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  1. Bonjour à tous, Dans Prestashop 1.7, lorsque je trie manuellement mes produits dans les catégories (tri par défaut : position dans la catégorie), les produits dont le stock est à zéro se retrouvent systématiquement en bas de page côté front, alors que côté back, mon tri apparaît tel que je l'ai organisé. Impossible de trouver comment régler ceci. Quelqu'un sait-il comment ne pas se retrouver avec les produits sans stock en bas de page mais bien là où je souhaite les placer ? Merci. Vanessa
  2. Bonjour, Sur le site multilingue dont je m'occupe (https://www.generationrobots.com), j'ai fait face à plusieurs erreurs 404 du même type. Google Seach Console m'a en effet remonté plusieurs fois des urls où la terminaison de la langue est doublée sans raison. Par exemple https://www.generationrobots.com/fr/fr/186-kits-et-cartes-gadgeteer au lieu de https://www.generationrobots.com/fr/186-kits-et-cartes-gadgeteer. L'url avec la terminaison doublée générant évidemment une erreur 404 (puisque la page n'existe pas). C'est une erreur qui est apparue à plusieurs reprises, quelqu'un a-t-il déjà rencontré ce type d'erreur ? Pourquoi ces urls doublées se créent-elles ? Ci-dessous des exemples de pages doublées pour lesquelles j'ai fait des redirections 301 vers l'url non doublé. https://www.generationrobots.com/fr/fr/401283-carte-gadgeteer-fez-cerberus.html https://www.generationrobots.com/fr/fr/186-kits-et-cartes-gadgeteer https://www.generationrobots.com/fr/fr/401205-module-rfid-pour-arduino.html https://www.generationrobots.com/en/en/401870-ollo-rivet-set-ors-10.html https://www.generationrobots.com/en/en/401357-gadgeteer-fez-hydra-mainboard.html Merci. Cordialement, Vanessa Mazzari
  3. oh oh... I found this: (/module/paypal/submit\?key=|/index\.php\?controller=order-confirmation) which I entered as my goal as a regex, and it seems to work. It gives me a 0,33% conversion rate for the last seven days when the ecommerce conversion rate was 0,31%. There's a 0,02% difference but I do believe the goal simulation is just an estimation so I think I found the truth! Your corrections are still on, is it worth removing them?
  4. Hey, thanks for the quick reply! The goal page (thank you page) I have using GA real time tool is: http://www.generationrobots.com/en/index.php?controller=order-confirmation?id_cart=XXXX&id_module=1&id_order=XXXX&key=X6e6f92fXXXXd4dXXXX When I am on the funnel pages I have the /order/step3.html URL type.
  5. Bonjour, Notre site est sur Prestashop 1.6 and nou savons installés les modules suivants pour permettre aux internautes d'afficher les prix dans la devise de leur choix : 1Devise par Pays v1.0 - by MyWebShop etBloc devises v0.3.1 - by PrestaShop Est-il possible de voir combien de sessions par devise ont été créée (sur Google Analytics par exemple) Merci. VansLDN
  6. I went into this with so much hope... but I still have 0% for the last 7 days.. I tried this as an objectif: /de/index.php?controller=order-confirmation which gave me a 0,01% of conversion (I think too low) and then once on the 'Goals' main screen it shows "number of conversions for the last past 7 days = 0" Am now considering throwing my computer out of the window..!
  7. Hello everyone, Our website runs on Prestashop 1.6 and we installed the following modules to allow our customers to see the prices in their currency of choice: 1Devise par Pays v1.0 - by MyWebShop and Bloc devises v0.3.1 - by PrestaShop Is there anyway to track how many sessions per currency there have been? (in Google Analytics for instance?) Thanks a lot, VansLDN
  8. Thanks for the quick reply Zebx ! I will give it a try, am a bit worried it might not take our Paypal payments in account though..
  9. Hello, I would like to set up a goal for my order confirmations in Google Analytics, and a classic conversion funnel (also in Google Analytics), to study the behaviour of our clients durong the checkout process. Unfortunately, the urls for this funnel go like this (I apologize in advance for the following numerous look-alike URLs) My cart: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande Authentification page: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/authentification?multi-shipping=0&display_guest_checkout=0&back=http%3A%2F%2Fmywebsite.com%2Ffr%2Fcommande%3Fstep%3D1%26multi-shipping%3D0 (the website is also in english and german so we have a different url for the german website, a bit like this : /de/authentifizierung and /en/authentification) Address page: FR: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande?step=1 EN: http://www.mywebsite.com/en/order?step=1&multi-shipping= DE: http://www.mywebsite.com/de/bestellung?step=1&multi-shipping Delivery fees: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande (exactly the same as the page 'My cart') Payment means: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/commande?multi-shipping= Order confirmation: http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/index.php?controller=order-confirmation?id_cart=XXXXX&id_module=1&id_order=XXXX&key=bXXXdXXX0dXXXXcd6eXXXc6XX5 I also noticed that in the source code I have something like this: 'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');ga('create','UA-XXXXXXXX-1','/order/step0.html');ga('send','pageview');</script> With a different step number for each step of the conversion funnel. I read that those (/order/step0.html) are the URLs I should use as the goal (^/order-confirmation\.php or /order-confirmation.php) Which is what I did, but went I pressed 'verify the goal tracking for the last 7 days' on GA, nothing came up, is there something I'm missing? I hope this post is not too confusing! Kind Regards, VansLDN
  10. Hello, Here is the website am working on : http://www.generationrobots.com We installed the module "Language selector block" to allow our users to view the website in French, English or German. Now, we just created new Twitter accounts (English and German) and I would like the Twitter widget (located top right) to point towards the appropriate Twitter account depending on which language the user in viewing the website in. Is it possible to tweak the widget links to change taht or do we have to keep the same link for the 3 languages ? Many thanks. Kind regards, VansLDN
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