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  1. Past hour
  2. Select all image for the main combination is not a good solution, because when user changes combination I have the same problem (pretashop show to user only the image associated to combination selected) and if I select all images in all combinations the image is not changed for each selected combination.
  3. Già fatto, il problema è proprio quello: se imposti l'immagine per singola variante, accedendo alla scheda prodotto, prestashop ti fa vedere solo l'immagine impostata per la variante principale e non mostra tutte le immagini del prodotto. In sostanza, gli utenti accedendo alla scheda prodotto non vedono tutte le immagini inserite nel prodotto, ma vedono solo quelle impostate nelle varianti.
  4. Già fatto, il problema è proprio quello: se imposti l'immagine per singola variante, accedendo alla scheda prodotto, prestashop ti fa vedere solo l'immagine impostata per la variante principale e non mostra tutte le immagini del prodotto. In sostanza, gli utenti accedendo alla scheda prodotto non vedono tutte le immagini inserite nel prodotto, ma vedono solo quelle impostate nelle varianti.
  5. Si la cache l'ho svuotata e cercato di visualizzare con altri browser e niente Per quanto riguarda il filesystem dove posso visualizzare?
  6. Hello everyone, I ask for your help in solving my problem, which has been plaguing me for months now. From mobile the site is really slow, using Google devtools there are two JS and CSS files in the cache which significantly slow down the page (not used). Obviously they are related to each other, so I can't eliminate them. How can I solve the problem? A thousand thanks
  7. Today
  8. Ce n'est pas une bonne solution, car lorsque l'utilisateur change de combinaison, j'ai le même problème et si je sélectionne toutes les images dans toutes les combinaisons, l'image n'est pas modifiée pour chaque combinaison sélectionnée.
  9. Ciao, la prima cosa che puoi fare è cancellare la cache (directory var/cache) Dall'errore sembra che non trovi la classe "Link". Sicuro che i file siano corretti sul filesystem ?
  10. Alcune mie clienti, oltre a mille altri errori...riscontrano un errore durate il reset della password. Nonostante lo clicchino solo una volta viene un messaggio con scritto "PUOI RIGENERARE LA TUA PASSWORD SOLO OGNI 360 MINUTI" con screen allegato
  11. Hello, I made some small changes in my module and now I can`t see any of possibility changing my module like I can`t uninstall or install it or configure This code for the module <?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); include_once(__DIR__ . '/Ps_IntroSlider.php'); if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } $autoloadPath = __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; if (file_exists($autoloadPath)) { require_once $autoloadPath; } use introslider\Controller\AdminIntrosliderController; use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\SymfonyContainer; use introslider\Ps_IntroSlider; class introslider extends Module { protected $_html = ''; protected $default_width = 779; protected $default_speed = 5000; protected $default_pause_on_hover = 1; protected $default_wrap = 1; protected $templateFile; public function __construct() { $this->name = 'introslider'; $this->tab = 'front_new_office_features'; $this->version = '1.0.0'; $this->author = 'HIC'; $this->need_instance = 0; $this->secure_key = Tools::encrypt($this->name); $this->bootstrap = true; $this->ps_versions_compliancy = [ 'min' => '1.6', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_, ]; $this->bootstrap = true; parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->getTranslator()->trans('Intro slider', array(), 'Modules.Introslider.Admin'); $this->description = $this->l('Add new splash screen and product slides for mobile.'); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to uninstall?'); if (!Configuration::get('introslider')) { $this->warning = $this->l('No name provided'); } $tabNames = []; foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { $tabNames[$lang['locale']] = $this->trans('Introslider Admin', [], 'Modules.Introslider.Admin', $lang['locale']); } $this->tab_class = array( 'AdminIntrosliderModule' => array( 'id_parent' => 0, 'label' => $this->l('Introslider'), 'icon' => 'false' ), 'AdminIntroslider' => array( 'id_parent' => Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminIntroslider'), 'label' => $this->l('Introslider list'), 'icon' => 'false' ) ); } public function install() { /* Adds Module */ if (parent::install() && $this->registerHook('displayHeader') && $this->registerHook('displayHome') && $this->registerHook('actionShopDataDuplication') ) { $shops = Shop::getContextListShopID(); $shop_groups_list = array(); /* Setup each shop */ foreach ($shops as $shop_id) { $shop_group_id = (int)Shop::getGroupFromShop($shop_id, true); if (!in_array($shop_group_id, $shop_groups_list)) { $shop_groups_list[] = $shop_group_id; } /* Sets up configuration */ $res = Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_SPEED', $this->default_speed, false, $shop_group_id, $shop_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER', $this->default_pause_on_hover, false, $shop_group_id, $shop_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_WRAP', $this->default_wrap, false, $shop_group_id, $shop_id); } /* Sets up Shop Group configuration */ if (count($shop_groups_list)) { foreach ($shop_groups_list as $shop_group_id) { $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_SPEED', $this->default_speed, false, $shop_group_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER', $this->default_pause_on_hover, false, $shop_group_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_WRAP', $this->default_wrap, false, $shop_group_id); } } /* Sets up Global configuration */ $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_SPEED', $this->default_speed); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER', $this->default_pause_on_hover); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_WRAP', $this->default_wrap); /* Creates tables */ $res = $this->createTables(); return (bool)$res; } return false; } public function uninstall() { return ( parent::uninstall() && Configuration::deleteByName('INTROSLIDER_SPEED') && Configuration::deleteByName('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER') && Configuration::deleteByName('INTROSLIDER_WRAP') ); } private function manuallyInstallTab() { $res = true; $id_parent = 0; foreach ($this->tab_class as $class => $value){ $tab = new Tab(); $tab->class_name = $class; $tab->id_parent = $id_parent; $tab->module = $this->name; $tab->name[(int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')] = $value['label']; if (true == Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') && $value['icon']) { $tab->icon = $value['icon']; } $res &= $tab->add(); if (!$id_parent) { $id_parent = (int)$tab->id; } } return $res; } private function uninstallTab() { $res = true; foreach (array_keys($this->tab_class) as $class) { $idTab = Tab::getIdFromClassName($class); if ($idTab != 0) { $tab = new Tab($idTab); $res &= $tab->delete(); } } return $res; }
  12. Buongiorno Stamattina ho riscontrato questo errore in una installazione prestashop Ho attivato il debug e mi esce la seguente segnalazione ps: ho censurato il nome del sito
  13. Check your data in the ps_category_product table. You may find rows with id_category value = 0. Deleting these rows with DELETE FROM ps_category_product WHERE id_category = '0' can fix the issue.
  14. Check your data in the ps_category_product table. You may find rows with id_category value = 0. Deleting these rows with DELETE FROM ps_category_product WHERE id_category = '0' can fix the issue.
  15. Buenos días, tengo el problema de que tengo un montón de artículos en el blog de mi tienda, el blog es EverBlog, pero este no es compatible con Elementor, y por consiguiente la cabecera que he diseñado para la tienda no funciona en las páginas del blog... ¿Alguien sabe la manera de exportar todos los datos de EverBlog a otro blog que sea compatible con Elementor? Un saludo y gracias por su ayuda. Al Sampedro, Webmaster de cacetines.com
  16. Thanks! I keep forgetting there are tabs in the pages of the Settings! (I wish the tabs never existed haha.) In PS 8.1 I went to Shop Parameters -> Order Settings -> Statues Tab and changed the email up settings for Shipped.
  17. Yesterday
  18. Saludos de nuevo. Le estoy dando vueltas, no escuentro una solució. Según he leido, la funcion que causa el error es "idn_to_ascii" que no la encuentra. Esta funció lo que tendria que hacer es analizar el texto de la dirección electronica para comprovar que no contiene ningún caracter que no se pueda usar en la dirección email. (acentos, simbolos. . .) Me ha pasado por la cabeza que puedo sencillamente anularla, haciendo lo siguiente: Linea actual correcta: in classes\Mail.php (line 901)--> " return $address[0] . '@' . idn_to_ascii($address[1]); " La cambio y lo dejo así. " return $address[0] . '@' . ($address[1]); " Que alguien me diga en que puede afectar este cambio en el funcionamiento general de la web. A parte de que si alguien pone un carácter no permitido en su dirección email, no será detectado y seguramente dará un error. ¿se bloqueara la web? ¿Puede crear un problema superior? ¿Hay alguna alternativa a esta función? Saludos.
  19. Hi In the image you are showing that wont change. The ones with magnifying glasses with a plus symbol in them just denote that there are subcategories within those categories, clicking the magnifying glass will open them up for you to edit/delete/activate. If you do not have any subcategories in AR Pistols then it will only ever show the Edit option. Regards S
  20. Bonjour, Savez-vous s'il est possible de paramétrer Wishlist block (module natif gratuit) sur un PS 1.7 pour que le cœur de sélection apparaisse uniquement sur la fiche produit et pas sur les listes de catégories par exemple Merci par avance pour votre partage d'expérience ! Sébastien
  21. Bonjour à tous, j'ai un problème uniquement avec la barre de recherche (theme-enfant du theme par défaut) en mode debug. En mode normal tout se passe bien... Je n'arrive pas à identifier le problème. Quand il est activé (debug), si je fais une recherche ça m'affiche une liste de résultats vides de caractères et quand je clique dessus j'ai ce warning : (1/1) ContextErrorException Notice: Undefined index: category in 0cb7e44b487bf92db169a82bcefdf1c2112122ef_2.file.products.tpl.php line 41 Je vous joins des screenshot surement plus parlants. Vous auriez une idée d'où cela pourrait venir ? PI PS & PHP 7.3. Merci par avance pour d'éventuelles solutions, pistes
  22. Yes right, I increased PHP memory_limit to 1024M. But the problem still occurs.
  23. Hi PS members, since several weeks I'm facing a Google error while testing my web pages at search console. I get an "uncategorized error": "JSON-LD Missing '}' or object member name." Even if my knoledges are quite low on coding, structure looks ok so I totally don't understand the error. May somebody else experience the same problem too? or is just my own problem related to some editing? Here a link: https://yakay.it/varie-giocattoli/9221-magica-specchiera-toys-garden-8007632272432.html Thanks in advance for your time, Marcello
  24. PHP Memory is allocated via php.ini of the PHP you are using. It needs to be raised manually.
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