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  1. odpowiada za to kod w pliku modules/gmparcellocker/views/js/gmparcellocker.js : if ($('.chosen-parcel').text().length > 3) { $('button[name="confirmDeliveryOption"]').attr('disabled', false); } else { $('button[name="confirmDeliveryOption"]').attr('disabled', true); }
  2. I had the same problem, the solution: 1. Open the file: themes/your_theme/css/global.css and find the line: .footer-container #footer #social_block ul li.facebook a:before { content: "\f09a"; } 2. Add the following line: .footer-container #footer #social_block ul li.instagram a:before { content: "\f16d"; } That's all Instagram icon should appear
  3. Mizi91 find every line that cointains ecomm_totalvalue: and delete quotes from there, so e.g. line: ecomm_totalvalue: '{$total_to_pay}' must look like this: ecomm_totalvalue: {$total_to_pay}
  4. In presta 1.6 You must disable "Move the javascript to the end" option at the BO -> Advanced setting -> Preferences And then retargeting tags works great!
  5. You can do it also like this: modules/blockcontact/blockcontact.php public function hookDisplayRightColumn($params) { global $smarty; $tpl = 'blockcontact'; if (isset($params['blockcontact_tpl']) && $params['blockcontact_tpl']) $tpl = $params['blockcontact_tpl']; // ADD THIS LINES // assign customer firstname and lastname before caching tempate $smarty->assign(array( 'customer_firstname' => $this->context->customer->firstname, 'customer_lastname' => $this->context->customer->lastname, )); // END if (!$this->isCached($tpl . '.tpl', $this->getCacheId())) $smarty->assign(array( 'telnumber' => Configuration::get('BLOCKCONTACT_TELNUMBER'), 'email' => Configuration::get('BLOCKCONTACT_EMAIL'), 'customer_firstname' => $this->context->customer->firstname, 'customer_lastname' => $this->context->customer->lastname, )); return $this->display(__FILE__, $tpl . '.tpl', $this->getCacheId()); } and then in template (e.g. themes/default-theme/modules/blockcontact/nav.tpl) use {nocache}{/nocache} smarty function to customer firstname and lastname: {nocache}{$customer_firstname} {$customer_lastname}{/nocache}
  6. where did you change it? I'm having the same issue in my presta, when I send test message - it's ok, but when customer write message, it is shown only in BO
  7. Możesz podmienić ten tekst w tłumaczeniu: Administracja -> Lokalizacja -> Tłumaczenia -> Tłumaczenia zainstalowanych modułów Wybierasz używany szablon i język i klikasz przycisk Modyfikuj, później Zwiń wszystkie pola i Rozwiń wszystkie pola Teraz CTRL+F i podmieniasz wszystkie wystąpienia PS. Moduł EU Legal niestety nie chce działać z ship2pay - może ktoś pomóc w tym temacie?
  8. Polecam do tego darmowy moduł EU Legal: http://addons.prestashop.com/pl/back-office-tools/17810-eu-legal-legal-security-for-germany-and-eu.html Podmienia on przyciski z metodami płatności na radiobuttony, Niestety (tak jak pisał vekia), w tym celu modyfikuje on moduły płatności - więc jeśli posiadasz w swoim sklepie niestandardowy moduł płatności, to będzie trzeba go zmodyfikować. Oprócz wyżej wymienionego radiobuttonu moduł EU Legal dostosowuje także częściowo sklep do nowych przepisów, które wejdą w życie pod koniec roku (m.in podsumowanie zamówienia w ostatnim kroku)
  9. Dan1 in the original file classes/Module.php this is probably the line 439, you must remove or comment out this line by typing // at beginning of course, the operation can be reversed, simply follow the steps in reverse order
  10. diana13 I had the same problem.. and I was solved this by doing these steps 1. Open file: classes/Module.php 2. Find function hookExecPayment() and change line: AND mc.id_country = '.(int)($billing->id_country).' to AND mc.id_country = YOUR_COUNTRY_ID of course replace YOUR_COUNTRY_ID to yours. You can find it in database in ps_country table 2A. And delete line in sql querry: INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group` cg on (cg.`id_group` = mg.`id_group` AND cg.`id_customer` = '.(int)($id_customer).') 3. You must turn off few warnings in controllers/OrderOpcController.php, to do this, find function _getPaymentMethods() and do comments to lines: /* if (!$this->isLogged) return ''.Tools::displayError('Please sign in to see payment methods').''; */ /* if (!self::$cart->id_customer OR !Customer::customerIdExistsStatic(self::$cart->id_customer) OR Customer::isBanned(self::$cart->id_customer)) return ' '.Tools::displayError('Error: no customer').''; */ /* if (!self::$cart->id_address_delivery OR !self::$cart->id_address_invoice OR !Validate::isLoadedObject($address_delivery) OR !Validate::isLoadedObject($address_invoice) OR $address_invoice->deleted OR $address_delivery->deleted) return ' '.Tools::displayError('Error: please choose an address').''; if (!self::$cart->id_carrier AND !self::$cart->isVirtualCart()) return ' '.Tools::displayError('Error: please choose a carrier').''; elseif (self::$cart->id_carrier != 0) { $carrier = new Carrier((int)(self::$cart->id_carrier)); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier) OR $carrier->deleted OR !$carrier->active) return ' '.Tools::displayError('Error: the carrier is invalid').''; } */ 4. And that's all Maybe it's not the best solution, but it works fine to me.. EDIT: I forgot to write thah You should del one line in sql querry -> it's now describle in 2A
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