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  1. Past hour
  2. hi, i need to insert 150 value inside a specifi "Attribute" there is a way for insert bulk / import or via phpmyadmin, instead insert all 150 manually ? thanks
  3. Did you find any solutions/modules? I need to display products in custom tab on product page.
  4. Update - most optimized version to remove breadcrumb from any TPL: ... {block name='breadcrumb'}{/block} .... Using style only hide element. This remove from code when on different template that render page
  5. purtroppo ho già cambiato loro la password e non posso chiedergli quella vecchia per fare una prova però onestamente non so se dipenda dalla password inserita, io per farli entrare ho provato a cambiarla da BO e ho fatto una prova di login prima con la loro mail e la nuova password e sono entrato correttamente. (ho attivato il b2b per farmi inserire anche nome azienda e partita iva) ma solo a due è capitato , altri clienti si sono registrati e hanno anche ordinato
  6. hola, creo que esto deberias de hablarlo con tu servidor, ten en cuenta que cada accion que se ejecuta puede generar un envio de email, por ejemplo, nuevo pedido, envio de email tanto para ti como para el usuario y asi con todo, y si por ejemplo en el modulo de alerts tienes mas de 1 email para que les confirme, pues va sumando emails enviados. pero lo dicho habla con tu servidor este tema.
  7. Today
  8. Ciao, fai il loro stesso esercizio ma con la modalità debug attiva e condividi ciò che vedi
  9. ciao due nuovi clienti si sono registrati e mi hanno detto che se provano entrare nel sito hanno pagina bianca con errore fatale se non entrano loggando è tutto corretto per il momento ho provato a cambiargli la password e sono riusciti ad entrare qualcun altro ha mai avuto questo problema? no so se sia dovuto alla password o ad altro versione grazie mille ilario
  10. Hello, hopefully somebody can help me. I created a feed via Marketing with Google (Prestashop module) in February that went well. Then I looked at it and the feed stopped uploading to GMC (Google Merchant Center). I have already removed the module and disconnected GMC from Prestashop, but the moment I connect it again, the feed is still there but nothing happens on GMC. Who has a tip? What can I do to ensure that a good Feed is sent to GMC again? In the image I show what I mean, you can also see the dates and that things are not going well. Hopefully someone has an answer?
  11. Hello @Nickz Thank you very much for your time and your comment on my question. You probably have a lot of knowledge, but I can't reach a solution to my problem after your comment. Please, if you understand what I have asked, give me a solution, a sample code or a correction of my code so that I understand you. I don't want to waste each other's time in comments, if you can't help me, just delete your comment, I'll delete mine so someone who understands can be helpful. I say this with the best of sentiments and intentions. In my PHP code maybe something needs to be added somewhere, but the prestashop documentation literature doesn't give me enough clarity on how to reach a solution myself, so I decided to ask. Best regards @Nickz
  12. Bonjour à tous, J'essaye d'ajouter un champ personnalisé à une classe Object Model dans un module core de Prestashop. Y a-t-il moyen de faire cela, les overrides ne semblent pas fonctionner pour les ObjectModels de modules... Merci d'avance!
  13. Hi everyone, I'm trying to add a custom field to an existing Prestashop module. Any idea how that can be done? Overrides don't seem to work for object models in modules. Thanks in advance!
  14. 4.4.0 - 04/23/2024 Correction of a display error affecting the FireFox browser Improved presentation of the list of countries Instant registration of changes in country access rights DataTables library updated to version 2.0.5
  15. 4.4.0 - 23/04/2024 Correction d'une erreur d'affichage affectant le navigateur Firefox Amélioration de la présentation de la liste des pays Enregistrement instantané des modifications des droits d'accès des pays Mise à jour de la bibliothèque DataTables vers la version 2.0.5
  16. The best way would be to ask directly what you need to do, and wish to archive naming the PS Version, the theme, and the module.
  17. @Prestashop Addict thanks. Could you tell me which file I have to modify?
  18. When you use CCC all css and js are concatenated, so unused depend on page scan. This is the limit of optimisation with CCC 😞 And if you don't use CCC Google devtools says to many htt requests for all css and js. So one approach is to verify: Remove really unused CSS/JS (a good theme developer should do it) Verify or activate http serveur zip compression Verify or set long cache delay for css,js,image,font Use a CDN is possible Check your hosting performance Check database performance
  19. Hi @Knowband Plugins and thank you for replying. the website works fine, the issue is from google validator result. Here the result of a webpage with the error: https://validator.schema.org/?hl=en-US#url=https%3A%2F%2Fyakay.it%2Fborse-femminili%2F9680-borsa-jeny-verde-pepe-jeans-8435578378466.html Thanks also for the advise on the cookies module: I will mind on it too! Marcello
  20. @_Veronika_ you cannot do it with standard PS configuration. You can do it with small smarty code in template.
  21. Hello very honourable comrades I've read many forum threads, many search engine results, but can't find a solution! From all the synthesized information, I understand that ajax collects information about the availability of products with combinations. Someone please guide me, how with php can I extract a list in (standalone external file) which php script show me only ID or Ref# of products and which currently have 0 quantity in any of their sale attributes ? I tried to achieve this process through API, but somewhere my knowledge falls short and I can't pull out the availability. <?php // API URL for products $url_products = 'https://example.com/api/products/?display=[id,reference,name,active]&output_format=JSON'; // API Key $api_key = 'fullaccess'; // Initialize cURL for products $ch_products = curl_init($url_products); // Set cURL options for products curl_setopt($ch_products, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch_products, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($api_key . ':') )); // Execute cURL request for products $response_products = curl_exec($ch_products); // Check for cURL errors for products if(curl_errno($ch_products)) { echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch_products); } else { // Decode JSON response for products $data_products = json_decode($response_products, true); // Check if there are any products returned if(isset($data_products['products'])) { // Loop through products foreach($data_products['products'] as $product) { // Check if product is active if($product['active']) { // Extract product names from nested array of objects $product_names = array_column($product['name'], 'value'); // Combine product names into a single string $product_name = implode(', ', $product_names); // Output product ID, Ref, and Name echo "ID: " . $product['id'] . ", Ref: " . $product['reference'] . ", Name: " . $product_name . "<br>"; // API URL for product combinations $url_combinations = 'https://example.com/api/combinations/?display=[reference,quantity]&filter[id_product]=' . $product['id'] . '&output_format=JSON'; // Initialize cURL for product combinations $ch_combinations = curl_init($url_combinations); // Set cURL options for product combinations curl_setopt($ch_combinations, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch_combinations, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($api_key . ':') )); // Execute cURL request for product combinations $response_combinations = curl_exec($ch_combinations); // Check for cURL errors for product combinations if(curl_errno($ch_combinations)) { echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch_combinations); } else { // Decode JSON response for product combinations $data_combinations = json_decode($response_combinations, true); // Check if there are any combinations returned if(isset($data_combinations)) { // Loop through combinations and output reference and quantity foreach($data_combinations as $combination) { // Check if 'reference' and 'quantity' keys exist in the combination if(isset($combination['reference']) && isset($combination['quantity'])) { // Output reference echo "Size Ref: " . $combination['reference'] . ", "; // Output quantity attributes and their quantities foreach($combination['quantity'] as $attribute => $quantity) { echo $attribute . ": " . $quantity . " броя, "; } } else { echo "No combinations found for this product."; } // Add a line break echo "<br>"; } } else { echo "No combinations found for this product."; } } // Close cURL session for product combinations curl_close($ch_combinations); // Add a line break for better readability echo "<br>"; } } } else { echo "No products found."; } } // Close cURL session for products curl_close($ch_products); ?> For me, it's irrelevant whether I get the list via the API protocol or with programming code that directly messes with mysql and outputs the information. I just want to see that on product ID100, there are 0 quantity per size M and 0 quantity per size XXXL Thank you for your time and attention. Best regards
  22. Hi, normal way Prestashop display all available carriers, according to Zone/Country/Price or weight. It's not normal that you have only one visible in checkout process. Certainly carrier configuration issue.
  23. Hi thank you for the reply, could you give me an explanation on how to use your script please
  24. Buenas a todos, antes de nada muchas gracias por el tiempo que podais dedicar a ayudarme. Tengo una web con prestashop , con la plantilla Warehouse de Iqit, está alojada en profesionalhosting.com. Hoy he detectado que al pulsar una de las categorías en el menú superior horizontal, me mandaba a una URL de phising (customer-kuwait.com o algo parecido). He eliminado la categoría inmediatamente tras revisar que estaba bien configurada. He revisado el resto de categorías, URL amigables y URLs en "Trafico & SEO", y no he encontrado nada. Esto además solo ocurría en el idioma inglés, en español funcionaba correctamente. He vuelto a crear una categoría duplicando otra existente, y al ponerle el nombre de la anterior, vuelve a redireccionar a esa web. Por tanto, encuento que debe de estar hardcodeado en alguna url amigable o en algun lado, que al enviar a la url de la categoría en inglés, redireccione a esta web, pero no encuentro donde. He revisado tambien DNS y no veo nada. Os suena este problema? Podrías indicarme por donde buscaríais vosotros? Gracias!
  25. Hello, the logs are read from either the dev.log or prod.log files and inserted into the database. Not all the logs, mind you; it depends on the settings. Upon installation, the lists are empty. You'll have to load/refresh them by choosing "refresh logs" after clicking the little widget thing at the top/right corner of the grid panel. The process is explained in the readme. I do not think I am yet allowed to post links, but you can head to my github (link in my profile) and checkout the readme for the logviewer repository.
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