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Customers Section Producing Fatal Error - White Page


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My Customers Page was producing a White Page which said fatal error. So I turned on Debugging and now when I visit the page I get these 2 fatal notices:

An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT c.id_customer, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.email, c.active, c.newsletter, c.optin, c.date_add, gl.name as social_title, s.name as shop_name, c.company, (SELECT SUM(total_paid_real / conversion_rate) FROM ps_orders o WHERE (o.id_customer = c.id_customer) AND (o.id_shop IN (?)) AND (o.valid = 1)) as total_spent, (SELECT c.date_add FROM ps_guest g LEFT JOIN ps_connections con ON con.id_guest = g.id_guest WHERE g.id_customer = c.id_customer ORDER BY c.date_add DESC LIMIT 1) as connect FROM ps_customer c LEFT JOIN ps_gender_lang gl ON c.id_gender = gl.id_gender AND gl.id_lang = ? LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON c.id_shop = s.id_shop WHERE (c.deleted = 0) AND (c.id_shop IN (?)) ORDER BY c.date_add DESC LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0' with params [1, 1, 1]:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'majorfav_appstore.ps_guest' doesn't exist

And this one as well on the same page:

Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException: "An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT c.id_customer, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.email, c.active, c.newsletter, c.optin, c.date_add, gl.name as social_title, s.name as shop_name, c.company, (SELECT SUM(total_paid_real / conversion_rate) FROM ps_orders o WHERE (o.id_customer = c.id_customer) AND (o.id_shop IN (?)) AND (o.valid = 1)) as total_spent, (SELECT c.date_add FROM ps_guest g LEFT JOIN ps_connections con ON con.id_guest = g.id_guest WHERE g.id_customer = c.id_customer ORDER BY c.date_add DESC LIMIT 1) as connect FROM ps_customer c LEFT JOIN ps_gender_lang gl ON c.id_gender = gl.id_gender AND gl.id_lang = ? LEFT JOIN ps_shop s ON c.id_shop = s.id_shop WHERE (c.deleted = 0) AND (c.id_shop IN (?)) ORDER BY c.date_add DESC LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0' with params [1, 1, 1]: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'majorfav_appstore.ps_guest' doesn't exist" at /MYROOT/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 53

Before this issue, I was trying to install the plugin: Email Templates Manager v1.2.1 (by PrestaShop) multiple times. Everytime I tried to install it would fail and tell me it could not create the template> MyTheme> mail folder (the folder already exsited). So i could not install this plugin. Yet I notice under modules, the folder is still there: ps_emailsmanager. Obviously it did not install but wondering if it left a table in my database or something?

I was able to successfully install: Mail Alerts v2.1.1 (by Prestashop) but that module seemed to install and configure properly.

Based upon the SQL above: majfav_appstore.ps_guest and my issue with installing that module, I am guessing it might be the culprit but am not sure. How can I remove something that has never been installed? Please advise.

Also, while it is not throwing a white screen with a major error during debug my Theme area throws up these 2 critical notices (not sure if they are related):

CRITICAL 22:39:11 	php 	Uncaught Exception: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Parameter "themeName" for route "admin_themes_enable" must match "[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+" ("Major Favor Theme" given) to generate a corresponding URL.").

CRITICAL 22:39:11 	request 	Uncaught PHP Exception Twig\Error\RuntimeError: "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Parameter "themeName" for route "admin_themes_enable" must match "[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+" ("Major Favor Theme" given) to generate a corresponding URL.")." at /ROOT/public_html/src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Improve/Design/Theme/index.html.twig line 115

Prestashop v1.7.6.2
Theme: KKILLUR - ps_fashion_kkillur_104 Version 2.0.1
PHP v7.2.27


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I am not comfortable creating tables in my database. Do you know what I would enter and how I would enter it? Also, is there a place in the Prestashop admin where I can add that table, or just do it in PHY myadmin.

Something like: INSERT table majorfav_appstore.ps_gues ?


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3 minutes ago, clubbuilder said:

I am not comfortable creating tables in my database. Do you know what I would enter and how I would enter it? Also, is there a place in the Prestashop admin where I can add that table, or just do it in PHY myadmin.

Something like: INSERT table majorfav_appstore.ps_gues ?


You can create the table with phpmyadmin. If you are not comfortable then ask your developer to avoid problem.

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