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  1. Så er der lidt gode nyheder. Jeg har endelig fået taget mig sammen til at opdatere shoppen til 1.6.1 og nu glider eksporten til pakkelabels.dk uden problemer.
  2. Hi guys So, long story short. I upgraded to 1.6.1 and >> obviously << pretty much everything stopped working. Specifically for the purpose of this post: The one-page-checkout started throwing the error that it didn't find the customer's first and last name, despite those fields actually being filled. That problem turned out to be caused by my customized OPC-file. So I updated the file and did some customization. The standard file had the customer input her name twice, and then pulled the name information from the second set of input fields. Therefore I've swapped the code in the first set of fields with that of the second set and commented out the second set - getting the OPC to function properly again, without having the customer to input the same information more than once. The problem then, is that the BO now tries to pull the wrong name information. Apparently, it tries to pull the information from the original first set of fields, which I've changed so that they now use the code from the second set. In other words, my order- and customer-overview in the BO lists the customer names as "undefined", and the emails (order confirmation, shipping confirmation etc.) goes out with "undefined" when I use the shorthand {firstname} in the templates. The question is then: How do I fix this? More specifically, where can I see what Prestashop tries to pull when you use shorthand like {firstname}, and can I theoretically change that to any attribute from the OPC (like: id, name and so on )? Any help would be hugely appreciated!
  3. Not on the top of my head. But I'm pretty sure Matt Cutts touched on the subject in one of his videos, so it shouldn't be a problem to find something on Google about it. I'm just looking at it from a practical point of view. I mean, Google is perfectly capable of sorting through this type of information when constructing its SERP. Have you ever seen an e commerce site rank on keyword combinations like "add to cart" and so on, unless they actively try to rank on them? I sure haven't. And how would you actually do it, without running the risk of having Google misinterpret it as cloaking?
  4. Jeg må indrømme jeg ikke rigtigt har kigget på det siden - jeg skal nok poste herinde, hvis jeg falder over en løsning. Indtil da kan du måske prøve at kigge på dette link: http://www.presto-changeo.com/en/content/13-fixing-error-500 Jeg har ikke testet nogle af løsningsforslagene. Men jeg forestiller mig den første (den med permissions) er værd at kigge nærmere på.
  5. Ja, når du siger det på den måde, kan jeg godt se det virker lidt som en overreaktion Synes bare der er UTROLIGT mange åndssvage bugs i 1.6'eren. Jeg arbejder godt nok ikke fuld tid med min shop, så det er måske derfor det virker lidt voldsomt, at man render ind en masse små og store fejl der skal rettes hver gang man stikker snuden ind under kølerhjelmen på systemet. Derfor tænkte jeg en opdatering til en nyere version kunne tage brodden af de værste børnesygdomme i 1.6. Men du har selvfølgelig ret. Hvis man kan fange og løse problemet gennem modulet/3. part, er det vejen frem.
  6. Den linje findes ikke i min order.php-fil, af en eller anden mærkelig grund. Tror jeg forsøger at opdatere hele systemet for at se om det kan afhjælpe problemet. Skal bare lige samle mod til det først
  7. Ved næste ordre Du må meget gerne lige melde tilbage om det virker - min order.php svarer ikke til den fra github, så har desværre ikke haft tid til at teste løsningsforslaget.
  8. Fantastisk! Jeg prøver at se om det virker. Tak for hjælpen
  9. Hej Kim Det kunne godt lyde som om det er samme problem. Jeg kører nemlig også Hvis du har mulighed, må du meget gerne lige fortælle hvad I finder ud af i næste uge
  10. Hej Prestawise Jeps, det skulle være sat korrekt op. Jeg satte det først op uden at aktivere "webservice", men så kunne jeg ikke oprette forbindelse fra pakkelabels.dk dashboard. Da jeg aktiverede det, kunne der skabes forbindelse og alt er dobbetkontrolleret og så kontrolleret et par gange til
  11. Hej Håber der findes en venlig sjæl, der har erfaring med at sætte pakkelabels.dk op til at hente ordrer automatisk. Jeg har min shop liggende hos Meebox, har sat webservice op if. pakkelabels.dk's guide. CGI mode for PHP er slået til, da pakkelabels.dk ellers ikke kunne få kontakt til min shop. Den henter bare ikke ordrerne ind og melder "Internal server error 500" på skidtet. Nogle idéer?
  12. I'd still recommend disabling the mobile theme, though. Disable it > run it through the 'mobile friendly checker' > make the improvements suggested by the 'mobile friendly checker'. It might take some work to get it running like Google prefers it to. But in the long run, it'll be well worth it. Serving mobile content through subdomains is a practice from a time before media queries came around. Today, pretty much every browser supports media queries and as such, media queries is the practice Google recommend. I wouldn't dare face the coming update to Google's algorithm with a mobile site on a subdomain, that's for sure. Also, my guess is it wouldn't take you long to have your site running smoothly and with a +85 score in the 'mobile friendly checker'. You'd probably make a 20 point jump, just by compressing your CSS, js and images. Just realized you're kingjc and not NNGNews.... So I don't know if your site is responsive. Probably is, though. Anyway, I'd still see if it's possible to drop the mobile site thing and serve the content responsively. The 'mobile friendly checker' and 'pagespeed insights' are pretty powerfull tools that goes a long way in telling you pretty much exactly what to do, in order to improve your score and most sites can be improved to +85 in practically no time.
  13. Looks very cool. If you were selling antiques or adult diapers the design obviously wouldn't work. But considering what your target audience probably is, the design is spot on. Maybe consider tweaking it to run a bit more smoothly, though? The site is doing a 'hiccup' when I try to load it. It serves a version that looks like it's finished rendering, then the images disappears and the site freezes before showing the completed version with animations. Other than that, it's just minor stuff. Aligning boxes and such. All in all, considering the target audience, this is an awesome site
  14. Have you tried disabling the mobile theme through Settings > Themes? It's better to remove the option completely from the table, than disallowing Google access to parts of your site or stuff that Google might think is part of your site. Disallowing might work, but you run the risk of raising red flags at Google. They even want access to your CSS files for their crawler now. So disallowing their crawler access to a whole subdomain might not go down very well over at Mountain View
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