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  1. This was the reason for me. The statsdata module uses array shorthands, which are incompatible with PHP < 5.4 If you use PHP 5.3, replace line 108 in modules/statsdata/statsdata.php: $this->context->controller->registerJavascript('modules-plugindetect', 'modules/'.$this->name.'/js/plugindetect.js', ['position' => 'bottom', 'priority' => 150]); with: $this->context->controller->registerJavascript('modules-plugindetect', 'modules/'.$this->name.'/js/plugindetect.js', array('position' => 'bottom', 'priority' => 150)); The bug seems fixed in latest development branch on github. (In other news, this module compares versions using lte instead of version_compare, which will break the conditionals on 1.6.10)
  2. Just add the getZoneById method to the definition override. Address.php
  3. Can you give an example of which e-mails you don't want sent, since I don't see any reason why you would have to do this?
  4. Under Order > Statuses in BackOffice, you can set up which status changes should send e-mails.
  5. That's kind of steep when you can get one for free
  6. Shouldn't be a lot of work to make a module that does this. Luckily, I got some free time atm, brb
  7. I'm not certain I understand what you're trying to do. You shouldn't use any date formatting in the condition.
  8. If I'm not mistaken, that is due to HTML minification. You can turn it off under Advanced Parameters > Performance > CCC (In a production environment enabling it is recommended)
  9. Hello, sorry for late reply. Try the attached file. Turn off (or clear) cache before testing (Backoffice > Advanced Parameters > Performance) ProductSale.php
  10. Hello, try {if ($smarty.now >= strtotime('October 21, 2013 12:00:00 GMT'))} <div class="topbar">my message</div> {/if}
  11. Try add the attached file to your override\classes folder, then delete the file cache/class_index.php, and see if it works. (PS 1.5.5) ProductSale.php
  12. Hello, Unfortunately, the product reference is not exposed by the function determining the bestsellers. You need to alter the query (preferrably in an override) in the ProductSale::getBestSalesLight() method to include the field p.reference.
  13. Not sure if I understand you correctly, but might fetch() be what you're looking for? Ex. $smarty->assign(array( 'your_var' => $your_value, )); return $this->context->smarty->fetch(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'your_module/your_tpl.tpl');
  14. Hi there, PrestaShop has built in customizations so you can add text- and filefields to your products. There is however, to my knowledge, no way to apply price rules to these customizations. There might be a module available for it, but I haven't seen any. It is entirely possible to create such a module, but at first glance, it sounds like quite a bit of work.
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