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  1. Hello, lately I have upgraded my shop to version and I realized that there is an issue with order messages. I have created some order messages translated in German and French (my shop is in these 2 languages), but in the order page it shows only the German message, regardless of the customer language. In version 1.6, it displayed always the right message, according to the customers language. Is this an issue or a feature that I do not understand?
  2. Hello, I have an issue with the back office, I get white pages on all of them. After enabling debug mode I get a ClassNotFoundException (see screenshot). I was troubleshooting about the slow back office of prestashop, after upgrading from 1.6. Thank you in advance for your support.
  3. Hello, I need my product to have the following characteristics: Colors: can be used attributes - does not affect price - Shown as colors Width: can be used attributes since there are a limited quantity - affects price - Shown as dropdown list Height: cannot be used attributes because they can be almost infinite - does not affect price - shown as input type I know that there is the customization part, but the text imputs appear on a separated tab (why?) and they are textAreas. I need all the selection to be at the same place. In case this cannot be done natively, you can suggest any module, which cannot be too heavy because I need it only for simple selection and input (no conditial logic). Ps. I am using Prestashop 1.6 Thank you in advance
  4. Hello, I need a sticky side tab that, once clicked, shows some contact information (here is an example) Is there any module which does this? Thank you!
  5. Hello, I am trying to set the cache from server-side, in order to speed up my shops. Since everybody does not recommend the default ones (Memcached, APC, XCache), I am going to add opcache. I've searched for opcache settings for long time, but I haven't managed to find the best working settings. Does anybody have them? Here are my data: Server: Linux, PHP 7.0.33 (FPM served by Apache) PrestaShop-Version 1.6.1.*
  6. Ciao, avrei qualche domanda riguardo il modulo gsitemap per Prestashop 1.6.1: Cosa significa : "Spunta questa casella se vuoi controllare la presenza di file immagine sul server"? Ha a che fare con l'indicizzazione delle immagini? Io ho provato a generare la mappa del sito in entrambi i modi, ma il file generato è esattamente lo stesso (anche se impiega parecchio tempo quando la casella è spuntata: quasi 20 min) Nel file xml, come si vede nel codice sottostante, c'è solo l'immagine large_default. Nel mio caso, si tratta di immagini piccole 367x367px. Non è possibile stabilire quale versione dell'immagine inviare a Google? Perché viene inviata solo una foto del prodotto e non di più? Oppure le altre vengono indicizzate comunque, anche se non inviate? Come <image:caption> viene inviata la breve descrizione del prodotto, quando sarebbe più giusto inviare la descrizione dell'immagine. Come mai? <url> <loc> <![CDATA[ https://example.com/category/1-product_name.html ]]> </loc> <priority>0.9</priority> <lastmod>2019-03-28T10:36:01+01:00</lastmod> <changefreq>weekly</changefreq> <image:image> <image:loc> <![CDATA[ https://example.com/2-large_default/nome-prodotto.jpg ]]> </image:loc> <image:caption> <![CDATA[ Breve descrizione.. ]]> </image:caption> <image:title> <![CDATA[ Nome prodotto ]]> </image:title> </image:image> </url> Grazie!
  7. Hello, I have some questions about gsitemap module: What does this checkbox label exactly mean: "Check this box if you wish to check the presence of the image files on the server"? Is it related to image indexing? In the generated sitemap, I see that only the large_default image is sent to google. How does it work? Is it possible to send larger images, instead? <url> <loc> <![CDATA[ https://example.com/category/1-product_name.html ]]> </loc> <priority>0.9</priority> <lastmod>2019-03-28T10:36:01+01:00</lastmod> <changefreq>weekly</changefreq> <image:image> <image:loc> <![CDATA[ https://example.com/2-large_default/product_namejpg ]]> </image:loc> <image:caption> <![CDATA[ Description.. ]]> </image:caption> <image:title> <![CDATA[ Productname ]]> </image:title> </image:image> </url> Thank you
  8. Solved! It was due to an incompatibility of an obsolete module...
  9. Hi, I've updated prestashop to the latest version (, but I get an annoying issue. The product page never stops loading. Through Inspect Element I can see the following: [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (admin-theme.css.map, line 0) [Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'ps_round(newPrice, priceDisplayPrecision).toFixed') calcPriceTI (price.js:132) (funzione anonima) j (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2:27142) add (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2:27447) ready (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2:29556) eval code eval (funzione anonima) (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2:2621) globalEval (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2:2628) domManip (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3:22526) append (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3:20037) (funzione anonima) (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3:21566) access (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3:2908) html (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3:21146) success (products.js:127) j (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2:27142) fireWith (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2:27951) x (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:4:22256) b (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:4:26300) Is this a common bug? Any idea how to solve it? Thanks in advance
  10. I have the same issue. It's really bad to have prices like 9.99 or 10.01 and I think that this issue is due to recent versions of prestashop.
  11. Hi, my online shop runs on Prestashop I am creating product with different combinations, each of which has a different price. The problem is that the rounding is not working fine. Concrete example: product base price 6.00 (with taxes) and 5.555556 (without taxes) => 8% (but I think it stores 5.56) For a specific combination I add 1.50 (1.388889), but basically prestashop stores a rounded 1.39. Instead of having 7.50 (6.00 + 1.50), I have 7.51 (5.56 + 1.39=6.95 + 8% => 7.506 => 7.51) Why on the database are prices not stored with 6 decimals? Actually, I get 5.560000 instead of 5.555556... Why this loss of accuracy?
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