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  1. "Like a glove" Thank you so much!! Here is the solution (so easy): In delivery-slip.tpl i declared {counter start=0 skip=1} before {foreach} and inside i called the counter {counter} in the right table column. So, i have a table out like: POSITION | PRODUCT -------------------------------- 1 | Product x -------------------------------- 2 | Product y -------------------------------- 3 | Product z -------------------------------- 4 | Product w Thanks again. Best regards, dreamerArt
  2. I think I'm in the wrong direction In the function getProducts() i made some changes creating a new variable called $tmpCount as I show below: public function getProducts() { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(' SELECT *, osd.product_quantity FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_slip_detail` osd INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` od ON osd.id_order_detail = od.id_order_detail WHERE osd.`id_order_slip` = '.(int)$this->id); $order = new Order($this->id_order); $products = array(); $tmpCount = 1; foreach ($result as $row) { $order->setProductPrices($row); $products[] = $row; } return $products ; $tmpCount ++; } on the other hand in delivery-slip.tpl i try to call this variable like {$order_detail.tmpCount} even {$tmpCount} but unsuccessfully nothing happens. in another site all made by me, I could do this fast and easy. Appreciate some help. Best regards, dreamerArt
  3. Thank you for your fast reply. I will try that now and i'll let you ocurrente. Thanks again
  4. Hi all, I have a little question here: i need a product position in my delivery-slip pdf, this means every product with a sorted number like: POSITION | PRODUCT -------------------------------- 1 | Product x -------------------------------- 2 | Product y -------------------------------- 3 | Product z -------------------------------- 4 | Product w My question is, where is the file who is generate sql query like SELECT statement which will generate a pdf? i appreciate your help. Best regards, dreamerArt
  5. Hi David Join, Can you tell me how i can resolve this issue? i think i have the same problem here, i need to get only the customer first name in another part of invoice, i tried many ways, but none successfully.Can you guide me please? Thanks. Best Regards, dreamerArt
  6. Hi everyone, Here is the situation: I need the same store with different prices for the purpose of a price comparison site. What i did was: 1. Create a multistore with specific url to price comparison site. 2. I copied the whole site to the new folder mydomaine.com/pricecomparison and when i try to access the mydomaine.com/pricecomparison I get this error: /cache/class_index.php is not writable, please give write permissions (chmod 666) on this file. 3. I changed the permissions of file to 666 and i get the same error. There are someone with same issue or can help me? Thank you! Best regards, dreamerArt
  7. "Like a glove" Thank you so much Like you said, what I did was: 1. I created additional groups with name of payment method without any discount and associate the appropriate method in payment module. 2. I disabled all payment methods for customers groups with discounts. 3. In the customer page, i assign the discount group in default group, and after i check all payment methods i want in the list above. Thank you again. Best regards, dreamerArt
  8. Hi everyone, After a few hours of research, I found nothing that could help me. Is there any way to restrict payment methods by customer i know I can do by groups restrictions but I have customers in the same group should have different forms of payment, how can I do this? i really need that :S Thanks. Best regards, dreamerArt
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