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Errore 500 server x Tema installato su Prestashop versione


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Salve a tutti e perdonatemi se vi disturbo ma sono disperato perchè dopo settimane di duro lavoro per creare un ecommerce e cercare di farmi due soldi benedetti , mi è capitato un casimo installando un tema che mi ha incasinato tutto dandomi errore server 500 e quindi se voglio tornare al vecchio tema che era stabile non mi fa tornare perchè appena carico un altro tema esce una pagina bianca con scritto errore server 500 questo che scrivo sotto:

( The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.)

Vi prego datemi una mano perchè non mi fa nemmeno caricare i moduli niente rimango bloccato ne posso caricare altri temi che da sempre questo errore e sono disperato perchè dopo che ogni giorno e ogni notte per un cavolo di tema che magari mi sembrava meglio ,mi ha creato questo casino .Ripeto non posso cambiare tema ne posso andare alla pagina dei moduli che mi da lo stesso errore e quindi l'unica cosa che ho potuto fare e mettere lo store offline .

Vi prego se potete aiutatemi perchè sono disperato credetemi.

Vi ringrazio e scusate ancora se ho disturbato.

Buona giornata a tutti voi😥

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2 hours ago, intoccabili66 said:

be....puoi darmi dello stolto ma questa volta non lo fatta .Ma riusciamo a fare qualcosa?

Cosa vuole che le dica? Se sá mettere la mani sul server con ftp attivi la modalitá debug per capire cosa sta causando l'errore 500 perché questo é un'errore generico che stá semplicemente a dire che qualcosa non vá....quindi dopo aver attivato il debug veda quali messaggi sputa fuori la piattaforma.

per tanto nel file defines.inc.php cambi in true il valore false:

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);


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Ecco qui sotto , cosa mi da quando attivo la funzione per farmi capire cosa non sta andando bene se provo a cambiarli il tema levando questo tema del cavolo e rimettendoli il tema che aveva prima e che non mi dava problemi......

Type error: Argument 3 passed to LinkBlockRepository::__construct() must be an instance of PrestaShopBundle\Translation\TranslatorComponent, instance of PrestaShopBundle\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator given, called in /var/www/virtual/elektromatik.it/htdocs/modules/ps_linklist/ps_linklist.php on line 65


in modules/ps_linklist/src/LinkBlockRepository.php (line 12)

    private $db;

    private $shop;

    private $db_prefix;

    private $translator;

    public function __construct(Db $db, Shop $shop, Translator $translator)


        $this->db = $db;

        $this->shop = $shop;

        $this->db_prefix = $db->getPrefix();

        $this->translator = $translator;

LinkBlockRepository->__construct(object(DbPDO), object(Shop), object(DataCollectorTranslator))in modules/ps_linklist/ps_linklist.php (line 65)

        $this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_);

        $this->templateFile = 'module:ps_linklist/views/templates/hook/linkblock.tpl';

        $this->linkBlockPresenter = new LinkBlockPresenter(new Link(), $this->context->language);

        $this->linkBlockRepository = new LinkBlockRepository(Db::getInstance(), $this->context->shop, $this->context->getTranslator());


    public function install()


        return parent::install()


ReflectionClass->newInstance()in src/Core/Foundation/IoC/Container.php (line 131)

        if (count($args) > 0) {

            return $refl->newInstanceArgs($args);

        } else {

            // newInstanceArgs with empty array fails in PHP 5.3 when the class

            // doesn't have an explicitly defined constructor

            return $refl->newInstance();



    private function doMake($serviceName, array $alreadySeen = array())


Container->makeInstanceFromClassName('ps_linklist', array('ps_linklist' => true))in src/Core/Foundation/IoC/Container.php (line 164)

            } elseif (!is_string($constructor)) {

                // user already provided the value, no need to construct it.

                $service = $constructor;

            } else {

                // assume the $constructor is a class name

                $service = $this->makeInstanceFromClassName($constructor, $alreadySeen);


            if ($binding['shared']) {

                $this->instances[$serviceName] = $service;


Container->doMake('ps_linklist', array('ps_linklist' => true))in src/Core/Foundation/IoC/Container.php (line 177)



    public function make($serviceName)


        return $this->doMake($serviceName, array());



Container->make('ps_linklist')in src/Adapter/ServiceLocator.php (line 65)


        if (empty(self::$service_container) || null === self::$service_container) {

            throw new CoreException('Service container is not set.');


        return self::$service_container->make($serviceName);



ServiceLocator::get('ps_linklist')in classes/module/Module.php (line 1141)

                $r = self::$_INSTANCE[$module_name] = ServiceLocator::get($override);



        if (!$r && class_exists($module_name, false)) {

            $r = self::$_INSTANCE[$module_name] = ServiceLocator::get($module_name);


        return $r;


ModuleCore::coreLoadModule('ps_linklist')in classes/module/Module.php (line 1120)

        if (!isset(self::$_INSTANCE[$module_name])) {

            if (!Tools::file_exists_no_cache(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $module_name . '/' . $module_name . '.php')) {

                return false;


            return Module::coreLoadModule($module_name);


        return self::$_INSTANCE[$module_name];


ModuleCore::getInstanceByName('ps_linklist')in src/Core/Addon/Module/ModuleRepository.php (line 480)


            $main_class_attributes = array();

            if (!$skip_main_class_attributes && $this->moduleProvider->isModuleMainClassValid($name)) {

                // We load the main class of the module, and get its properties

                $tmp_module = LegacyModule::getInstanceByName($name);

                foreach (array('warning', 'name', 'tab', 'displayName', 'description', 'author', 'author_address',

                    'limited_countries', 'need_instance', 'confirmUninstall', ) as $data_to_get) {

                    if (isset($tmp_module->{$data_to_get})) {

                        $main_class_attributes[$data_to_get] = $tmp_module->{$data_to_get};


ModuleRepository->getModule('ps_linklist')in src/Core/Addon/Module/ModuleManager.php (line 428)




        $module = $this->moduleRepository->getModule($name);

        try {

            $result = $module->onDisable();

        } catch (Exception $e) {

            throw new Exception(

ModuleManager->disable('ps_linklist')in src/Core/Addon/Theme/ThemeManager.php (line 324)

        $moduleManagerBuilder = ModuleManagerBuilder::getInstance();

        $moduleManager = $moduleManagerBuilder->build();

        foreach ($modules as $key => $moduleName) {

            if ($moduleManager->isInstalled($moduleName) && $moduleManager->isEnabled($moduleName)) {




        return $this;


ThemeManager->doDisableModules(array('ps_socialfollow', 'ps_contactinfo', 'ps_linklist', 'ps_searchbar', 'ps_categoryproducts', 'ps_emailsubscription', 'productcomments', 'posmegamenu', 'posslideshows', 'posstaticblocks', 'posstaticfooter', 'posbestsellers', 'postabproductslider', 'posinstagramblock', 'xipblog', 'xipblogdisplayposts'))in src/Core/Addon/Theme/ThemeManager.php (line 253)

    public function disable($name)


        $theme = $this->themeRepository->getInstanceByName($name);



        @unlink($this->appConfiguration->get('_PS_CONFIG_DIR_') . 'themes/' . $name . '/shop' . $this->shop->id . '.json');

        return true;


ThemeManager->disable('theme_mirora1')in src/Core/Addon/Theme/ThemeManager.php (line 221)

        $theme = $this->themeRepository->getInstanceByName($name);

        if (!$this->themeValidator->isValid($theme)) {

            return false;



        $this->doCreateCustomHooks($theme->get('global_settings.hooks.custom_hooks', array()))

                ->doApplyConfiguration($theme->get('global_settings.configuration', array()))

                ->doDisableModules($theme->get('global_settings.modules.to_disable', array()))


ThemeManager->enable('wt_omartsimple')in src/Core/Domain/Theme/CommandHandler/EnableThemeHandler.php (line 87)



        $plainThemeName = $command->getThemeName()->getValue();

        if (!$this->themeManager->enable($plainThemeName)) {

            $errors = $this->themeManager->getErrors($plainThemeName);

            if (is_array($errors)) {

                $error = reset($errors);

            } elseif ($errors) {

EnableThemeHandler->handle(object(EnableThemeCommand))in vendor/league/tactician/src/Handler/CommandHandlerMiddleware.php (line 71)


                "Method '{$methodName}' does not exist on handler"



        return $handler->{$methodName}($command);



CommandHandlerMiddleware->execute(object(EnableThemeCommand), object(Closure))in vendor/league/tactician/src/CommandBus.php (line 62)

            if (! $middleware instanceof Middleware) {

                throw InvalidMiddlewareException::forMiddleware($middleware);


            $lastCallable = function ($command) use ($middleware, $lastCallable) {

                return $middleware->execute($command, $lastCallable);



        return $lastCallable;


CommandBus->League\Tactician\{closure}(object(EnableThemeCommand))in vendor/league/tactician/src/CommandBus.php (line 42)

        if (!is_object($command)) {

            throw InvalidCommandException::forUnknownValue($command);


        $middlewareChain = $this->middlewareChain;

        return $middlewareChain($command);



     * @param Middleware[] $middlewareList


CommandBus->handle(object(EnableThemeCommand))in src/Core/CommandBus/TacticianCommandBusAdapter.php (line 54)


     * {@inheritdoc}


    public function handle($command)


        return $this->bus->handle($command);



TacticianCommandBusAdapter->handle(object(EnableThemeCommand))in src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Improve/Design/ThemeController.php (line 273)

     * @return RedirectResponse


    public function enableAction($themeName)


        try {

            $this->getCommandBus()->handle(new EnableThemeCommand(new ThemeName($themeName)));

            $this->addFlash('success', $this->trans('Successful update.', 'Admin.Notifications.Success'));

        } catch (ThemeException $e) {




ThemeController->enableAction('wt_omartsimple')in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php (line 151)

        $this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS, $event);

        $controller = $event->getController();

        $arguments = $event->getArguments();

        // call controller

        $response = \call_user_func_array($controller, $arguments);

        // view

        if (!$response instanceof Response) {

            $event = new GetResponseForControllerResultEvent($this, $request, $type, $response);

            $this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::VIEW, $event);

HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php (line 68)

    public function handle(Request $request, $type = HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, $catch = true)


        $request->headers->set('X-Php-Ob-Level', ob_get_level());

        try {

            return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);

        } catch (\Exception $e) {

            if ($e instanceof RequestExceptionInterface) {

                $e = new BadRequestHttpException($e->getMessage(), $e);


            if (false === $catch) {

HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php (line 200)



        $this->resetServices = true;

        try {

            return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);

        } finally {




Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false)in admin05736xyju/index.php (line 86)

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

Request::setTrustedProxies([], Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL);

try {

    require_once __DIR__.'/../autoload.php';

    $response = $kernel->handle($request, HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, false);


    $kernel->terminate($request, $response);

} catch (NotFoundHttpException $exception) {

    define('ADMIN_LEGACY_CONTEXT', true);

    // correct Apache charset (except if it's too late)

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Mentre il file log sono questi:

DEBUG00:37:42doctrineSELECT name FROM ps_module WHERE active = 1

INFO00:37:43requestMatched route "admin_themes_enable".

DEBUG00:37:43securityRead existing security token from the session.

DEBUG00:37:43securityUser was reloaded from a user provider.

INFO00:37:43phpUser Deprecated: prestashop.adapter.legacy_db service is deprecated and will be removed in 1.8.

INFO00:37:43phpUser Deprecated: Duplicate key "width" detected whilst parsing YAML. Silent handling of duplicate mapping keys in YAML is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will throw \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException in 4.0 on line 142.

CRITICAL00:37:43phpType error: Argument 3 passed to LinkBlockRepository::__construct() must be an instance of PrestaShopBundle\Translation\TranslatorComponent, instance of PrestaShopBundle\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator given, called in /var/www/virtual/elektromatik.it/htdocs/modules/ps_linklist/ps_linklist.php on line 65

INFO00:37:43phpUser Deprecated: Implementing "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DataCollectorInterface" without the "reset()" method is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and will be unsupported in 4.0 for class "Csa\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\DataCollector\GuzzleCollector".

CRITICAL00:37:43requestUncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: "Type error: Argument 3 passed to LinkBlockRepository::__construct() must be an instance of PrestaShopBundle\Translation\TranslatorComponent, instance of PrestaShopBundle\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator given, called in /var/www/virtual/elektromatik.it/htdocs/modules/ps_linklist/ps_linklist.php on line 65" at /var/www/virtual/elektromatik.it/htdocs/modules/ps_linklist/src/LinkBlockRepository.php line 12


Ripeto ringrazio a tutti perchè primo farò un backup del tema e di tutto il resto per eventuali errori futuri e secondo perchè mi date una mano in quanto sto lavorando e cercando con poco , di guadagnarmi due soldi onestamente.Gli errori capitano a tutti lìimportante e aiutarsi senza dar peso molto all'errore commesso , Quando non sei esperto di programmazione o non sai cosa combini ,sarebbe sempre meglio non toccare , ma volevo solo provare a cambiarli il tema per renderlo più carino.GRAZIE GRAZIE A TUTTI CREDETEMI MI RIDATE UN POCHINO DI SPERANZA.

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