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  1. I asked my hosting provider for help with logs, because I am not familiar with server settings/errors and they are very nice, prompt and helpful, so why not? That was their answer and I think it might have sense. This may cause an issue to anybody with PS and PHP 7.2 and other language(s) installed. I am sorry, I currently do not have a test website and cannot reproduce the error (and solution) again, to confirm it for sure. I can only say that switching to PHP 7.3 definitely helped me now.
  2. Server logs have actually helped me. Yay! The problem is PS and PHP 7.2 because this version of PHP (and older) use different version of extension intl.so. This extension is used for translation. When I try to edit orders or products, presta tries to select language and fails, result is error. I switched for PHP 7.3 and it works.
  3. Yes, debug mode is 100% on, I can see the symfony debug bar on the bottom of the admin page and (lady)bug on top. I am gonna look at those server logs and hopefully find there something.
  4. Hello, I upgraded to - php 7.2.34 - clear cache When I want to edit order details in BO I get error 500. The same when editing products. Debug mode is ON and usually there is red symfony error with details which module, function...etc, causes the problem. But not this time, there is no other detail error, just plain error 500 Where should I look now, what do you suggest? Thanks for your time.
  5. Hello, Where can I find visitors online module? In my BO dashboard when I click on Online Visitors it redirects me to the Stats page but there is an error Module not found. I want to install the module, but I cannot find it. I have the installation PS1.7.5.0 zip file but there is not statsvisitorsonline or dashvisitorsonline or anything like that. What is the exact name of the module?
  6. You probably already know where to find it, but for anybody else - go to Modules and search "statsdata".
  7. When I am trying to set up translations in Design - Link widget - it works ok for SK and EN language, but CZ language is not saved, it remains empty. I change the name of the block for all 3 languages, SK and EN are saved, CZ leaves the field empty. Also, Custom Content - English and Custom Content Slovenský (SK lang) are saved correctly. CZ is again empty after saving. There is no error. PS and Link List module v. 2.1.5
  8. Hello, your website seems OK now, how did you solve this? Thanks for your reply, -z-
  9. Jé, super, ďakujem! Je to presne tam: Tools - Translations - v časti Úprava prekladov z vyberača vybraný "Preklad: Obchod" a po kliknutí na SK vlajku a otvorení prekladov stačilo dať hľadať ten výraz. Aké jednoduché. Moc ďakujem za pomoc!
  10. Ahojte, pri výbere spôsobu doručenia v objednávke mám pri Osobnom odbere po slovensky preložený text "Bezplatne". Čiže nie je tam namiesto napr. 4 Eur suma 0 Eur ale je tam text "Bezplatne". V adminovi mám v časti Shipping naspodu v časti Poplatky pri výbere Osobný odber pre jednotlivé rozsahy zadanú normálne 0. Automaticky sa mi to ale mení na ten text. Môže mi prosím niekto poradiť kde tento text môžem upraviť? Mám PS Vďaka.
  11. Ahojte, bol by záujem o modul, ktorý exportuje dáta z vybraných objednávok do xml ktoré by bolo možné naimportovať na webe SK pošty do ich EPH (elektronického podacieho hárku)?
  12. Ahojte, po nastaveni CZK meny (hlavna mena je stale EUR) mi dava zlu cenu produktu. Ak si pozriem kategoriu, vidim produkty so spravnymi cenami po prepocte zadanym kurzom. Ked vsak vojdem do konkretneho produktu, tak sa mi uz takto prepocitana cena v CZK znovu prepocita kurzom a produkt ma zlu cenu. Priklad: Cena produktu je 28 Eur, kurz zadany na 26. Cena produktu v kategorii spravne 728 CZK. Ak vsak kliknem na tento konkretny produkt, vidim podrobnosti o produkte, viac fotiek a cenu 728 znovu krat 26 cize 18 928 CZK. Ked vlozim produkt do kosika, tak v kosiku je to spravne 728 CZK ale aj tak to vyzera pri produkte odstrasujuco a bolo by dobre to opravit. Poradi niekto ako? Vopred dakujem za ochotu.
  13. I understand your solution but I need to devide my customers to groups by their country in order to show prices in their currency. So when they register and choose a group (e.g. USA or Slovakia) they will see familiar prices (e.g. Dollars or Eur). Is there any way how to do this?
  14. Nechapem, naco potrebujete na to modul? Ja mam v Carriers nastaveneho dalsieho prepravcu s nazvom Osobny odber. V Price ranges mam pridany pre osobny odber rozsah 1€ - 9999 €. Potom v Shipping naspodu ako Dopravca vyberiem Osobny odber, pridam pre rozsah 1€ - 9999€ sumu 0.01. Skontrolovane, v prislusnej casti objadnavky to zobrazilo osobny odber 0.01€. Nasledne zmenene na sumu 0.0€ a v prislusnej casti objednavky sa zobrazilo osobny odber zdarma. Tento sposob vam nefunguje alebo potrebujete ten modul aj na nieco ine? Kedze nemam registracnu pokladnu uprednostnujem platbu vzdy vopred a pri osobnom odbere aspon nemam problem vydavat peniaze. Co robi vlastne ten modul Cash on Pick up?
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