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Missing options in back-end menu: Advanced Parameters->Performance


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I run my Prestashop and in my back-end is missing menu left sub menus. In menu ADVANCED PARAMETRS (...backshop/index.php?controller=AdminSelfUpgrade....) I have only these 5 :

- MultiStore

- DB Backup

- Logs

- Webservice

- 1-Click Upgrade


Anyone can give me some advice how to get them back...


Many thanks



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Thank you for help

I've checked my table *ps_tab and I can see that :

AdminTools -> column Active -> 1

I've attached my screengrabs...

but can't see on my front-end


NemoPS - How can i add from BACK ?


Many thanks

57 minutes ago, NemoPS said:

You can always add them back from the menus page, as long as you know the controller name. For performance it would be AdminPerformanceController.


Zrzut ekranu 2019-11-29 o 14.36.37.png

Zrzut ekranu 2019-11-29 o 14.40.28.png

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Hello NemoPS

I just done like that, but each columns of table *ps_tab are the same....

I dont know why is like that) maybe the best way will  be to update to latest version presta but i can only manually, because in one click module I have issue with these "PrestaShop's caching features are disabled" I cant get it as green mark and use 1-click upgrade... is red cross....

to update manually i should only leave folder /config and /img and rest of files can update?


Many thanks

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ok, sorry, didn't notice that. Edit the url and write AdminTabs after controller=, like


It will tell you the token is wrong, you can ignore the warning and continue

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Thank u for the message

I just checked and role id is 1

I changed my mind and I started to updated my presta to manually

I overwritten the files on my server using this guide:



and when i want to make a upgrade i am reciving the blank page:


when i checked my /logs I can see one message:

"  *ERROR*     2019/12/10 - 19:10:05: The cache is activated. Please deactivate it first before lauching this script.  "


I've changed in ps_configuration 'PS_SMARTY_CACHE' -> 0; 'PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE'->0; 'PS_JS_THEME_CACHE'->0

but still is showing me blank page.... I cant deactive my cache from backend

Thank for help




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