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[Build] PrestaShop Core Weekly - Week 41 of 2019


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This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase from Monday 07th to Sunday 13th of October 2019.

Core Weekly banner

A quick update about PrestaShop’s GitHub issues and pull requests:

Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch


Back office

Front office



Code changes in the ‘1.7.6.x’ branch (for


Back office


Code changes in modules, themes & tools



Changes in developer documentation

  • #380: Slight grammar adjustments and version updates. Thank you @NathanGiesbrecht
  • #379: Reorganize contribute section, explain how to contribute with localhost, by @matks
  • #376: Fixed spelling and grammatical errors. Thank you @pfortune
  • #375: Fixed spelling and grammatical mistakes. Thank you @pfortune
  • #374: Fixed spelling mistake. Thank you @pfortune
  • #372: Fixed spelling mistakes. Thank you @pfortune
  • #371: Removed unnecessary word. Thank you @pfortune
  • #370: Fixed grammatical and spelling mistakes. Thank you @pfortune
  • #369: Activate a language in Prestashop : Review from @LouiseBonnard, by @Progi1984
  • #256: Adds documentation about value objects. Thank you @sarjon

PrestaShop Specifications



  • #11: klarnafooter.tpl: Fix exception when disabling footer display in kcov3.. Thank you @Perfecticus

Faceted search module



Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @Quetzacoalt91, @PierreRambaud, @davidglezz, @PierreRambaud, @matthieu-rolland, @NathanGiesbrecht, @PierreRambaud, @samuel-pires, @jolelievre, @samuel-pires, @matks, @samuel-pires, @matthieu-rolland, @eternoendless, @davidglezz, @boubkerbribri, @Perfecticus, @samuel-pires, @PierreRambaud, @jolelievre, @PierreRambaud, @PierreRambaud, @matks, @matks, @JevgenijVisockij, @PierreRambaud, @PierreRambaud, @matthieu-rolland, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @pfortune, @djodjo3, @Progi1984, @zuk3975, @tomas862, @Seleda, @Quetzacoalt91, @PierreRambaud, @PululuK, @PierreRambaud, @matks, @matks, @lfourreau, @FlorentinGarnier, @Progi1984, @matthieu-rolland, @matthieu-rolland, @sarjon, @RaimondasSapola, @zuk3975, @GCDeveloper, @sarjon!

Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with issues and comments on GitHub!

If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:

…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use GitHub to report an issue. Thank you!

Happy contributin’ everyone!

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