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  1. I tried making the change. However I'm still experiencing the same Invalid Security Token error. Is there something else that I need to do like refresh the template or something?
  2. No, it is not solved yet. Please see my post in this thread. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/351806-sticky-1609-solved-bugs/
  3. I visited the 'fixed' page and downloaded the RAW format of the php file. Then I replaced it with my file(AdminCmsCategoriesController.php) with the one from the fix page. However when clicking on ADD in my backoffice(after uploading the file and overwriting the existing one), i'm still receiving the Invalid Security Token error. Do I have to do anything else?
  4. I'm not sure why your seeing it. Maybe you can try to replicate the steps you take when you see it and post back here is what i'm thinking
  5. When in the back office of the latest version of PrestaShop 1.6, i encountered the following error on two seperate installations of the presta shop 1.6. When viewing the PREFERENCES --> CMS If you try to add a new Page by clicking the + sign on the far right, you'll receive the following error. Invalid security token
  6. Alright, so I decided to go ahead and create an account anyways. But after entering all my details, I clicked Agree to the terms, i notice there is no next button at the bottom. So I clicked on the Pay with Paypal option again. I was taken to the first page again, so everything seems fine
  7. It wanted me to sign up for an account in order to pay. I chose the Guest checkout but it requires too many fields to fill out so I didn't go any further than that.
  8. When i try to pay at your online prestashop, I am taken to the first page. Now I'll close my browser and come back to the site.
  9. This issue is resolved. After filling out my registered paypal email address in the business account part of the paypal module, the issue is resolved. thanks El Patron
  10. Im still having this problem, is it because my paypal account is brand new?
  11. I've just setup the paypal payments module by supplying the required credentials. However, when I click to pay with paypal, i receive the following error message instead as shown in my screenshot below. http://i59.tinypic.com/aloj92.png I'm using presta shop 1.6 latest version
  12. Yes, I beleive the problem is called by the webhosts ads. Fibernet Corp is a Utah hosting company. LOL i'll switch hosts again to see if the issue dissapears
  13. I recently switched webhosting providers and I reinstalled PrestaShop on my new webhost and pointed my domains nameservers to the new host. Lucky it's already resolving to the new host. However I noticed when I tried to add an item to my cart, I receive the following error message. Impossible to add the product to the cart. textStatus: 'parsererror' errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token <' responseText: {"products":[{"id":8,"link":"http:\/\/canadeals.com\/en\/women-dg-sunglasses\/8-women-s-dg-sunglasses-style-dg-0001.html","quantity":1,"image":"http:\/\/canadeals.com\/24-home_default\/women-s-dg-sunglasses-style-dg-0001.jpg","image_cart":"http:\/\/canadeals.com\/24-cart_default\/women-s-dg-sunglasses-style-dg-0001.jpg","priceByLine":"CAD$5.00","name":"Women's DG Sunglasses style DG-0001","price":"CAD$5.00","price_float":5,"idCombination":0,"idAddressDelivery":0,"is_gift":false,"hasAttributes":false,"hasCustomizedDatas":false,"customizedDatas":[]},{"id":9,"link":"http:\/\/canadeals.com\/en\/mens-dg-sunglasses\/9-men-s-x-loop-sunglasses-style-x-0001.html","quantity":2,"image":"http:\/\/canadeals.com\/25-home_default\/men-s-x-loop-sunglasses-style-x-0001.jpg","image_cart":"http:\/\/canadeals.com\/25-cart_default\/men-s-x-loop-sunglasses-style-x-0001.jpg","priceByLine":"CAD$10.00","name":"Men's X-Loop Sunglasses style X-0001","price":"CAD$10.00","price_float":10,"idCombination":0,"idAddressDelivery":0,"is_gift":false,"hasAttributes":false,"hasCustomizedDatas":false,"customizedDatas":[]}],"discounts":[],"shippingCost":"CAD$2.00","shippingCostFloat":2,"wrappingCost":"CAD$0.00","nbTotalProducts":3,"total":"CAD$17.00","productTotal":"CAD$15.00","freeShipping":"CAD$0.00","freeShippingFloat":0,"hasError":false,"crossSelling":""} Fibernet Corp is a Utah hosting company. Does anyone know why i'm receiving this error message instead of adding the product to the cart?
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