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  1. yes I have several times, cleared the smarty cache and the browser data,etc
  2. ok I found it. I went thru the left side found where it says OUT OF STOCK and to the right after the = sign put in AVAILABLE SOON and then saved/updated. Went to the store looked at product still says OUT OF STOCK below the price and "This product no longer in stock" It didnt work, any suggestions?
  3. Can you be a bit more specific I cant find a 'back office/translations' tab our pull down from the prestashop menu choices. I have "catalogs, orders, customers......tabs to pull down but nothin gin that row or any pull down has "back office/translations" I did do the exact copy thats how i rescued it. 1.6 is way too different and I saw all the problems on the forums. I could learn its quirks by reading for a few weeks but atm do not have the time.
  4. im using, I tried to upgrade and nearly lost everything in the shop and dont have the time to start from scratch at the moment. Any idea how to do that in the version I am using?
  5. I need to change the words "Out of Stock" in my store page. Does anyone know which file and sub directory this is kept?
  6. My store logo has (suddenly and without me doing anything to it) gone from the 285 wide image to over 1800. www.dragonwarsoftrayth.com/store/index.php I removed the image altogether so my customers can get to the categories. But now the image seems to be transparent and I cant get to the category names for the link through . I didnt adjust anything. Tried re-uploading the image to no avail. My guess is the default is resizing it? If so where do I find the file its in so I can change its size in the code?
  7. Using the default them when my customers choose Guest Checkout it asks them for the Birthday and Gender info. How do I remove this? I got it removed from the registration process for those who choose to register but cant find how to get rid of it from the guest checkout.
  8. Ok I tried that and it didn't work. Default page is being used. I copied the file if someone could help it would be appreciated. This was at line 523 <!--<p class="radio required"> <span>{l s='Title'}</span> {foreach from=$genders key=k item=gender} <input type="radio" name="id_gender" id="id_gender{$gender->id}" value="{$gender->id}" {if isset($smarty.post.id_gender) && $smarty.post.id_gender == $gender->id}checked="checked"{/if} /> <label for="id_gender{$gender->id}" class="top">{$gender->name}</label> {/foreach} </p>--> <p class="required text"> <label for="customer_firstname">{l s='First name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input onkeyup="$('#firstname').val(this.value);" type="text" class="text" id="customer_firstname" name="customer_firstname" value="{if isset($smarty.post.customer_firstname)}{$smarty.post.customer_firstname}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="required text"> <label for="customer_lastname">{l s='Last name'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input onkeyup="$('#lastname').val(this.value);" type="text" class="text" id="customer_lastname" name="customer_lastname" value="{if isset($smarty.post.customer_lastname)}{$smarty.post.customer_lastname}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="required text"> <label for="email">{l s='Email'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="text" class="text" id="email" name="email" value="{if isset($smarty.post.email)}{$smarty.post.email}{/if}" /> </p> <p class="required password"> <label for="passwd">{l s='Password'} <sup>*</sup></label> <input type="password" class="text" name="passwd" id="passwd" /> <span class="form_info">{l s='(Five characters minimum)'}</span> </p><!-- <p class="select"> <span>{l s='Date of Birth'}</span> <select id="days" name="days"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$days item=day} <option value="{$day}" {if ($sl_day == $day)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$day} </option> {/foreach} </select> {* {l s='January'} {l s='February'} {l s='March'} {l s='April'} {l s='May'} {l s='June'} {l s='July'} {l s='August'} {l s='September'} {l s='October'} {l s='November'} {l s='December'} *} <select id="months" name="months"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$months key=k item=month} <option value="{$k}" {if ($sl_month == $k)} selected="selected"{/if}>{l s=$month} </option> {/foreach} </select> <select id="years" name="years"> <option value="">-</option> {foreach from=$years item=year} <option value="{$year}" {if ($sl_year == $year)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$year} </option> {/foreach} </select> </p>--> {if $newsletter} Also at line 243 and 261, I commented out radio and birthday in both places of the file. still doesn't work, need some help please
  9. <li class="item"><a href="http://www.yourhomepage.com"Home</a></li></a></li> found the problem. Posted the solution in case someone else needs it. Thanks guys it really helped.
  10. Yes I am using the Default theme. I followed Dioniz's advice and got rid of the sitemap (thanks) and unchecking the Home made it disappear but I still need something there, or elsewhere on the page, that lets my customers go back to the company main page www.epicquestpublishing.com. Putting that line at line 50 didn't make it display in the footer. Probably forgot something?
  11. Can someone please explain, in detail and hopefully with screenshots of the actual code, how to redirect the HOME Line in the Footer so that it goes back to my company home page and not the Shop home page. And how to remove the Sitemap from the footer. I will need to know what file to edit, which lines to completely remove, etc. Thanks
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