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  1. sudah solved dibantu jawab di forum english ni link nya http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/368806-solve-top-menu-not-display-subcategory-presta-16-blackhawk-theme/
  2. hi DrunkBug, i just enable "Move javascript to the end" in CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache), and guess what?? it Works... thanks buddy, you awesome... hehe
  3. I have check in the themes folder \blackhawk3.0\js\modules\blocktopmenu\js there are 3 files js blocktopmenu.js hoverIntent.js Superfish-modified.js whether theme call another js?
  4. hi thanks for reply, I do not know if theme using other custom topmenu , I just install and change the color on global.css and Superfish-modified.css in the folder theme and it works, I guess there is no other topmenu custom in the theme folder.
  5. hello all, I installed the theme blackhawk 3.0 http://freeprestashoptheme.com/demo/blackhawk3.0/en/ when viewed on a live demo looks top menu if in a mouse over will display subcategories. but when I install on my domain it does not appear in the mouse over. which part should I edit, has been tried in global.css and Superfish-modified.css but result is nil. http://www.dglass.es/ following my domain thanks in advanced.and sorry for my english. Regards, abetcs here some screenshoot inspect element
  6. klo dilihat error nya parent kategori does'nt exist, udah di cek belum, kategori nya dibuat dulu sebelum impor pake csv kemungkinan sih error pas masukin salah satu produk tapi belum ada kategori nya :CMIIW
  7. coba bantu jawab coba masuk ke backoffice>>parameter lanjutan>>impor csv dibagian kanan bawah ada contoh file buat upload produknya,donlot aja namadomain.com/docs/csv_import/products_import.csv nah tinggal edit aja dalemannya ,ga perlu semua nya yang di masukin, yang penting2 ajan gan, kalo udah selesai edit, tinggal impor deh csv nya sama satu lagi gambarnya harus satu-satu nanti upload nya
  8. Hallo semua, permisi mastah, saya instal theme blackhawk 3.0 http://freeprestashoptheme.com/demo/blackhawk3.0/en/ jika dilihat pada live demo terlihat top menu jika di mouse over akan tampil subkategori. tetapi saat saya instal di domain saya jika di mouse over tidak tampil subkategori nya kira2 css atau js bagian mana ya yang harus saya edit, udah ngubek2 di global.css dan superfish-modified.css tetapi hasilnya nihil. berikut domain saya http://www.dglass.es/index.php? mohon bantuannya regard abetcs
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