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  1. And now for the fix on the Dashboard page with the nice graphs... First, copy the file /controllers/admin/AdminStatsController.php to /override/controllers/admin/AdminStatsController.php Next, open up /override/controllers/admin/AdminStatsController.php and replace all instances of "invoice_date" with "date_add". There should be 25 occurrences. You will also need to replace "invoice_date" with "date_add" in /modules/dashproducts/dashproducts.php (1 occurrence) Hopefully this and my post above solves this issue for good!
  2. I figured it out partially. Use this fix ONLY if you do not have invoices enabled! The default files should work fine if invoices are enabled in Orders -> Invoices. This fix works for the Stats section in backoffice. You need to replace "invoice_date" with "date_add" in a bunch of module files in order to get this to work. With invoices turned off, the date is always 0, thus, the stats need to pull a real date. I chose to use "date_add" (the date it was added). So get out your find and replace text editor. Be careful and be sure to have a backup before editing these files, and don't blame me if you mess it up. This change will need to be re-applied if these modules get updated, assuming Presta doesn't fix it. Here are the files to replace "invoice_date" with "date_add" in... /modules/statssales/statssales.php (14 occurrences) /modules/statsforecast/statsforecast.php (14 occurrences) /modules/statscheckup/statscheckup.php (1 occurrence) /modules/statsbestvouchers/statsbestvouchers.php (1 occurrence) /modules/statsbestsuppliers/statsbestsuppliers.php (2 occurrences) /modules/statsbestproducts/statsbestproducts.php (1 occurrence) /modules/statsbestmanufacturers/statsbestmanufacturers.php (2 occurrences) /modules/statsbestcustomers/statsbestcustomers.php (2 occurrences) /modules/statsbestcategories/statsbestcategories.php (1 occurrence) I'm going to take a look and see if I can figure out why the stats still do not show up on the dashboard. At least I got the stats working as they should be in the stats section now... If anyone else knows the main dashboard graph fix, please post. I'm assuming it's a similar fix.. Thanks
  3. I will second this. We are having the same problem in the dashboard stats. "Sales", "Orders", "Cart Value", "Conversion Rate", and "Net Profit" are all zero, however, "Visits" are showing correctly. Nice dashboard graph and layout - too bad it doesn't work at all. It seems like this worked before, so I'm thinking some module update broke it. We are using with all modules up to date. We have made some changes to the order statuses, so maybe the stats are looking for a default order completed status that it cannot find? We also have invoices turned off, I saw some mention in older versions that invoices had to be turned on. Does anybody have an answer to this yet?
  4. On or around line 812 of /[your store]/themes/[your theme]/js/cart-summary.js see the code I commented out. This is where the reload is happening on one-page checkout. I don't know if this will cause problems with something else, but it definitely fixes the reload problem when there is a discount applied to the cart. if (!discount_count) { $('.cart_discount').each(function(){$(this).remove();}); $('.cart_total_voucher').remove(); } else { if ($('.cart_discount').length == 0) { //location.reload(); REMOVED TO PREVENT RELOADING }
  5. Humm, strange it doesn't work. I wonder if you have something else overriding that file or something. Maybe the old code was stuck in cache? In back office in advanced parameters -> performance, make sure you have force compilation selected and smarty cache off. I would turn off all options in the ccc section, and any cache option on the bottom of that page as well should be off. Do you have any 3rd party caching modules that might be interfering? Then make sure you clear cache and history on iPhone as well. Might reboot the phone for good measure. I've seen sometimes where javascripts get "really stuck" in cache sometimes, especially on phones if network access is spotty. That's about the best I can think of at the moment.
  6. Here's my whole modified mobileInit() function. Your's might look different. But note the "return false" calls placed in the code. There were 3 that I had to add. This solves the categories menu from opening and closing immediately on the iPhone (or at least it should). Hope that helps. function mobileInit() { categoryMenu.superfish('destroy'); $('.sf-menu').removeAttr('style'); mCategoryGrover.on('click touchstart', function(){ $(this).toggleClass('active').parent().find('ul.menu-content').stop().slideToggle(); return false; // ADDED }); $('.sf-menu > li > ul').addClass('menu-mobile clearfix').parent().prepend('<span class="menu-mobile-grover"></span>'); $(".sf-menu .menu-mobile-grover").on('click touchstart', function(){ var catSubUl = $(this).next().next('.menu-mobile'); if (catSubUl.is(':hidden')) { catSubUl.slideDown(); $(this).addClass('active'); } else { catSubUl.slideUp(); $(this).removeClass('active'); } return false; // ADDED }); $('#block_top_menu > ul:first > li > a').on('click touchstart', function(e){ if ($(this).parent('li').find('ul').length) { e.preventDefault(); var mobCatSubUl = $(this).next('.menu-mobile'); var mobMenuGrover = $(this).next('.menu-mobile-grover'); if (mobCatSubUl.is(':hidden')) { mobCatSubUl.slideDown(); mobMenuGrover.addClass('active'); } else { mobCatSubUl.slideUp(); mobMenuGrover.removeClass('active'); } return false; // ADDED } }); }
  7. See my post where I said "or the corresponding file in your themes directory". So if you are using a theme named "mytheme", the file should be located in "/(your_shop_dir)/themes/mytheme/js/modules/blocktopmenu/js/blocktopmenu.js". Hope that clarifies it!
  8. I fixed it looks like. On or near line 83 of /modules/blocktopmenu/js/blocktopmenu.js (or the one in your corresponding theme directory if you made custom changes) you need to add a return false call to prevent it from firing twice. Change this: mCategoryGrover.on('click touchstart', function(){ $(this).toggleClass('active').parent().find('ul.menu-content').stop().slideToggle('1'); }); To this: mCategoryGrover.on('click touchstart', function(){ $(this).toggleClass('active').parent().find('ul.menu-content').stop().slideToggle('1'); return false; // Add this to prevent double firing of click and touchstart events });
  9. I fixed it looks like. On or near line 83 of /modules/blocktopmenu/js/blocktopmenu.js (or the one in your corresponding theme directory if you made custom changes) you need to add a return false call to prevent it from firing twice. Change this: mCategoryGrover.on('click touchstart', function(){ $(this).toggleClass('active').parent().find('ul.menu-content').stop().slideToggle('1'); }); To this: mCategoryGrover.on('click touchstart', function(){ $(this).toggleClass('active').parent().find('ul.menu-content').stop().slideToggle('1'); return false; // Add this to prevent double firing of click and touchstart events }); I also found another spot in the same file around line 122 that needs another return false. It fixes the subcategories problem I think. See the Add comment in the code below where to add it. $('#block_top_menu > ul:first > li > a').on('click touchstart', function(e){ if ($(this).parent('li').find('ul').length) { e.preventDefault(); var mobCatSubUl = $(this).next('.menu-mobile'); var mobMenuGrover = $(this).next('.menu-mobile-grover'); if (mobCatSubUl.is(':hidden')) { mobCatSubUl.slideDown(); mobMenuGrover.addClass('active'); } else { mobCatSubUl.slideUp(); mobMenuGrover.removeClass('active'); } return false; // Add to prevent double firing } });
  10. Thanks vekia, I voted. I'm sure this will eventually get into a minor release candidate, it's too much of a store-killer not to. With more people using mobile devices for shopping/browsing these days, it's hard to understand how this one got missed by the development team. Unless there is a workaround for this bug, we cannot launch our site. We simply will have too many people using smartphones and we cannot afford to lose that business. If anyone knows of a workaround fix for this in the meantime, please reply with it. I'm thinking it has something to do with hoverintent but there's so much code I'm not sure where to begin. Thanks
  11. Answering the op's question, it is fairly simple. Localization -> Countries -> (edit the country). Then reorder them in the "Address format" text area box for every country.
  12. I found a problem on the Prestashop front office demo (and in the default-bootstrap theme included) on an iPhone (I'm using a 5 with iOS7), tapping the categories menu opens and closes it immediately on a single tap. http://demo.prestashop.com/en/?view=front On a tap, the categories menu should stay open and on another tap, it should close. But the behavior is, on one tap, it will open and close immediately. The weird thing is, if you tap and hold for a bit, it stays open, but then the iPhone select menus pop up too. Obviously, this is not intended and makes it almost impossible to navigate on an iPhone. Seems to work fine on any computer though (so don't just use the mobile view option on a pc and claim that it works, because it will work correctly in a pc browser, but not on an actual iPhone). I am not sure the behavior of it on an Android or other smartphones, I haven't tested that. If I figure it out myself, I'll post a solution, but I'm sure someone else must have run into this before. I can't imagine this unintended behavior would go unnoticed in a responsive theme for very long. Thanks
  13. Same here. I would like to know how to move the country to just above the state. See the image I attached for clarification. I tried moving it in the tpl files and it will not move. It's like it gets re-shuffled by a controller or something somewhere else. Something so simple shouldn't be this hard to do. Since the state depends on the country, it only makes sense to have the country first and the state next. Otherwise when you are choosing a country, the user needs to scroll back up and choose the state. That's just bad UI design and I'm surprised it passed the 1.6 release version testing. Maybe there is some simple way of re-ordering those fields, hopefully? If anyone knows how to do this, please share! Thanks
  14. In the recent update for Image slider for PS 1.6, there's a bug I just found after pulling my hair out. They apparently changed the "images" directory to "img" inside /modules/homeslider. If you are having problems uploading files after this update, rename your "img" folder to "images" inside /modules/homeslider and it should work. Or create a new "images" folder in that directory and give it 777 permissions (or whatever permissions your web server scripts need to write). Hope this helps some people.
  15. Thanks Loulou66, I think we are on the right track. Now I just need to know how to pull the value of the language variable in that php file using Presta conventions. So for example, in the lang en.php file you might see this: $_MODULE['<{blockpermanentlinks}prestashop>blockpermanentlinks_c661cf76442d8d2cb318d560285a2a57'] = 'Contact form'; So the big question is, how do I get the value 'Contact form' in the above example using Prestashop functions? I'm guessing there is some simple way to do this? Thanks!
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