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  1. Here is php smartnewproducts.php and tpl I couldn't upload. Only like this: <section id="latest" class="latest span"> <h2>Latest</h2> <div id="carousel-latest-0" class="es-carousel-wrapper"> <div class="es-carousel"> {if $new_products !== false} {assign var='liHeight' value=250} {assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=4} {assign var='nbLi' value=$new_products|@count} {math equation="nbLi/nbItemsPerLine" nbLi=$nbLi nbItemsPerLine=$nbItemsPerLine assign=nbLines} {math equation="nbLines*liHeight" nbLines=$nbLines|ceil liHeight=$liHeight assign=ulHeight} <ul> {foreach from=$new_products item=newproduct name=myLoop} {math equation="(total%perLine)" total=$smarty.foreach.myLoop.total perLine=$nbItemsPerLine assign=totModulo} {if $totModulo == 0}{assign var='totModulo' value=$nbItemsPerLine}{/if} <li><div class="pbox"> <div class="image"><a href="{$newproduct.link}" class="product_image"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($newproduct.link_rewrite, $newproduct.id_image, 'home_default')}" alt="{$newproduct.name|truncate:50:'...'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /></a></div> <div class="description hidden-phone hidden-tablet"> {$newproduct.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:65:'...'}</div> <div class="name"><a href="{$newproduct.link}">{$newproduct.name|truncate:50:'...'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></div> {if ($newproduct.id_product_attribute == 0 OR (isset($add_prod_display) AND ($add_prod_display == 1))) AND $newproduct.available_for_order AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND $newproduct.minimal_quantity == 1 AND $newproduct.customizable != 2 AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} {if ($newproduct.quantity > 0 OR $newproduct.allow_oosp)} <div class="price"> {if $newproduct.show_price AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$newproduct.price}{else}{convertPrice price=$newproduct.price_tax_exc}{/if}{/if} </div> <!-- --> <div class="cart"> <a class="button exclusive ajax_add_to_cart_button" rel="ajax_id_product_{$newproduct.id_product}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart')}?qty=1&id_product={$newproduct.id_product}&token={$static_token}&add" title="{l s='Add to cart' mod='homefeatured'}">{l s='Add to cart' mod='homefeatured'}</a> </div> {/if} {/if} </div></li> {/foreach} </ul> {else} <p>{l s='No new products at this time' mod='smartnewproducts'}</p> {/if} </div> </div> </section> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#carousel-latest-0').elastislide({ speed : 450, // animation speed easing : '', // animation easing effect // the minimum number of items to show. When we resize the window, this will make sure minItems are always shown (unless of course minItems is higher than the total number of elements) minItems : 1 }); //Fix to adjust on windows resize $(window).triggerHandler('resize.elastislide'); </script> Thank you Vekia!
  2. I'll appreciate little help about Featured products on homepage. I have a Simple great theme and this theme has it own modul for featured products on homepage (smartnewproducts). I have checked all the topics for random products on my homepage and I manage to put random in my smartnewproducts.php . I need help making all my products from home category showing randomly in smartnewproducts modul. What kind of code do I need to put inside to make this work? Thanks
  3. Hi MacRoy, Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it! Best regards, Krecko
  4. I've tried to upload the file but I get the message that I'm permitted to upload this kind of file. Can you give me your email so I can send it to you? Thanks
  5. I would appreciate if somebody can help me with the problem that I have. I want to install language pack manually (I have it all done in previous version of Prestashop and extract it to my computer, it's a sr.gzip file) but when I click on install I'm getting this message: Validation failed for: translations/sr/tabs.php I tried to find solution here in forum and web also but didn't find anything helpful. I'll appreciate any help. Thanks!
  6. I'm having some issue trying to install Simple Great theme i have recently purchased. I followed all steps in instructions manual, tried to install theme manually and automatic but with no success. I tried through backoffice(Preferences/Themes/Add new theme/Import from computer) and nothing happens. I have latest version of PrestaShop I'll apreciate any help.
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