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About m.andrzejak

  • Birthday 03/13/1983

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  1. Hello, I had similar problem but shuffle modules positions doesn't work. I had to edit file in modules/blocksearch/blocksearch-top.tpl and replace this: <div class="input_search" data-role="fieldcontain"> <form method="get" action="{$link->getPageLink('search')|escape:'html'}" id="searchbox"> <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="search" /> <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="position" /> <input type="hidden" name="orderway" value="desc" /> <input class="search_query" type="search" id="search_query_top" name="search_query" placeholder="{l s='Search' mod='blocksearch'}" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|htmlentities:$ENT_QUOTES:'utf-8'|stripslashes}{/if}" /> </form> </div> with this: <div id="search_block_top"> <form method="get" action="{$link->getPageLink('search')|escape:'html'}" id="searchbox"> <p> <label for="search_query_top"><!-- image on background --></label> <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="search" /> <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="position" /> <input type="hidden" name="orderway" value="desc" /> <input class="search_query" type="text" id="search_query_top" name="search_query" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|htmlentities:$ENT_QUOTES:'utf-8'|stripslashes}{/if}" /> <input type="submit" name="submit_search" value="{l s='Search' mod='blocksearch'}" class="button" /> </p> </form> </div> Then everything back to normal.
  2. Witam, chciałbym dać możliwość moim klientom na wybór bezpłatnej naklejki podczas procesu składania zamówienia. Dodatkowo przydałoby się żeby można było wybrać pomiędzy dwoma kolorami plus ewentualnie wybór, że "nie chcę otrzymać żadnej naklejki". Myślałem o czymś takim by do e-mail'a z potwierdzeniem zamówienia była dodana jakaś informacja, co klient wybrał. Czy macie jakieś pomysły jak można by to było rozwiązać?
  3. OK, there is a discussion, but I have a lot of the same errors on my website. How to find out what happen and how to resolve this problem? PayPal response:TIMESTAMP -> 2013-10-23T10:28:21ZL _ERRORCODE0 -> 10486L _SHORTMESSAGE0 -> This transaction couldn't be completed.L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.L _SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error
  4. Hello, Can anybody tell me how can I simply add information on Mailalert - New Order e-mail is that First customer order? I have SQL query: SELECT c.id_customer, c.email, COUNT(o.id_order) AS Suma FROM ps_customer AS c LEFT JOIN ps_orders AS o ON o.id_customer = c.id_customer WHERE c.id_customer = '.(int)$customer->id.' GROUP BY c.id_customer But how can I implement this into email?
  5. Hello, Can anybody tell me how can I simply add information on Mailalert - New Order
  6. Hello, I have following situation: My default country and taxes: PL (23%), I have installed VAT Number (v. 1.2) When I add products into cart taxes for these products are correctly (Poland, Romania) but when I add new addresses like (United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Chile and it's NOT companies) taxes from products disappear but it shouldn't! Can anybody tell me how to fix it? ___ using: PS.
  7. Try or check second table where PS store quantity of product: $query_upd_2 = "UPDATE ps_stock_available SET quantity='5' WHERE id_product='$id_prod'"; Take big notice to id_shop, if you aren't using multishop forgot it.
  8. Hello, Many thanks to: @premanshu for #44 and @dagnez for #58 I saved a lot of time. I have idea this topic should be PINNED - and each next version of PS should have Topic like this named perhaps: Patch or Service Pack with unofficial solutions to fix bugs. What you think?
  9. Hello, I think you removed too much code from this file. My solution: try brink back complete backup file and remove part by part every function, every statement or whatever you want to remove. By take a look about tags: ";, }" After each change check what happening with your site. Or you are out of space.
  10. Does anybody have a good documentation for PayPal module?
  11. Problem solved, The problem was: ...WHERE GroupAttrLang.`id_lang` = 1 AND AttrLang.`id_lang` = 1... The condition of id_language must be add to JOIN statement: LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` AS GroupAttrLang ON GroupAttrLang.`id_attribute_group` = TAttr.`id_attribute_group` AND GroupAttrLang.`id_lang` = 1 LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` AS AttrLang ON AttrLang.`id_attribute` = TAttr.`id_attribute` AND AttrLang.`id_lang` = 1 So if you want export your product to catalog from database here is my code: SELECT TProduct.`reference` AS ProdReference, ProdLang.`name` AS ProductName, ProdLang.`description` AS ProdDesc, ROUND((TProduct.`price`*1.23)/4.1989,2) AS ProductPrice, CASE WHEN COUNT(ProdAttr.`id_product`) > 0 THEN (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (CONCAT_WS (': ', GroupAttrLang.`name`, AttrLang.`name`)) ORDER BY AttrLang.`name` ASC)) ELSE 'n/a' END AS ProdAttributes, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (CONCAT_WS (' - ', ParLang.`name`, CatLang.`name` ))) AS ProdFit FROM `ps_product` AS TProduct LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` AS CatProd ON CatProd.`id_product` = TProduct.`id_product` LEFT JOIN `ps_category` AS Cat ON Cat.`id_category` = CatProd.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` AS ParLang ON Cat.`id_parent` = ParLang.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` AS ProdLang ON ProdLang.`id_product` = TProduct.`id_product` LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` AS CatLang ON CatLang.`id_category` = CatProd.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` AS ProdAttr ON ProdAttr.`id_product` = TProduct.`id_product` LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` AS ProdAttrComb ON ProdAttrComb.`id_product_attribute` = ProdAttr.`id_product_attribute` LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute` AS TAttr ON TAttr.`id_attribute` = ProdAttrComb.`id_attribute` LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` AS GroupAttrLang ON GroupAttrLang.`id_attribute_group` = TAttr.`id_attribute_group` AND GroupAttrLang.`id_lang` = 1 LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` AS AttrLang ON AttrLang.`id_attribute` = TAttr.`id_attribute` AND AttrLang.`id_lang` = 1 WHERE Cat.`id_parent` != 1 AND ProdLang.`id_lang`=1 AND CatLang.`id_lang` = 1 GROUP BY TProduct.`reference` ORDER BY TProduct.`reference` ASC;
  12. Hello, I have a little problem with my SQL query, I'd like export my product from directly from database, but when query encounters situation when product doesn't have any attributes CONCAT_WS statement skip NULL values and go thru and display only rows wchich products have attributes. Some code: Problem is in this part of query (I think): GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (CONCAT_WS (': ', GroupAttrLang.`name`, AttrLang.`name`)) ORDER BY AttrLang.`name` ASC All query looks like this: SELECT TProduct.`reference` AS ProdReference, ProdLang.`name` AS ProductName, ProdLang.`description` AS ProdDesc, ROUND((TProduct.`price`*1.23)/4.1989,2) AS ProductPrice, CASE WHEN COUNT(ProdAttr.`id_product`) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (CONCAT_WS (': ', GroupAttrLang.`name`, AttrLang.`name`)) ORDER BY AttrLang.`name` ASC)) END AS ProdAttributes, /*IF ((COUNT(ProdAttr.`id_product`) > 0), GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (CONCAT_WS (': ', GroupAttrLang.`name`, AttrLang.`name`)) ORDER BY AttrLang.`name` ASC) , 'n/a' ) AS ProdAttributes,*/ GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT (CONCAT_WS (' - ', ParLang.`name`, CatLang.`name` ))) AS ProdFit FROM `ps_product` AS TProduct LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` AS CatProd ON CatProd.`id_product` = TProduct.`id_product` LEFT JOIN `ps_category` AS Cat ON Cat.`id_category` = CatProd.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` AS ParLang ON Cat.`id_parent` = ParLang.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` AS ProdLang ON ProdLang.`id_product` = TProduct.`id_product` LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` AS CatLang ON CatLang.`id_category` = CatProd.`id_category` LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` AS ProdAttr ON ProdAttr.`id_product` = TProduct.`id_product` LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_combination` AS ProdAttrComb ON ProdAttrComb.`id_product_attribute` = ProdAttr.`id_product_attribute` LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute` AS TAttr ON TAttr.`id_attribute` = ProdAttrComb.`id_attribute` LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_group_lang` AS GroupAttrLang ON GroupAttrLang.`id_attribute_group` = TAttr.`id_attribute_group` LEFT JOIN `ps_attribute_lang` AS AttrLang ON AttrLang.`id_attribute` = TAttr.`id_attribute` WHERE Cat.`id_parent` != 1 AND ProdLang.`id_lang`=1 AND CatLang.`id_lang` = 1 AND GroupAttrLang.`id_lang` = 1 AND AttrLang.`id_lang` = 1 GROUP BY TProduct.`reference` ORDER BY TProduct.`reference` ASC; I tried select only one thing: SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(ProdAttr.`id_product`) > 0 THEN COUNT(ProdAttr.`id_product`) ELSE 'n/a' END AS ProdAttrList FROM `ps_product` AS TProduct LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute` AS ProdAttr ON ProdAttr.`id_product`=TProduct.`id_product` GROUP BY TProduct.`reference`; And it work perfect (see image) I tried with IFNULL and COALESCE but result was the same as above. What I miss can anybody help me with this query?
  13. Ja dopasowałem ten moduł pod siebie, działał z wersją PS1.5.2 oraz działa z PS1.5.3.1 Pozdrawiam, Marcos.
  14. Witam, Znam ten ból, trzeba wprowadzić kilka zmian w kodzie: w pliku przelewy24.php zaraz przed deklaracją zmiennych ...$smarty->assign... Dodałem kilka dodatkowych zmiennych: $validate_kwota = ceil($kwota/$ratecurrency); //Kwoty do wyświetlenia w złotówkach 123/100=1.23zł $show_kwota = $kwota/100; $show_validate_kwota = $validate_kwota/100; Następnie wysyłam je dalej: $smarty->assign ( array ( 'p24_session_id'=> $cart->id.'|'.$s_sid,//$sid, 'p24_id_sprzedawcy'=>Configuration::get('P24_ID_SPRZEDAWCY'), 'p24_cena_w_walucie'=>$show_kwota, 'p24_przelicznik_waluty'=>$ratecurrency, 'p24_cena_przeliczona_pln'=>$show_validate_kwota, 'p24_iso_waluty'=>$currency_iso_code, 'p24_kwota'=>$validate_kwota, 'p24_opis'=> $s_descr, 'p24_klient'=>$customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, 'p24_adres'=>$address->address1." ".$address->address2, 'p24_kod'=>$address->postcode, 'p24_miasto'=>$address->city, 'p24_language'=>strtolower($s_lang->iso_code), 'p24_kraj'=>$s_lang->iso_code, 'p24_email'=>$customer->email, 'p24_return_url_ok' => 'http://'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').__PS_BASE_URI__.'/modules/przelewy24/validation_prestashop_ok.php', 'p24_return_url_error' => 'http://'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').__PS_BASE_URI__.'/modules/przelewy24/validation_prestashop_error.php' ) ); Następnie edytujemy plik pay.tpl i dodajemy do wyświetlenia/przesłania do walidacji nasze nowe zmienne: {if $p24_iso_waluty != 'PLN'} <p>{$p24_cena_w_walucie} {$p24_iso_waluty} = {$p24_cena_przeliczona_pln} PLN</p> {/if} <form action="https://secure.przelewy24.pl" method="post" id="przelewy24Form" name="przelewy24Form" accept-charset="iso-8859-2"> <input type="hidden" name="p24_session_id" value="{$p24_session_id}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_id_sprzedawcy" value="{$p24_id_sprzedawcy}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_kwota" value="{$p24_kwota}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_opis" value="{$p24_opis}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_klient" value="{$p24_klient}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_adres" value="{$p24_adres}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_kod" value="{$p24_kod}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_miasto" value="{$p24_miasto}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_kraj" value="{$p24_kraj}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_email" value="{$p24_email}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_language" value="{$p24_language}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_return_url_ok" value="{$p24_return_url_ok}" /> <input type="hidden" name="p24_return_url_error" value="{$p24_return_url_error}" /> <p class="cart_navigation"> <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}order.php?step=3" class="button_large">{l s='Other payment methods' mod='przelewy24'}</a> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="{l s='I confirm my order' mod='przelewy24'}" class="exclusive_large" /> </p> </form> To są wycinki kodu, powinieneś sobie z tym poradzić, ja dodałem opcję, że kiedy klient złoży zamówienie w walucie innej niż PLN, to przed potwierdzeniem wyświetla mu się kwota przeliczona na złotówki. Pozdrawiam, Marcos.
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