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  2. he visto que sí parece haver un override en de link en el archivo original existe esta función: public function getLanguageLink($idLang, Context $context = null) { if (!$context) { $context = Context::getContext(); } $params = $_GET; unset($params['isolang'], $params['controller']); if (!$this->allow) { $params['id_lang'] = $idLang; } else { unset($params['id_lang']); } $controller = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController(); if (!empty($context->controller->php_self)) { $controller = $context->controller->php_self; } if ($controller == 'product' && isset($params['id_product'])) { return $this->getProductLink((int) $params['id_product'], null, null, null, (int) $idLang); } elseif ($controller == 'category' && isset($params['id_category'])) { return $this->getCategoryLink((int) $params['id_category'], null, (int) $idLang); } elseif ($controller == 'supplier' && isset($params['id_supplier'])) { return $this->getSupplierLink((int) $params['id_supplier'], null, (int) $idLang); } elseif ($controller == 'manufacturer' && isset($params['id_manufacturer'])) { return $this->getManufacturerLink((int) $params['id_manufacturer'], null, (int) $idLang); } elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['id_cms'])) { return $this->getCMSLink(new CMS((int) $params['id_cms']), null, null, (int) $idLang); } elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['id_cms_category'])) { return $this->getCMSCategoryLink(new CMSCategory((int) $params['id_cms_category']), null, (int) $idLang); } elseif (isset($params['fc']) && $params['fc'] == 'module') { $module = Validate::isModuleName(Tools::getValue('module')) ? Tools::getValue('module') : ''; if (!empty($module)) { unset($params['fc'], $params['module']); return $this->getModuleLink($module, $controller, $params, null, (int) $idLang); } } return $this->getPageLink($controller, null, $idLang, $params); } y en el override la función es de esta manera: public function getLanguageLink($id_lang, Context $context = null) { if (!$context) { $context = Context::getContext(); } $params = $_GET; unset($params['isolang'], $params['controller']); if (!$this->allow) { $params['id_lang'] = $id_lang; } else { unset($params['id_lang']); } $controller = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController(); if (!empty(Context::getContext()->controller->php_self)) { $controller = Context::getContext()->controller->php_self; } $def_page = (int)$this->checkKeyExistance($controller); if ($controller == 'manufacturer') { $manuf_uri = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $manuf_end = end($manuf_uri); $clearify_request = str_replace('-', ' ', $manuf_end); $manu_existance = (int)$this->getKeyExistanceManuf($clearify_request); if ($manu_existance > 0) { $params['id_manufacturer'] = $manu_existance; } } elseif ($controller == 'supplier') { $supp_uri = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $supp_end = end($supp_uri); $clearify_request = str_replace('-', ' ', $supp_end); $supp_existance = (int)$this->getKeyExistanceSup($clearify_request); if ($supp_existance > 0) { $params['id_supplier'] = $supp_existance; } } elseif ($controller == 'category' && isset($params['category_rewrite']) && empty($params['category_rewrite'])) { $this->request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (preg_match('/\?/', $this->request_uri)) { $uri_split_w_q = explode('/', $this->request_uri); $uri_split_w_q = array_filter($uri_split_w_q); $uri_split_w_q = end($uri_split_w_q); $uri_split_w_q = explode('?', $uri_split_w_q); $uri_split_w_q = $uri_split_w_q[0]; $_id = (int)$this->getCategoryId($uri_split_w_q); } else { $uri_split = explode('/', $this->request_uri); $uri_split = array_filter($uri_split); $uri_split = end($uri_split); $_id = (int)$this->getCategoryId($uri_split); } if ($_id > 0) { $params['id_category'] = (int)$_id; } } elseif ($controller == 'category' && isset($params['category_rewrite']) && !empty($params['category_rewrite'])) { $allow_accented_chars = (int)Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_ACCENTED_CHARS_URL'); if ($allow_accented_chars > 0) { $id_category = (int)Tools::getValue('id_category'); if ($id_category > 0) { $params['id_category'] = $id_category; } } } elseif ($controller == 'product' && isset($params['product_rewrite']) && empty($params['product_rewrite'])) { $this->request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $uri_split = explode('/', $this->request_uri); $uri_split = array_filter($uri_split); $uri_split = end($uri_split); if (preg_match('/html/', $uri_split)) { $uri_split = str_replace('.html', '', $uri_split); } $_id = (int)$this->getProductExistance($uri_split); if ($_id > 0) { $params['id_product'] = (int)$_id; } elseif ($_id <= 0 && preg_match('/\?/', $this->request_uri)) { $_uri_with_q = explode('?', $this->request_uri); $_uri_with_q = explode('/', $_uri_with_q[0]); $_uri_with_q = end($_uri_with_q); $_id = (int)$this->getProductExistance($_uri_with_q); if ($_id > 0) { $params['id_product'] = (int)$_id; } } } elseif ($controller == 'product' && isset($params['product_rewrite']) && !empty($params['product_rewrite'])) { $allow_accented_chars = (int)Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_ACCENTED_CHARS_URL'); if ($allow_accented_chars > 0) { $id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product'); if ($id_product > 0) { $params['id_product'] = $id_product; } } } elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['cms_rewrite']) && !empty($params['cms_rewrite'])) { $allow_accented_chars = (int)Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_ACCENTED_CHARS_URL'); if ($allow_accented_chars > 0) { $id_cms = (int)Tools::getValue('id_cms'); if ($id_cms > 0) { $params['id_cms'] = $id_cms; } } } elseif ($controller == 'product' && isset($params['category_rewrite']) && !empty($params['category_rewrite'])) { $_id = (int)$this->getProductExistance($params['category_rewrite']); if ($_id > 0) { $params['id_product'] = (int)$_id; } } elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['cms_rewrite']) && empty($params['cms_rewrite'])) { $this->request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $uri_split = explode('/', $this->request_uri); $uri_split = array_filter($uri_split); $uri_split = end($uri_split); $_id = (int)$this->getKeyExistanceCMS($uri_split); if ($_id > 0) { $params['id_cms'] = (int)$_id; } elseif ($_id <= 0 && preg_match('/\?/', $this->request_uri) && isset($params['SubmitCurrency'])) { $_uri_cms_clear = explode('?', $this->request_uri); $_uri_cms_clear = explode('/', $_uri_cms_clear[0]); $_uri_cms_clear = end($_uri_cms_clear); $_id = (int)$this->getKeyExistanceCMS($_uri_cms_clear); if ($_id > 0) { $params['id_cms'] = (int)$_id; } } } if ($controller == 'supplier' && isset($params['supplier_rewrite']) && !empty($params['supplier_rewrite'])) { $allow_accented_chars = (int)Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_ACCENTED_CHARS_URL'); if ($allow_accented_chars > 0) { $id_supp = (int)Tools::getValue('id_supplier'); if ($id_supp > 0) { $params['id_supplier'] = $id_supp; } } } if ($controller == 'manufacturer' && isset($params['manufacturer_rewrite']) && !empty($params['manufacturer_rewrite'])) { $allow_accented_chars = (int)Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_ACCENTED_CHARS_URL'); if ($allow_accented_chars > 0) { $id_manufacturer = (int)Tools::getValue('id_manufacturer'); if ($id_manufacturer > 0) { $params['id_manufacturer'] = $id_manufacturer; } } } if ($controller == 'list' && isset($params['module']) && $params['module'] == 'productlookbooks') { unset($params['category_rewrite']); unset($params['product_rewrite']); } elseif ($controller == 'display' && isset($params['module']) && $params['module'] == 'productlookbooks') { unset($params['category_rewrite']); unset($params['product_rewrite']); } if ($controller == 'product' && isset($params['id_product'])) { return $this->getProductLink((int)$params['id_product'], null, null, null, (int)$id_lang); } elseif ($controller == 'category' && isset($params['id_category'])) { return $this->getCategoryLink((int)$params['id_category'], null, (int)$id_lang); } elseif ($controller == 'supplier' && isset($params['id_supplier'])) { return $this->getSupplierLink((int)$params['id_supplier'], null, (int)$id_lang); } elseif ($controller == 'manufacturer' && isset($params['id_manufacturer'])) { return $this->getManufacturerLink((int)$params['id_manufacturer'], null, (int)$id_lang); } elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['id_cms'])) { return $this->getCMSLink((int)$params['id_cms'], null, false, (int)$id_lang); } elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['id_cms_category'])) { return $this->getCMSCategoryLink((int)$params['id_cms_category'], null, (int)$id_lang); } elseif ($def_page > 0 && !isset($params['id'])) { return $this->getPageLink($controller, null, $id_lang); } elseif (isset($params['fc']) && $params['fc'] == 'module') { $module = Validate::isModuleName(Tools::getValue('module')) ? Tools::getValue('module') : ''; if (!empty($module)) { unset($params['fc'], $params['module']); return $this->getModuleLink($module, $controller, $params, null, (int)$id_lang); } } return $this->getPageLink($controller, null, $id_lang, $params); } voy a ver si encuentro algo que ande mal por aquí porque pienso que pueden ir por aquí los tiros
  3. Today
  4. 'Έχει λυθεί το θέμα για ενημέρωση order status του skr για τις παραγγελίες που γίνονται cancel/refund ?
  5. Zobacz w plikach themes/SZABLON/templates/customer/my-account.tpl stopka themes/SZABLON/modules/ps_customeraccountlinks/ps_customeraccountlinks.tpl lub modules/ps_customeraccountlinks/ps_customeraccountlinks.tpl
  6. Hello, It looks like you’re trying to dynamically change the base URL for your images when cloning your website. The issue you’re encountering where the domain name is appended incorrectly suggests there might be a concatenation problem in your PHP code. Here’s a revised version of your code snippet that should correctly change the base URL for your images: $newDomain = "https://images.firstsitedomain.com"; // Use this variable to check if the script should use the new domain $useNewDomain = true; if ($this->allow == 1 && !$notDefault) { // Check if the new domain should be used if ($useNewDomain) { $uriPath = $newDomain . '/' . $ids . ($type ? '-' . $type : '') . $theme . '/' . $name . '.jpg'; } else { // Fallback to the original path if the new domain shouldn't be used $uriPath = __PS_BASE_URI__ . $ids . ($type ? '-' . $type : '') . $theme . '/' . $name . '.jpg'; } } else { if ($useNewDomain) { $uriPath = $newDomain . _THEME_PROD_DIR_ . '/' . $ids . ($type ? '-' . $type : '') . $theme . '.jpg'; } else { $uriPath = __PS_BASE_URI__ . _THEME_PROD_DIR_ . '/' . $ids . ($type ? '-' . $type : '') . $theme . '.jpg'; } } Make sure to replace https://images.firstsitedomain.com with the actual domain you want to use for your images. The $useNewDomain variable is a flag that allows you to toggle between the original and new domain paths easily. Also, ensure that __PS_BASE_URI__ and _THEME_PROD_DIR_ are defined correctly in your configuration and that they do not already contain a trailing slash, as this could result in double slashes in your URLs. I hope the information may helps you.
  7. Bonjour, J'ai le même problème de lenteur au changement de l'état d'une commande. Avez-vous résolu votre problème ?
  8. Zwroty chyba są wyłączone. Załączam screen. A jeśli chodzi o edycję plików - które konkretnie powinienem przejrzeć?
  9. 需要重新安装ps, 如何单独导出产品资料. 再重新导入.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Pues ahí esta el problema. Esta llamando a una función que no existe para una variable de tipo string. Sigue hacia abajo buscando de que modulo proviene este problema y desactivarlo. Con eso ya no te debería aparecer mas el error.
  12. Und was wurde geändert? Ohne irgendeine Änderung stoppt das normalerweise nicht von selbst. Hast du selbst (oder sonst wer) am Shop ein Update gemacht? Egal ob Shop oder Modul, oder wurde vom Webhost, wie rictools bereits geschrieben hat, die php Version geändert?
  13. Buenas a todos!! Llevo dias intentando eliminar el espacio que de repente ha empezado a dejar prestashop en todas las paginas de mi web. Cuantos mas productos por pagina añado en Parámetros de la tienda-Configuración de Productos-Paginacion, mas espacio me deja, hasta tal punto de que desde el movil sale toda la pantalla en blanco y hay que bajar con la barra de desplazamiento lateral para poder ver los productos. He probado a desactivar modulos por si alguno me la esta liando pero no consigo nada, he aplicado algunas recomendaciones vuestras en varios hilos pero no consigo nada… Os adjunto dos imagenes para que veais a que espacio me refiero por si me podeis ayudar. Una de la home que el espacio puede ser aceptable, y otra de la categoria Moda Hombre que ya el espacio es excesivo. Versión de PrestaShop: URL de la tienda: http://www.2rstyle.es/ Gracias de antemano. Un saludo!!
  14. not sure why this is not more famous, oh right this is prestashop eco loool https://prestaheroes.com/collections/all-modules/products/prestavault-malware-trojan-virus-protection?variant=40653346603215
  15. Eine Standardfrage bei seltsamen Problemen: Welche PHP-Version läuft, hat da vielleicht der Provider etwas geändert?
  16. Salve ragazzi buonasera, ho acquistato il seguente template Flagman, installazione riuscita tramite ftp, ma vorrei capire come faccio ad impostare il layout numero 8 come da demo ? non riesco qualcuno può aiutarmi ?
  17. Habe ich Probiert, ab er ist in die Hose gegangen, komme damit nicht klar. Viel probiert aber zeigt mir immer Fehler aber dennoch danke für die Antwort👍
  18. Configuration and informations : Prestashop Mariadb 10.11 We have some traffic on our website (~4000 visitors/day) + back office activity from our employees (10 employees) What we tried so far : - Upgrading from prestashop -> - Enable Cache - Empty Cache - Enable CDN - Enable LiteSpeed Cache (turns out not compatible with our theme) - Clean all running process from our hosting panel (Quite effective but not a viable option) - Checked performances (CPU Usage, RAM, HTTP Queries...) - Checked PHP extensions and options - Maintenance Mode - Removed some permissions from our employees in the Back Office. - Set up a local environment without facing the same problem Problem : We're facing an issue were our website is running smoothly and then is randomly slowed down by something and we were not able to identify what could be the root cause. It's to the point where our frontend is unreachable by our customers and our back office is really slow. This problem happens arround 5 times a day without recurrence nor in time or actions done from our end. After quite a lote of research we noticed that our SQL Queries stack up when we run SHOW PROCESSLIST command but we're not able to tell if there's some process stuck as our hosting provider does not allow to check the logs. Do you have any idea what could be the problem or any tips as to how to locate the problem. Let me know if you need more informations. Kind Regards.
  19. Wie sind denn die E-Mail-Einstellungen? Kommt eine Testmail an?
  20. Richtig, es sind quasi alle Emails an Kunden betroffen. Was könnte das sein ? Wie erhalten die Kunden wieder bestätigungsemails ?
  21. Hi, sorry Du schreibst hier mit einer PC technische Halbnull. Wo sehe ich ob das Email SPF oder DKIM hat ?
  22. Wow, i found it 😕 Now you can call me stupid 😀 The module was not active -.- crazy, and i actually activated it.
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