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Can't enable invoice in back office prestashop


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After updating my store for new language, and some translationadded i found  after few days issue with orders details, customer can't generate invoice, and latest orders are  without invoice. After 2 days searching solution i still can't fix that. when you press enable invoice in back office and saving nothing happen. after refreshing back office that  still is disable. checking  database i found in ps_configuration  table invoice with status 0 or 1 active or disabled. i can change that manually and invoice tables are generated but still in back office I don't see that invoice in order details. Latest translation was disabled for testing, all non prestashop modules as well, force compilation, cleared cache and nothing, define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true) activated and no error available; still cant  enable that options. all was fine for last 5 years. store updated for testing as well to latest version and still the same, cant enable that function.


Any idea how to fix that??

Edited by zabamich (see edit history)
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