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  2. Some one managed to fix this with idxcookies module?
  3. Alguém me pode ajudar a implementar a atualização automática do token do instagram?
  4. Tous les modules de stats sont bien activés (j'ai juste fait les mises à jour) , cache bien vidé, mode debug rien à signaler, module dashboard réinitialisé, aucun changement
  5. Sorry for the late response. In a German forum this question was asked and answered. I also tested it with demo stores. I just try to give here a clearer answer as I was looking for this too. Prestashop info: https://docs.prestashop-project.org/1.7-documentation/user-guide/managing-multiple-stores/sample-usages-and-specifics You can sync your products through all shops only. You cannot sync it trough groups. Clear cash after you've changed your product in 'all shops' and then check in your detailed shops below in the same group and in other goups. You will see the changes in qty and texts for example. If you just change quantities and use the selection 'sharing product quantities', you will not see text changed automatically. What I do not know is how an order is being conducted as I have not tested it. Or in other words, I do not know wheather you need for this case exactly the feature 'sharing product quantities'. Be informed, if you use 'all shops' level for one specific product than all products in all shop groups are being changed with the same new data. This means, if you set a price through for one specific product in one specific shop and after this you set an other price for the same product ID in 'all shops' mode, the price will be changed in all shops. You must make sure what you need and only change products in 'all shops' mode which are all for all shops to be changed. If you need on product only for one shop, than make sure to have this product stored with another product ID.
  6. Module installed. Installation without issues. Bots are blocked at contact form! Great! However all attempts to signup for newsletter are blocked, including my own emailaddresses. Error message: Bot or invalid traffic detected. Connection prohibited. Email addresses are seen as bot, after editing SS actions "ban IP" to 'never', and "ban email" to 'never', IP still is blocked on second attempt to signup for newsletter.
  7. Bonjour, Je souhaiterais que vous testiez mon site suite à une perte de vente drastique. Deux ventes depuis le début du mois. J'ai beau avoir testé sur mobile ou sur d'autres navigateurs et même en navigation privée, je ne vois pas où est le problème. Mon référencement est bon, il me semble... Mon site Ci-joint le classement de mes mots clé
  8. Bonjour, si on utilise les flèches pour augmenter la quantité, pas de soucis pour en ajouter autant que l'on souhaite, c'est juste si on renseigne le chiffre à la main que cela se réinitialise sur 5. Il faudrait désactiver le smartcache Js dans le menu Performances pour identifier le code JavaScript qui intervient pour savoir si cela provient d'un module ou du thème.
  9. Today
  10. Bien le bonjour la communauté; Après avoir fait les mises à jour de mes modules (dont le dashboard activity) , au niveau du front office j'ai la ligne "visiteurs en ligne" qui a disparu (bon ok c'est pas bien grave vu que ce compteur est "cheaté" ). Est-ce PS qui a supprimé ce compteur avec cette mise à jour ou un bug chez moi? Et comment le remettre en place si il s'agit d'un bug chez moi svp ? Merci d'avance
  11. Buenas, he estado leyendo sobre el problema en el enlace que has proporcionado. ¿Podrías revisar el archivo /src/Core/Stock/StockManager.php, y buscar la línea 193, y ver si está como en esta captura?
  12. Interesuje mnie taka opcja, żeby Kupujący oprócz dodania produktu do koszyka miał możliwość zapytania o wycenę. Pozdrawiam
  13. I was also looking for solution just similar to your problem... I came through several solution but nothing works for me. Following are some of the solution that i tried and it did work for me. 1 - Create a new file named catalog_category_view.xml within your theme's layout folder: 2 - Add the following XML code to this file. This injects a new UI component (title) before the existing category title, allowing you to set your custom title: 3 - Create a new template file named custom_title.phtml within your theme's Magento_Catalog folder: 4 - Add the following code to this template file. This simply displays your desired title:
  14. Try installing a redirect module to https://rebootmewithhsct.co.uk/ domain use https://rebootmewithhsct.co.uk/shop in the source URL and fab-fudge.co.uk as a the destination URL. Module link: https://www.fmemodules.com/en/prestashop-modules/82-url-redirects.html You can also use> https://www.fmemodules.com/en/prestashop-modules/49-pretty-seo-friendly-urls.html
  15. Hello, I tried to install some modules in my Prestashop, and still have this error. this is my module.php <?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); include_once(__DIR__ . '/Ps_IntroSlider.php'); if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } $autoloadPath = __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; if (file_exists($autoloadPath)) { require_once $autoloadPath; } use public_html\modules\introslider\controllers\admin\AdminIntrosliderController; class introslider extends Module { protected $_html = ''; protected $default_width = 779; protected $default_speed = 5000; protected $default_pause_on_hover = 1; protected $default_wrap = 1; protected $templateFile; public function __construct() { $this->name = 'introslider'; $this->tab = 'front_new_office_features'; $this->version = '1.0.0'; $this->author = 'HIC'; $this->need_instance = 0; $this->secure_key = Tools::encrypt($this->name); $this->bootstrap = true; $this->ps_versions_compliancy = [ 'min' => '1.6', 'max' => '1.7.99', ]; $this->bootstrap = true; parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->getTranslator()->trans('Intro slider', array(), 'Modules.Introslider.Admin'); $this->description = $this->l('Add new splash screen and product slides for mobile.'); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to uninstall?'); if (!Configuration::get('introslider')) { $this->warning = $this->l('No name provided'); } } public function install() { /* Adds Module */ if (parent::install() && $this->registerHook('displayHeader') && $this->registerHook('displayHome') && $this->registerHook('actionShopDataDuplication')&& $this->manuallyInstallTab() ) { $shops = Shop::getContextListShopID(); $shop_groups_list = array(); /* Setup each shop */ foreach ($shops as $shop_id) { $shop_group_id = (int)Shop::getGroupFromShop($shop_id, true); if (!in_array($shop_group_id, $shop_groups_list)) { $shop_groups_list[] = $shop_group_id; } /* Sets up configuration */ $res = Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_SPEED', $this->default_speed, false, $shop_group_id, $shop_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER', $this->default_pause_on_hover, false, $shop_group_id, $shop_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_WRAP', $this->default_wrap, false, $shop_group_id, $shop_id); } /* Sets up Shop Group configuration */ if (count($shop_groups_list)) { foreach ($shop_groups_list as $shop_group_id) { $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_SPEED', $this->default_speed, false, $shop_group_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER', $this->default_pause_on_hover, false, $shop_group_id); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_WRAP', $this->default_wrap, false, $shop_group_id); } } /* Sets up Global configuration */ $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_SPEED', $this->default_speed); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER', $this->default_pause_on_hover); $res &= Configuration::updateValue('INTROSLIDER_WRAP', $this->default_wrap); /* Creates tables */ $res &= $this->createTables(); return (bool)$res; } return false; } public function uninstall() { return ( parent::uninstall() && Configuration::deleteByName('INTROSLIDER_SPEED') && Configuration::deleteByName('INTROSLIDER_PAUSE_ON_HOVER') && Configuration::deleteByName('INTROSLIDER_WRAP') && $this->uninstallTab() ); } private function manuallyInstallTab() { $tab = new Tab(); $tab->active = 1; $tab->class_name = AdminIntrosliderController::TAB_CLASS_NAME; // Only since 1.7.7, you can define a route name $tab->route_name = 'admin_introslider_manage'; $tab->name = []; foreach (Language::getLanguages() as $lang) { $tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = $this->trans('Introslider Admin', [], 'Modules.Introslider.Admin', $lang['locale']); } $tab->icon = 'build'; $tab->id_parent = (int) Tab::getIdFromClassName('IMPROVE'); $tab->module = $this->name; return $tab->save(); } and this is route.yml admin_introslider_manage: path: introslider/demo methods: [GET] defaults: _controller: 'introslider\controllers\admin\AdminIntrosliderController::initContent' and yes I deleted previously var/cache before loading this page
  16. You can use: 1- Url Redirect Module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/url-redirects/27738-pretty-urls-url-redirects-manager-pack-of-2.html 2- Pretty URL module that also cleans the URLs https://addons.prestashop.com/en/url-redirects/21856-url-redirect-manage-301-302-303-redirects-404-urls.html
  17. Bonjour, Le visuel ci-joint s'affiche par défaut lorsque les visuels sont manquants sur une fiche produit. Comment faire en back office pour le remplacer, par un visuel plus adapté ? Merci pour votre aide. Maxime
  18. Good morning, all the redirections of disabled products that I have configured in the backoffice to other products or a category have stopped working (they did work correctly before). Now they all redirect to www.myurl.es/index.php?controller=404. I've been dealing with this for days, and I can't solve it, can someone please help?
  19. Hola, en el panel a que te refieres, en la plantilla estándar me aparecen correctamente las imágenes, si tengo una me aparece una, si tengo tres me aparecen tres imágenes pero en Creative elementes cuando añado las imágenes de los productos y pulsar en la imagen para hacer zoom me las duplica es decir si en el producto solo hay una imagen me pone dos imágenes del mismo producto, si en otro producto tengo tres imágenes me pone seis imágenes no entiendo el porqué. en este ejemplo me pone 6 imágenes 2 por cada imágen Un saludo!
  20. Wenn die Modulübersetzung nicht funktioniert, checken Sie das Theme ein. Entweder in der .tpl-Datei.
  21. we are using prestashop default facet search filter.. .. will your module be compatible with it.. will it be able to use exiting data
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