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Moving Local PrestaShop Installation to the Live Server - WAMP

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I'm testing WAMP server as I would like to develop my store locally, but first testing how the migration will go to save myself problems in later stages. Unfortunately not everything is working as it should after moving the site to a live environment. The front page and back office have a missing elements front page is all over the place no graphics just text. So definitely I'm doing something wrong. 

What I have done is:

  • I have compressed all the local PrestaShop files with zip, uploaded the zip file onto my hosting and unzipped in desired folder 
  • Edited parameters.php file updating databases name, user and password.
  • Exported my database using phpMyAdmin locally.
  • Edited my exported database with notepad++ and changed the database name
  • Created new database on my hosting and imported previously exported database. 
  • Changed shop domain, domain_ssl and physical_uri at the imported database through phpMyAdmin panel

Everything checked a hundreds of times and all seams to be correct, but store looks like there is a plenty files missing. I have check everything according to the guide from the link below and everything seams to be perfect:(


Guys can you help me on this? Is anyone developing PrestaShop locally? Or maybe this is a bad practice? I'm just trying to speed up my workflow, but nothing goes the way is should. 

I will be super grateful for anyone who can help me on this. 

Many Thanks 

Best Regards




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Thank for your answer JBW

I forgot to mention this, but I have changed .htaccess file and even deleted it to test. I also cleared all smarty cache before I move my files to my hosting, but still no success.

Every single time I'm trying is the same output. 


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Hi. I'm sorry for my late answer. I just wanted try last thing.

I have uninstalled WAMP serwer and istalled XAMPP to check if this issue comes from Virtual Servers, and I have the same results with both servers.


I found 1053 places in Prestashop files and 114 files with the local files path injected!
So if my Virtual Host folder was G:/mysites/site1 then this path is all over the place in my PrestaShop files.
Database tables are also ruined when edited by Notepad++ 596 lines containing the local path.

Although this is easy to change in the database using Notepad++ very hard to change in 114 presta files.
Also in database in the places where was the local path injected '/' was replaced with '\\\\' what a disaster...

So my friendly advice for everyone is staying away from virtual hosts unless you know what you are doing.
I'm closer to develop the shop on the live server than using this method again.

I'm trying to change as a bulk all the paths even in files using Notepad++ and I will see what output I will get. 

Best Regards

Edited by Maryando (see edit history)
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