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  1. Hi. I want to add an additional description on the product page when we select an attribute, let's say with a value of 153. After selecting attribute 153, the "buttondesc" div appears. Everything works fine, but when selecting an attribute other than 153, the description should be hidden. What am I doing wrong? I using js. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { function checkSelectedInput() { const buttondescDiv = document.querySelector('.buttondesc'); const radioInputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=radio][name="group[1]"]'); let shouldShow = false; radioInputs.forEach((input) => { if(input.checked && parseInt(input.value) === 153) { shouldShow = true; } }); buttondescDiv.style.display = shouldShow ? 'block' : 'none'; } document.body.addEventListener('change', function(e) { if(e.target.matches('input[type=radio][name="group[1]"]')) { checkSelectedInput(); } }); checkSelectedInput(); //sprawdzenie stanu przy załadowaniu strony }); I modified the code like this: it also doesn't work document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'); inputs.forEach(input => { input.addEventListener('change', function() { const buttondesc = document.querySelector('.buttondesc'); if(this.value == '153') { buttondesc.style.display = 'block'; } else { buttondesc.style.display = 'none'; } }); }); });
  2. To zależy, chcesz tylko sam magazyn plus faktury?
  3. Multistore - Presta 8.1 on the main store I can't limit carriers for payments. I have 2 lines... in the additional store everything is displayed OK. And in the main store I have it as in the picture. Maybe someone had a similar problem.
  4. Ok, I use leotheme template. Error was from whishlist. Disable wishlist from Prestashop and everything is ok.
  5. Immediately after logging in, the customer has a white/blank page. Enabled debug shows no errors. Web browser console show only this (print screen) Please help.
  6. How do external services know what version of prestashop is installed? example: whatcms.org
  7. Hello i have sort products by item in category. Everything cool, but how to move a drag and drop product from 3 sides to 1? I have 1300 products and view max 300 products.
  8. Can I copy and paste to my_theme/custom.js ?
  9. I have a website and Polish translation for leo woncep template, ap page builder, leo feature modules. How to copy these translations into the same modules and template on other site? I tried to copy the files from theme / leo_woncep / translations and clear the cache (delete var/cache). However, I have no translations.
  10. Thanks for reply! Logged working, but $customer.id_default_group returns always "0". I use supercheckout from knowband. How do I get $customer.id_default_group to work?
  11. I would like to show the text in the basket for customer in groups with the ID number 4, 6, 7, 8, In cart-summary.tpl file I write if $logged}{if $customer.id_default_group|in_array:[4, 6, 7, 8]}Test{/if}{/if} But I get errors
  12. @Daresh czy to nie jest problem tinymce editora? W tym zakresie nie było nic nowego dogrywanego do presty.
  13. Ten sam pagebuilder i inny sklep i działa wszystko. Co prawda Presta sprawdzę hooki.
  14. @DareshPosiadam najnowszą wersję 1.0.6 i mam Prestę i tak mi wyświetla jak na screenie plus nie ma edytorka tinymce jesli skasuję z stylu visible:hidden - czy możesz coś doradzić?
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