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Show the Combination of All Carriers in Order of Products PS1.7

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I have a problem I am going to try to explain, and the problem I am having is related to the carriers that Prestashop shows in one order. I put an example for you to understand what I am wanting to do.

Product A -> Carrier A

Product B -> Carrer A and Carrier B

In Prestashop, the default result of carrier options of an order wiith Product A + Product B would be showing ONLY Carrier A, but I want to show the combination of all possible carriers of all products, so the desirred result should be the 2 options: Carrier A and Carrier B. 

I know that in this case, I could add Carrier B in Product A as an option. But I dont want to show Carrier B if only the Product A is going to be ordered.
I am using Prestashop 1.7. Can be solved in a simple way?


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You should set for both the same range and select "out of range behavior" = Apply the cost of highest defined range FOR BOTH/ALL carriers. If you don't want to show one carrier then select "Disable". These are the only possibilities you have there. Prestashop shows all carriers or only one carrier if this is added for one product. To have a fine-tuning you better work with weight ranges instead of price ranges. In this case if the cart has a weight over x than only the carriers with that range will be shown. For price ranges it is same, but fine-tuning not so good.

After make changes on that, delete smarty cache on tab "Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> clear cache" and clear also browser cache before you try again.



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thanks for your answer, I have configured as you say, but its not working the way we want. In the example above, having configured:

Product A -> Carrier A

Product B -> Carrer A and Carrier B

Te options shown by default would be only Carrier A, as is the only option coincident in them both. What I want is showing all Carriers from all products, en the example, Carrier A and Carrier B. As I said in the topic, I know this can be done by adding Carrier B in Product A, but I dont want that if only Product A is chosen, Carrier B is shown.


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