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  1. Would I like to help .... Pestashop and have a little knowledge . Creating a space to enter some information about the product but is not displayed ? Be seen only on the control panel . How and what to edit file? Excuse my bad English. I want to create editabeis fields on the control panel , products. Do not be visible on the product page Marcilio Farias
  2. Would I like to help .... Pestashop and have a little knowledge . Creating a space to enter some information about the product but is not displayed ? Be seen only on the control panel . How and what to edit file? Excuse my bad English. I want to create editabeis fields on the control panel , products. Do not be visible on the product page Marcilio Farias
  3. The change in position of the modules does not change anything , not even the " literal " . But call me question the attention of two modules . ( Annex )
  4. people, A lot of work but do not give up will find this damn " literal "
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  6. Have verefiquei all .tpl the thema folder - default- booststrap and found nothing .... Have to how many modules connected to the hook : displayHeader are in all: 55 , much work . Do you have another solution? I am afraid of losing something of the modules.
  7. I've done it and not solve the problem ... completely removed from the module and nothing .... I have looked this command within the homesliderpro module, in all .tpl as it was affected and it is not working properly but found nothing . It's a mystery to know where this " literal "
  8. AI fica complicado...rsrsrsr São 55 módulos... Mas infelizmente não tem jeito, vou ver cada um....
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