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  1. Sorry I have been away for a while. That doesn't fix it. Screen shot attached. Will I need to change the CSS as obviously it is designed as a right block? Stew
  2. Right an improvement. Duplicate hook should be: public function hookdisplayTop($params) { if (!$this->isCached('blocknewproducts_top.tpl', $this->getCacheId('blocknewproducts'))) { $this->smarty->assign(array( 'new_products' => BlockNewProducts::$cache_new_products, 'mediumSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('medium')), 'homeSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('home')) )); } if (BlockNewProducts::$cache_new_products === false) return false; return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocknewproducts_top.tpl', $this->getCacheId('blocknewproducts')); But as I thought every thing is vertically in a tower rather than horizontally with descriptions etc underneath the images. Stew
  3. Okay so this is here I'm at thanks to your patience guys: blocknewproducts.php: 1st change public function install() { $success = (parent::install() && $this->registerHook('header') && $this->registerHook('addproduct') && $this->registerHook('updateproduct') && $this->registerHook('deleteproduct') && Configuration::updateValue('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR', 5) && $this->registerHook('displayHomeTab') && $this->registerHook('displayHomeTabContent') && $this->registerHook('displayTop') ); 2nd change further down: public function hookdisplayTop($params) { if (!$this->isCached('blocknewproducts_top.tpl', $this->getCacheId('blocknewproducts-home'))) { $this->smarty->assign(array( 'new_products' => BlockNewProducts::$cache_new_products, 'mediumSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('medium')), 'homeSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('home')) )); } if (BlockNewProducts::$cache_new_products === false) return false; return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocknewproducts_top.tpl', $this->getCacheId('blocknewproducts-home')); } And copying blocknewproducts.tpl copying it and renaming blocknewproducts_top.tpl Problem is though that nothing appears and stuff is in odd places - see screenshot attached
  4. Okay so I have this: public function install() { $success = (parent::install() && $this->registerHook('header') && $this->registerHook('addproduct') && $this->registerHook('updateproduct') && $this->registerHook('deleteproduct') && Configuration::updateValue('NEW_PRODUCTS_NBR', 5) && $this->registerHook('displayHomeTab') && $this->registerHook('displayHomeTabContent') ); Do I just add: && $this->registerHook('displayTop') onto the bottom then? Because you also have : if ($success) { // Hook the module either on the left or right column $theme = new Theme(Context::getContext()->shop->id_theme); if ((!$theme->default_left_column || !$this->registerHook('leftColumn')) && (!$theme->default_right_column || !$this->registerHook('rightColumn'))) { // If there are no colums implemented by the template, throw an error and uninstall the module $this->_errors[] = $this->l('This module need to be hooked in a column and your theme does not implement one'); parent::uninstall(); return false; } } Which looks like more conditional positional instructions. Does this need amending too? Stewart
  5. Okay second bit is no problem. I can find and do that. The first part is still confused to me (Sorry). Where am I copying hook from ? Is this done in phpadmin? Or in site files? There is already a displayTop. Am I creating complete new hook then? Won't I need to do some extra work in Controller and homepage template? I ask this as I have read this and not sure if relevant? Apologies. I have some programming and design knowledge but not necessarily enough by looks of it Stewat
  6. Okay thanks for that but how do you clone the hook? What do you do to that script to make new products random? I am using 1.6.09 Stewart
  7. Morning Just a quick question this morning about the New Products module 1. Is it possible to display it horizontally I want it to go beneath Nav or beneath Top Menu or slider. So need it to be able to be tranplantable into those hooks 2. Is it possible to randomise new products showing like you can do for home page featured Thanks Stewart
  8. Okay so we all know there is a daft problem with sub-category images: Adding square s/c image to look right shows up nicely on category pages The s/c page then goes wierd showing image as well as description and omitting grey background You can add a large rectangular image to 'image', but then you cant do description as it will be same problem. Lack of text will affect seo for that page. Additionally the rectangular image will then be squashed up and ruined in the square holders on the Category pages. You can forego a description and just add large rectangular image into description and not add a s/c image, but then you have to deactivate sub-categories showing as otherwise you get the '?' image which is not suitable. What I would like to be able to do is one of 2 things: 1. Use a square place holder image so shows on category pages and then on s/c page it floats left properly and description wraps around it and the grey background is still there. A bit like my scrawly image below. This is my preferred solution 2. To add square placeholder image for showing on category pages and on actual s/c page to be able to use <!-- --> to stop image showing and the background and white text still to work. Any ideas on this? Stew
  9. You star Pascal!. I was just trying to figure this out. So simple as well.
  10. The default one with a few layout tweaks, nothing major Stew
  11. I was wondering if it is possible to place the accessories on the product page into a grid view with image, view button, add to basket button, item title and price all there like this: item title image price add to basket button view button All centered in their grid place holders Using 1.5 Thanks Stew
  12. Morning I have been pondering this for a while and have struggled to try and solve it. As you know in the category and sub-category pages the uploaded image is displayed centrally with the category/sub-category description underneath, at the top of the page What I would like to be able to do is have the image to the left and the text wrapping around it with say vertical and horizontal space at 3px all around. Is this possible Stew
  13. Did that but didn't work. Found right code to quote out now so sorted, but thanks for suggestion anyway. Marked this as solved
  14. I have had a request to remove the Quantity Items in stock writing on the product page. I have tried not using stock management and that didnt work. I have also tried finding the right code in the products template to <!-- --> it but no sucess. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  15. Ok sorted at last. I found I could log in on one computer but not a different one. So as you pointed out it was down to cookies. ctrl F5 didn't work I actually had to go into internet options and delete cookies and recent pages then it work. Cheers for pointers guys
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