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  1. It must have something to do with that category then... no other products, except for the ones under that category are giving this issue.
  2. Seems like they're all falling under a specific category. That would be 22 (.224/5.69)
  3. I think it's worth noting that, not all products are having this issue. There are only a select few with the issue.
  4. Thank you I disabled Javascript, but there didn't seem to be any difference.
  5. I'm not sure where to find the tools.php file, where would it be located?
  6. When I remove the file the page cannot load. When I remove the content within the file, the breadcrumb simply disappears.
  7. Not that I'm aware of. There is no module for it installed that overrides the default breadcrumb behavior. I'm at a loss as to what could be causing the issue...
  8. Hi Nemo1, The breadcrumb.tpl file has the following code: <!-- Breadcrumb --> {if isset($smarty.capture.path)}{assign var='path' value=$smarty.capture.path}{/if} <div class="breadcrumb clearfix"> <a class="home" href="{$base_dir}" title="{l s='Return to Home'}"><i class="icon-home"></i></a> {if isset($path) AND $path} <span class="navigation-pipe" {if isset($category) && isset($category->id_category) && $category->id_category == 1}style="display:none;"{/if}>{$navigationPipe|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</span> {if !$path|strpos:'span'} <span class="navigation_page">{$path}</span> {else} {$path} {/if} {/if} </div> {if isset($smarty.get.search_query) && isset($smarty.get.results) && $smarty.get.results > 1 && isset($smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER)} <div class="pull-right"> <strong> <a href="{$smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER|escape}" name="back"> <i class="icon-chevron-left left"></i> {l s='Back to Search results for "%s" (%d other results)' sprintf=[$smarty.get.search_query,$smarty.get.results]} </a> </strong> </div> {/if} <!-- /Breadcrumb --> Prestashop version is Thank you for your support.
  9. I'm having an issue with my Prestashop Breadcrumb display - it seems to be duplicating the path somehow. The breadcrumb appears as follows: 22 (.224/5.69)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>HANDGUN SOLID (VRG-6)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SPITZER BOATTAIL (VRG-5)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>HANDGUN SOLID (VRG-6)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>PLAINSMASTER (VRG-4)>Solid Copper (VRG-2)>Solid Copper VRG2.224, 46gr When it should appear as follows: 22 (.224/5.69)>SOLID COPPER (VRG-2)>Solid Copper VRG2.224, 46gr A link to the website with a breadcrumb issue: http://besthuntingbullets.com/solid-copper-vrg-2/1736-vrg-2-solid-copper.html What could be causing this, and how can I fix it? Thank you for your assistance in advance.
  10. I believe that with the correct modifications to the code, the above could/would work. I have posted it for reference - if anybody is willing to have a look at it to see how it can be modified to introduce a submit effect for displaying/emailing purposes. I can add/modify the questions further as needed.
  11. The Code that is currently being used to create the current Decision Tree looks as follows (Apologies for the bad indenting, as is copy pasted from the source): ----------------------------------------------------THE HTML <form action="#" id="unique_id" class="productFilter"><fieldset class="step1 option0"><legend>Mount</legend> <p><input id="question_1" name="group_1" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1">79 Inch Rackmount</label></p> <p><input id="question_2" name="group_1" type="radio" /> <label for="question_2">Dinrail Mount</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step2 option1"><legend>Ethernet</legend> <p><input id="question_1_1" name="group_2" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_1">Fast Ethernet</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_2" name="group_2" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2">Gigabit Ethernet</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step2 option2"><legend>Ethernet</legend> <p><input id="question_2_1" name="group_3" type="radio" /> <label for="question_2_1">N/A</label></p> <p><input id="question_2_2" name="group_3" type="radio" /> <label for="question_2_2">N/A</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step3 option11"><legend>Port Count</legend> <p><input id="question_1_1_1" name="group_4" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_1_1">8 Ports</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_1_2" name="group_4" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_1_2">24 Ports</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step3 option12"><legend>Port Count</legend> <p><input id="question_1_2_1" name="group_5" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_1">4 FO Ports</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_2_2" name="group_5" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_2">16 FO Ports</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step4 option111"><legend>Power Input</legend> <p><input id="question_1_1_1_1" name="group_8" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_1_1_1">Single Power Input</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_1_1_2" name="group_8" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_1_1_2">Redundant Power Input</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step4 option112"><legend>Power Input</legend> <p><input id="question_1_1_2_1" name="group_9" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_1_2_1">Single Power Input</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_1_2_2" name="group_9" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_1_2_2">Redundant Power Input</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step4 option121"><legend>Port Count</legend> <p><input id="question_1_2_1_1" name="group_10" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_1_1">Single Power Input</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_2_1_2" name="group_10" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_1_2">Redundant Power Input</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step4 option122"><legend>Temp Range</legend> <p><input id="question_1_2_2_1" name="group_11" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_2_1">Standard</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_2_2_2" name="group_11" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_2_2">Extended</label></p> </fieldset><fieldset class="hide step5 option1221"><legend>Power Input</legend> <p><input id="question_1_2_2_1_1" name="group_12" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_2_1_1">Power Input 24/36/48 VAC</label></p> <p><input id="question_1_2_2_1_2" name="group_12" type="radio" /> <label for="question_1_2_2_1_2">Power Input 110/230 VAC</label></p> </fieldset></form> <p>Lorizzle ipsizzle doggy sit amizzle, shizzlin dizzle adipiscing nizzle. Nullizzle sapien velizzle, nizzle break yo neck, yall, suscipizzle da bomb, dizzle vizzle, sheezy.</p> <a title="A button, fo shizzle." href="#" class="buttonGreen"><span>Click me. Do it. Now!</span></a> -----------------------------------------------------------------------THE SCRIPT <script>// <![CDATA[ var base = { productFilterSetup: function() { $('.productFilter').each( function() { var tmp = new base.filterGroup(this); tmp.setup(); }); }, filterGroup: function(filter_group) { var me = this; me.target_element = filter_group; me.active_element_index = 0; me.setup = function() { $(filter_group).find('input[type=radio]').bind('click', function() { me.update(this); }); }; me.update = function(target_radio) { var fieldsets = $(me.target_element).find('fieldset'), len = fieldsets.length, i = 0, j = 0, radios, radios_len, options = [], options_buffer = '', num_of_steps = 0; for (i = 1; i <= num_of_steps + 1; i += 1) { if ($('fieldset.step' + i).length > 0) { num_of_steps += 1; } } for (i = 0; i < num_of_steps; i += 1) { if ($(target_radio).parents('fieldset.step' + (i + 1)).length > 0) { for (j = i; j < num_of_steps; j += 1) { $('fieldset.step' + (j + 2) + ' input[type=radio]').attr('checked', false); } } } for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { radios = $(fieldsets).find('input[type=radio]'); radios_len = radios.length; for (j = 0; j < radios_len; j += 1) { if ($(radios[j]).is(':checked')) { options.push(j + 1); } } } fieldsets.addClass('hide'); $('fieldset.option0').removeClass('hide'); for (i = 0; i < options.length; i += 1) { options_buffer += options; $('fieldset.option' + options_buffer).removeClass('hide'); } }; } }; $( function() { base.productFilterSetup(); }); // ]]> </script> ---------------------------------------------------------THE CSS <style> fieldset {margin:10px 0;} .hide {display:none;} </style>
  12. Hi, I was hoping for some advice, code, solutions or references: Goal: I need to build a 'decision tree' or otherwise find a module that creates one in a Prestashop website we've developed. Its sole purpose should be to lead customers down a path (of questions with each 2-3 answers, that lead to more questions/the result). The end-goal is to have the customer be presented with a product that best suits his/her needs, based on which questions were answered. Desirably/preferably the result should then be shown AND/OR emailed to the person that has filled in the 'form', or answered the tree. The problem: I've searched the internet high and low for a module/component/plugin that could build such a tree - as my coding skills in creating one is a little limited. I have thus far found a coding example, and even though it successfully builds a part of a tree (or a single branch), I believe that it is simply going to become too complicated to build multiple branches. This tree can be seen on http://profitek.co.za/content/45-tester-tree-branches Please, if anybody has any advice on how to get a Decision Tree built (most certainly preferably through an interface), please share your thoughts, ideas or leads that I can follow. This topic is relevant for today (19/12/2014). Thank you very much
  13. Woah... Ok well.... I went into the Back Office of the new host site, switched off Friendly URL, and also deleted the .htacess file within Filezilla. This apparently solved the problem? Switched Friendly URL back on and it seems like it's working to me... 0.o I haven't copied the .htaccess file back though. Now I just have to figure out how I can stop the main horizontal menu from linking back to the previous host???
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