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  1. Hi Bill, so when i will it change to false, what will I reach? Will it stop to generate subdirectories in cahe and compile? I need any tip how to stop to generate them cause my server is still falling down after it reach files quota limit. In BO i turned cache button to NO, and cache folder is still empty (what for are those all folders and files?, are they important? ) now, just compile folder still generates folder and files.... Thanks
  2. Hello guys, I have similar problem. In front of website and also everywhere is just blank page and on BO page too. i get this errror: on front website Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file /home/ra678411/www_root/cache/smarty/compile/22/7c/d6/wrt599d9dbda17f05_83336677 <-- thrown in /home/ra678411/www_root/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 46 on BO page Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file /home/ra678411/www_root/cache/smarty/compile/11/4e/89/wrt559dd670b7e178_19679554 <-- thrown in /home/ra678411/www_root/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 46 - using PS, and hosting server - My folders cache/smarty/cache/ and cache/smarty/compile are empty, cause i deleted their content manualy, and index.php is still there - permisions of these folders i set to 777 (btw is thi safe and right, cause in different tutorials I found suggestions not to do it) - my FTP is full of around 11GB but on server I have allowed 30GB, so there is enough space (and this problem was also when on FTP was just 5GB) (btw, this fatal error i get after above folders clearing, before that site worked, but much of product pages showed just blank pages and in BO much of functions (mostly system default) went also to blank page) Could somebody tell me what can I do to fix it please? Thank you in advance.
  3. It means that cache button in BO preferences/performance/smarty should be set as YES? and just change permisions to 777 + change true to false ? Am I right? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, and if by this way, is there any disadvantage? I mean when I will turn off auto compile and cache. Thanks
  5. Hi Dh42, thanks for reply, I checked, but I found no errors about cache or any which would be important for this issue. I just discovered that after manual clearing of folders cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile their content was directly generated again in a while, so the problem with products pages nonloading was cyclic. In BO in preferences/performance/smarty i changed cache button to NO, and it seems that if helped coz links are working good. Was this step OK? How about compile settings in BO, which should i choose? Thanks
  6. Hello All, I have one issue with prestashop cache. I discovered that almost 80% of my products are not working (page is not loading just blank page) and that number was still higher and higher. (I have thousends of products) Then I deleted contents of folders: cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile I checked that most importanat folder to clear is cache/smarty/cache/blocktopmenu/ It helped and all worked right, but after time, all content of these folders was back and products did not work again. My question: How to set cache system right, to turn off automatical generating of cache files in those folders above? And is it ok to turn it off - or what for are these files/folder important? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi, thanks for answer. And one other thing: i discovered that my img/p folder increased much after i tried to generate sitemap via gsitemap module. Is it possible that this was the reason?
  8. Hi, you have to add/activate any other language - Localization/languages and add localization Localization/Localization.
  9. Hello, I have one question about img/p folder. Using PS , imported thousends of products and i checked that my FTP was in last days much filled. Biggest folder is img/p (around 5GB) QUESTION is if this folder is so important, and if is it possible to clean it totaly? I tried to rename it like img/pX (so get it out for a while) and i checked that all images on the website are displayed and that it sees that all was working right. Then i saw that prestashop created new img/p folder (and it was not so big - maybe just some MBs) so that old img/pX is out, but still all works. (one additional thing, i discovered that this folder increased much after more tryings to generate sitemap via gsitemap, but iam not sure if this is the reaseon) So is it possible to clean this img/p folder ? Is it safe? Are ther sharp pictures which prestashop is still using or just any cache or backup? Thanks for answers in advance
  10. Hello all, I tried to create sitemaps for my website I installed gsitemap module and started cron job. But it generated me just 1 sitemap just for one language 1_cs_0_sitemap.xml Could somebody tell me how to generate sitemaps for all languages please? I would like to get: 1_cs_0_sitemap.xml 1_en_0_sitemap.xml 1_es_0_sitemap.xml ...and others Thanks for tips
  11. Hello, could somebody who knows it for sure help me: 1. if is it important to fill in meta description of the products. (if does this have big weight for google)? (By all products I have filled in just short description cause descriptions are short.) 2. And other thing - is just short description enough to be displayed by google results after/under the TITLE exactly this short description? Thanks
  12. Hello all, I am still looking for working solution. I would like to know, how to automaticaly redirect deleted products (categories, or any page) to right page - should be 404 page not found page, not just display that warning in the rectangle (see first post). Any tips please? Thanks
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