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Product image Optimize Upload Change Replace Substitute 1.7.6


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I'm looking for a way to easily substitute/directly upload the Original, large_default and medium_default product images generated by prestashop with images that I optimized manually. I would buy a module that can accomplish this.

Prestashop image generation engine is crap. A compression setting below 90 is visibly inadequate, and at 90 the resulting file size is too big. I optimize my own images and they are cropped to exactly the right dimensions. When I upload them prestashop generates images that are larger in data size and worse in quality. In previous prestashop versions I knew where the image files were stored in the file system, and would manually replace them via FTP. In PS 1.7.6 I can't figure out where the images are for each product.

I don't want to use an image optimization module. My images were already optimized. I want PS to simply not mess with my original image in the first place, or the ability to replace the images easily.

Edited by Dan1 (see edit history)
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