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Choose subcategory visibility for a customer group


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Hello everyone,

I have a problem regarding categories and groups of customers. In a "Pack" category, I want to display two products (1 and 2): product 1 for a customer group (A) and the other product (2) for another customer group (B). Group A should not visualize product 2 and Group B should not see product 1. Only a product must be visible when the customer clicks on the "Pack" category.

When I set up Product 1, I only associate the category "Category for Group A", which is a sub-category of "Pack". In the same way, I associate only the category "Category for group B", which is a subcategory of "Pack" for product 2. The category "Category for group A" is only visible by customer group A, and in the same way "Category for Group B" is only visible for Group B. The category "Pack" is visible to both groups. I do not associate the category "Pack" with both products, otherwise both groups will see the two products.

However, neither group views a product when I am on the category page "Pack". It would seem that the products associated with one of the subcategories are not displayed if the product is not associated with the parent category (here "Pack").

Do you have a solution (or advices) to this problem?

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