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Add Elements to my Menu - Ajouter Catégories sur MENU


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Hi everyone, 

I have been adding sub-categories to my main menu categories but they won't appear. And with time there are going to be more subcategories as we allow "special curation" from third parties on our marketplace. 


The AS SEEN ON and PAUSE Curation were added by me and below is what my actual menu looks like as you can see no new categories are seen after SHOES.1840262022_ScreenShot2019-09-02at10_36_55AM.thumb.png.ab3725e5756c7d7d51349309c06e48c8.png

If you have any insight would be great.

I would like as well to add a special PAUSE Curation block on my homepage. 

Would you please help?

Thank you,


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