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Paypal Module error - ps_paypal_order doesn't exist


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Hello, everyone,

(I don't know if this is the good section so, I apologize if is not)

I've just installed the PayPal payments module, connected the account, made a purchase - everything good till here.

The problem is, when I'm trying to see the order details in the backend I get this error:

Table 'ps_paypal_order' doesn't exist

I assume the module should create some tables in the database but looks like that's not the case here. Can someone give me the dumps or data structure(so I can create them myself) for the module's tables ? (Or a solution/idea, if any)


Thank you

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On 9/26/2019 at 1:14 PM, marinelc said:

Hello, everyone,

(I don't know if this is the good section so, I apologize if is not)

I've just installed the PayPal payments module, connected the account, made a purchase - everything good till here.

The problem is, when I'm trying to see the order details in the backend I get this error:

Table 'ps_paypal_order' doesn't exist

I assume the module should create some tables in the database but looks like that's not the case here. Can someone give me the dumps or data structure(so I can create them myself) for the module's tables ? (Or a solution/idea, if any)


Thank you

Hello, i have the same problem, did you find a solution?

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On 10/4/2019 at 1:35 PM, Razi said:

Hello you need to follow these steps and View the result of Query.
If result show This "SQL query has no result." means module was not installed perfect you need to reinstall



Thanks for feedback, mate, but I've already tried this.

Also, you don't have to use the sql manager to see the tables, you can just create a SSH tunnel(is running on google cloud, i'm using presta certified by bitnami) and connect straight to phpmyadmin to see everything.


Edited by marinelc (see edit history)
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On 10/4/2019 at 8:18 AM, banton said:

Hello, i have the same problem, did you find a solution?

Sorry, mate, not yet. I was thinking to read the module's files and try to reverse the tables and create them myself. I'll wait a few more days to see if I find another solution.

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  • 1 month later...


I have exactly the same problem. Does anybody found out the solution yet?


In debug mode during installation it reports that it failed to write to database with this command.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_paypal_capture` (`id_paypal_capture` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_capture` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `id_paypal_order` INT(10) SIGNED NOT NULL, `capture_amount` DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL, `result` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `date_add` DATETIME NOT NULL, `date_upd` DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_paypal_capture`)) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=DEFAULT;

Edited by Tomas Z (see edit history)
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you have to edit DbTable.php in the installation zip file before installing. You can download installation file from prestashop addons website. See picture for full filepath and what to remove. The problem was with the part "COLLATE=DEFAULT" mentioned in previous post, which was not recognized by my database version MySQL 8.0. I have some information that the best databases to use with prestashop are 5.6 or 10.1. 


After removing part shown in the picture, the module installs correctly and the tables in database are also correctly created.




Edited by Tomas Z (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

I've made an upgrade of Prestashop ( to and when I've downloaded the module Paypal, it's no more possible to see the orders and to download invoices in the back-office or to make an order if the Paypal module is installed.
Can you help me ?

Additional information
PrestaShop version:
PHP version: 7.2


PS the solution above doesn't work






Edited by shana0780 (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...
On 11/20/2019 at 9:21 AM, Tomas Z said:


you have to edit DbTable.php in the installation zip file before installing. You can download installation file from prestashop addons website. See picture for full filepath and what to remove. The problem was with the part "COLLATE=DEFAULT" mentioned in previous post, which was not recognized by my database version MySQL 8.0. I have some information that the best databases to use with prestashop are 5.6 or 10.1. 


After removing part shown in the picture, the module installs correctly and the tables in database are also correctly created.




Thanks Thomas, worked perfect vor me upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7  maybe good to say that you first have to delete all existing ps_paypal_..  ( see image) tables from your excisting database and make the changes inside the zip file!


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  • 1 month later...

Hola badi3, yo ya tenía un modulo de paypal con la version de prestashop 1.6 ahora con la versión 1.7 he comprado otro módulo, pero me sale el error al final del proceso que habéis comentado. He modificado el zip pero sigue apareciendo.

Me falta eliminar las tablas ps_paypal_... que tengo, pero tengo miedo que al eliminarlar, los clientes que pagaron por paypal anteriormente les desaparezca de la factura. o que tenga algun problema. Es seguro eliminar estas tablas?

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  • 1 month later...

I've had the same problem with my prestashop + mysql 8.0.18-9 + PHP: 7.2.28

I've created manually the table taking the structures from another prestashop 1.7.x installation.
I've created this table:

  • ps_paypal_order
  • ps_paypal_capture
  • ps_paypal_ipn
  • ps_paypal_processlogger
  • ps_paypal_vaulting

Did I forget any db tables?

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