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Total Price in Order Confirmation doesn't show


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Hi everyone;

I already spent a couple of days just to try to figure it out where the issue is. I'm still learning PS ( and correcting some little customisations into the .tpl files.

Besides, I already made connections with Send2Cloud and Stripe and made a complete test where everything worked fine except the "Order Confirmation" page after the confirmation of the payment. 

As you can see in the file attached (screenshoot) the TOTAL value is equal to Zero. All other values are present.

I can't go LIVE if this issue is not corrected.

So far, I have tried to declared a variable "$TotalAmount" in smarty into ... /controllers/front/OrderConfirmationController.php and try to use it on ...  /themes/classic/templates/checkout/order-confirmation.tpl. ... However, I haven't succeed and no idea where the issue is? or if I'm using the correct code.

I would appreciate your experience and support to correct this issue on my shop. 

I don't know what else I can give you to better understand the problem but just let me know.

Thanks in advance.


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