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FatalErrorException in CustomerLoginForm.php


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I am getting the following error message


FatalErrorException in CustomerLoginForm.php

Error: Class CustomerLoginForm contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (AbstractFormCore::getTemplateVariables, FormInterface::submit)

I checked the CustomerLoginForm.php file and no changes have been made to it. I verified against a backup copy I have of the code from last year.

I did get an email from my hosting provider that my PHP version (v7.1) is out of date 11 days after the incident happened. I think that might be related to my issue, but want to get more information first.

The only changes I recall making were installing 2 new modules, but my website was working properly even with the new modules installed and configured. I've since uninstalled the modules & went into debug mode with the various settings. I attempted to upgrade but my website was displaying many error messages.

PS v1.7.3.1
I have a new theme that I want to use that is compatible with PS v1.7.6.2. I am eventually going to upgrade but am not sure if upgrading to the newest version PS will also update this PHP file.

Any suggestions on how I should go about fixing this?

Edited by kdash1228 (see edit history)
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Yes this is related to the change of PHP Version - your Prestashop is not compatible with PHP7. You can adjust this file but probably there will be many more errors. I managed to get a customer Presta 1.4 Shop running on PHP 7.3. but there are many modifications to be done that need extensive testing.

So you either change your hosting to have your old PHP version or you upgrade to newer Prestashop (which is tricky as well as you need new theme and modules)

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