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no tax after order


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  • 1 month later...

You need to add tax details in:

International > Taxes

Add your tax rate(s) there, and then add them to a tax rule. The tax rule calculates and adds them to the order based on the customer's address. You also need to select "Display tax in the shopping cart" on the main taxes page for taxes to calculate. (You stated that it shows up in the cart, so that last part is for lurkers.)


There's a possibility that the tax rule isn't set up properly, such as if the order was placed in Belgium, but the tax rule only has one country listed as a taxable location. You need to add every taxable location in the tax rule in order for it to be taxed after the person adds their address.

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  • 1 month later...

We have an issue where taxes are defaulting before customer log in... is that normal prestashop behaviour?  After the customer logs in the tax rule adjusts the taxes showing based on their address... but it's confusing for customers before hand.

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