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  1. Bonjour, j'ai un problème identique, j'ai importé, avec le fichier CSV d'exemple, un client test en enlevant l'ID, l'import s'est effectué avec succès, mais après impossible de le retrouver dans le backoffice... est-ce que quelqu'un a rencontré les même problèmes et aurait une piste pour solutionner? Merci d'avance!
  2. Hi, same problem here, my G API authorization is granted by test results failed. Would appreciate someone else help. Google API Authorization granted ×Cannot retrieve test results
  3. Hi indus, Yes, I have tried to disable the option apache multiviews, but the problem remains the same. thanks anyway!
  4. Hi, I have the same problem with 1.6.08 If I turned off the friendly URLs, the logout link works and redirects the user to the index page, but if the friendly URLs is turn on, then logout redirects the user to .../index.php?controller= and the user gets the 404 page, no page page found. edge82, can you share what you have exactly done to solve your problem? Thanks in advance!
  5. Thanks Pel024!!!! In fact, you were right, I thought I did the change in my theme's module, but I did not, so I have made again the same changes this morning and the site is now running perfectly! We have made one change at once, so we haven't implemented your conditional code to use https only when required. we had had to also chance the newsletter block <form action="{$link->getPageLink('index',true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="post">? So if the condition in that case will be something like this {if $index_ssl == 1}... ? BTW, I'd like to thanks Wdxperience http://www.prestashop.com/forums/user/23356-wdxperience/ who gave us the initial hint to add true to the code!!!! Once we will have corrected the 2 modules with the conditional code, we will post the final resolution here and also turn the discussion to SOLVED
  6. Thanks!!! at least good to know that it worked for someone else! What we had tried exactly this change, we did the correction on the theme we use... given that it was the first time we made changes to tpl files, maybe we did not recompile correctly? What we did was force recompile, stop caching, empty cache, reloaded the page, no luck...
  7. Encore essayé, mais pas réussi... - corrigé blocksearch-top.tpl avec le paramètre ,true (voir ci-dessous) - forcé la compilation - désactivé le cache - vidé le cache et reloadé dans Chrome les pages en questions plusieurs fois, mais j'ai toujours les mêmes erreurs sur Get de la search box. <form id="searchbox" method="get" action="{$link->getPageLink('search', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" > d'autres idées? ​
  8. we have tried to modify blocksearch-top.tpl adding ,true in getPageLink, recompile, stop caching, empty cache, reloaded the page, but still doesn't work, same error on the Search box Get, so we haven't even tried to modify the newsletter... any other ideas?? <form id="searchbox" method="get" action="{$link->getPageLink('search', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" >
  9. we have added more info on this topic on another discussion, so not to duplicate it here further, please find the link here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/355246-quick-search-block-module-provokes-unsecure-ssl/?p=1786812
  10. Voilà un peu plus d'info, nous avons vu que le Get de la Search box et le Post de l'inscription à la newsletter créent un code HTTP considéré non sécurisé par Chrome (en lançant l'inspecteur). Maintenant, si nous forçons HTTPS sur la boutique entière, nous n'avons plus d'erreur pour le Post de la newsletter. et si nous désactivons le module Bloc recherche rapide v1.5.1 - by PrestaShop, nous n'avons plus d'erreur pour le Get de la search box et bien sûre on retrouve le cadenas au vert dans Chrome Bien sûre, nous avons pas résolu le problème, mais au moins définit d'où il vient, et peut-être que quelqu'un aurai une idée pour forcer ces deux sources en HTTPS? Merci d'avance!!!
  11. Ok, one more information, we found that the Get made by the search box and the Post made by the Newsletter subscription created the HTTP insecure code in Chrome (by running the inspector. Now, if we force HTTPS to the entire shop, we don't have anymore the error from the Newsletter Post code... and, if we disable the search module (in french: Bloc recherche rapide v1.5.1 - by PrestaShop), no more HTTP error for the Search box of course... and Green lock.... of course, we haven't solved it, but at least we found where it comes from, now maybe someone else can help us how to force those two on https? Big thanks in advance!
  12. Hi all, It seems that we are getting the same kind of problem, running and using the default-bootstrap theme, we have successfully installed an EV SSL certificate, on all browser, except Chrome, we are getting the green URL. On Chrome, we are getting the https lock with the yellow warning triangle and the message stating that some resources in the page are pointing to insecure pages... So, we have run the chrome inspector and it seems the pages have data submitted over HTTP for the search box and the Newsletter box... see the error messages we got for example for the contact-us page: The page at 'https://xxx.ch/contact-us' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/search': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. contact-us:165 The page at 'https://xxx.ch/contact-us' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. contact-us:290 and same on on the quick-order page and so on any form pages The page at 'https://xxx.ch/quick-order' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/search': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. quick-order:169 The page at 'https://xxx.ch/quick-order' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. quick-order:243 We have tried to force the entire site to use https, but the problem continues. I have checked if we had any images or css pointing to http, but definitively it seems to in the core of the prestashop template. Would appreciate any guidance! Thanks!
  13. Bonsoir, Nous avons installé prestashop avec le thème default-bootstrap. Nous avons installé avec succès un certification EV SSL, dans chaque navigateur, à part Chrome, nous avons l'URL qui passe en vert comme quoi la connection HTTPS est complète sécurisée. Par contre dans Chrome, nous obtenons le cadenas HTTPS avec le triangle jaune d'alerte, mentionnant: Votre connexion à xxx.ch est sécurisée par un chiffrement 128 bits. Toutefois, cette page inclut d'autres ressources qui ne sont pas sécurisées. Ces ressources peuvent être consultées par des tiers pendant leur transfert, et modifiées par un pirate informatique dans le but de changer l'aspect et le comportement de cette page. Donc, on a passé la page à l'inspecteur Chrome et il semble que les pages qui envoient des données ont des liens qui pointent en HTTP, notamment la champ de recherche.... Voici les erreurs obtenues pour la page contact-us The page at 'https://xxx.ch/contact-us' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/search': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. contact-us:165 The page at 'https://xxx.ch/contact-us' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. contact-us:290 et la même chose pour la page quick order et toutes les pages avec des formulaires: The page at 'https://xxx.ch/quick-order' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/search': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. quick-order:169 The page at 'https://xxx.ch/quick-order' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. quick-order:243 Nous avons essayé de forcer l'ensemble de la boutique en HTTPS, mais le problème reste le même sur ces pages... Nous avons aussi vérifié si d'autres resources images ou csss pointaient en HTTP, mais définitivement le problème semble venir du code du template... Toute idée ou suggestion seraient bienvenues! Merci d'avance!
  14. Hi all, Same here, running and using the default-bootstrap theme, we have successfully installed an EV SSL certificate, on all browser, except Chrome, we are getting the green URL. On Chrome, we are getting the https lock with the yellow warning triangle and the message stating that some resources in the page are pointing to insecure pages... So, we have run the chrome inspector and it seems the pages submitting data to http and also the search box... see the error messages we got for example for the contact-us page: The page at 'https://xxx.ch/contact-us' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/search': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. contact-us:165 The page at 'https://xxx.ch/contact-us' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. contact-us:290 and same on on the quick-order page and so on any form pages The page at 'https://xxx.ch/quick-order' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/search': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. quick-order:169 The page at 'https://xxx.ch/quick-order' was loaded over HTTPS, but is submitting data to an insecure location at 'http://xxx.ch/': this content should also be submitted over HTTPS. quick-order:243 We have tried to force the entire site to use https, but the problem continues. I have checked if we had any images or css pointing to http, but definitively it seems to in the core of the prestashop template. Would appreciate any guidance! Thanks!
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