_hook h on hm.id_hook = h.id_hook WHERE h.name like 'displayAdminProductsExtra';

Here is one of the modules that i use for testing.

Any ideas how to continue debugging would be appreciated.


Edited by DanielaPetkova (see edit history)
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{% if hookcount('displayAdminProductsExtra') > 0 %}

{% set hooks = renderhooksarray('displayAdminProductsExtra', { 'id_product': id_product }) %}

Doesn't return anything even tho displayAdminProductsExtra has assigned modules to it in the datebase. 

I'm lost.

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Applied that fix from the link adobe to


Removed the If clause from src\PrestaShopBundle\Resources\views\Admin\Product\form.html.

The hook displayAdminProductsExtra still not loading it's content from the database. I'm not dev but still digging for solutions to this. 

Edit: Why is hidden ?

Edited by DanielaPetkova (see edit history)
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In LegacyHookSubscriber i had previously added that empty condition for another bug:

$hooks = Hook::getHooks();

        if (empty(is_array($hooks)))) {
            foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
                $name = strtolower($hook['name']);
                $id = $hook['id_hook'];

 So i decided to dig deeper in that and found that issue is from having empty hook in ps_hook what exactly i had.  https://tinyurl.com/sp3ohq3

Why is that and for solution you have to check here https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/8463

Applied the fix and it seems to work. 

        // If hook_name is given, just get list of modules for this hook
        if (null !== $hook_name) {
            $retro_hook_name = strtolower(Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name));
            $hook_name = strtolower($hook_name);

The only problem left is that i had changed form.html

{% if hookcount('displayAdminProductsExtra') >= 0 %}

Don't know why displayAdminProductsExtra is not > 0 when everything shows the opposite. But it work so i'm fine for now.

Thanks for the support.

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