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  2. Dla tego pisałem o infekcji, pliki same z siebie się nie zmieniają uniemożliwiając logowanie do panelu. Wiele sklepów odwirusowywałem i w 90% jeżeli była infekcja atakujący blokował możliwość logowania do panelu admina szczególnie jak podmieniał system płatności w koszyku na swój.
  3. Today
  4. Dependiendo del tipo de orden que quieras aplicar, puedes utilizar varios métodos, override de la función loadLanguages de la clase Language modificando la query override de la función renderWidget de ps_languageselector modificando el array $languages
  5. thank you very much . i would downgrade to 8.1 till ps support 8.2 there are some places need to change. Unknown error on line 2583 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$actions is deprecated Unknown error on line 2584 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$simple_header is deprecated Unknown error on line 2585 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$bulk_actions is deprecated Unknown error on line 2594 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$orderBy is deprecated Unknown error on line 2595 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$orderWay is deprecated Unknown error on line 2596 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$listTotal is deprecated Unknown error on line 2600 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$shopLinkType is deprecated Unknown error on line 2604 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$languages is deprecated Unknown error on line 2605 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$specificConfirmDelete is deprecated Unknown error on line 2606 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$imageType is deprecated Unknown error on line 2607 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$no_link is deprecated Unknown error on line 2608 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$colorOnBackground is deprecated Unknown error on line 2609 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$ajax_params is deprecated Unknown error on line 2611 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$default_form_language is deprecated Unknown error on line 2618 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$row_hover is deprecated Unknown error on line 2619 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$position_identifier is deprecated Unknown error on line 2625 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$list_id is deprecated Unknown error on line 2629 in file /www/wwwroot/classes/controller/AdminController.php [8192] Creation of dynamic property HelperView::$list_skip_actions is deprecated
  6. Yesterday
  7. Gracias amigo , esto me salio como puedo seguir? muchas gracias
  8. Bonjour Pourquoi vouloir migrer vers la 8.1 ? Dans l'ideal il vaudrait mieux savoir rattraper le tout si cela devait mal tourner. Essayer de vous entrainer sur un serveur autre que le votre si vous décidez de le faire vous même, sinon changer de prestataire si il ne répond pas a vos attentes.
  9. Etrangement quelques liens ne s'affichent plus correctement sur votre site... https://locomotif-shop.com/15-debardeurs-tops-femme Edit : En fait Tous les liens dans le menu
  10. Już naprawione, podczas konfiguracji wkradła się spacja
  11. po czyszczeniu var/cache nie pomaga to może coś od nich u mnie na 8.1.5 też nie działa moduł od nich.
  12. Witam miałem lekką walkę na serwerach i zauważyłem że tylko to nie działa poprawnie więc coś się posypało i teraz do was kieruję o pomoc co by należało podmienić zaktualizować sprawdzić
  13. Dziękuję za podpowiedzi. Po zmianie pliku AdminLoginController.php w kontrolerze wszystko zaczęło działać. Walczę dalej. Pozdrawiam DP
  14. The module is not compatible with PrestaShop 8.1, jsonDecode method has been removed from the Tools class, you need to ask them for an update.
  15. Maybe some problems with sending emails related to the order state?
  16. The issue is solved, i created a new website and compared the mails files. I found a folder named " 2 " instead of " en " when i changed the name it start working. But it is so weard i haven't touched the files of my website.
  17. Kαλησπέρα ξανά. Σήμερα πήραμε και την απάντηση του skroutz που ήταν 10/10 χωρίς να ζητήσει να αλλάξουμε ούτε μια γραμμή κώδικα στο module.🙂 Καλησπέρα σας από την τεχνική ομάδα του Skroutz Analytics, Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για την άμεση ανταπόκριση σας. Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι μετά από επιτυχή επανέλεγχο, το Skroutz Analytics ενεργοποιήθηκε εκ νέου. Παραμένουμε στη διάθεσή σας για οποιαδήποτε διευκρίνιση. Ευχαριστούμε
  18. Ça marche en mettant le code dans le backoffice. Merci @solsol69
  19. Też miałem ten problem. pomogło masowe usunięcie atrybutów z produktu i wgranie [import] nowych atrybutów
  20. finalmente una risposta, mi ha fornito un drive dove scaricare skin e template, ora devo installarle come un modulo giusto ? caricando via ftp ?
  21. Essayez de voir en installant leur module https://www.hotjar.com/integrations/ Ou peut être placer le script , dans le backoffice , quelque part dans : Apparence/ IqitThemeEditor - Backoffice / Custom Css/Js/Codes/Google Gtag
  22. Hello, we are running Prestashop on our website and we use the Prestashop's native CSV import module for products and combinations. The system seems pretty solid but something is not quite right when it comes to update existing combinations. Regarding simple products (no combinations) we use to upload a file that contains just the minimum amount of informations (Product ID/Reference) and the field that we need to update/change, like the price or the EAN number for example. This seems to work perfectly with simple products, but it does not with combinations: if we want to do the same with combination we must specify the product ID/reference, attribute and attribute value so that the system can identify the single combinations and update the correct one without error. But that's not the case because if we choose to update a single field we'll end up with all the combination's field empty, except for the one you chose to update. That's a pretty major issue, did it happen to anyone other then us? Thank you in advance.
  23. No matter how I do this this stays like this. It's different than the other 2 categories which makes me think somethings different, but I can't see what it is.
  24. @solsol69 Par contre, je ne me rappelle plus où il faut le mettre. Dans, thème -> warehouse -> template ->partial -> head, mais il me fait une erreur 500
  25. No le immagini non vengono cancellate, ma questo non accade neanche se li elimini manualmente, mi sono trovati diversi siti intasati a livello di grandezza causate da immagini inutili di prodotti eliminati, ci sono diversi moduli che fanno proprio questo, eliminano tutte le foto prodotti, brand etc di prodotti non piu disponibili nello store!
  26. Bonjour, ah, oui, je connais ce script qui voit ce que font les clients ou autres et le temps qu'ils y passent. Je vais le réinstaller, de ce pas. Merci
  27. Hello, It is definitely possible to make a request to a controller from Postman. In your case, the problem seems to be the fact that the URL is incorrect. In order to get the URL for the controller you can use the following method in your module's main class: $this->context->link->getModuleLink('<module_name>', 'controller_name'); This will generate a link with the following structure: '<base_url>/<lang>/module/<module_name>/<controller_name>' - the lang part might be optional in your case. Once you get the actual URL, you should be able to make requests to it from Postman.
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