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  1. Hi, Is there any on 1 decimal place solution? For my case is Malaysia has just want to launch GST then I have to add every product with 6% GST Tax. So in order summary will (Example) : RM 2.56 (product A include 6%) + RM 5.62 (product B include 6%) --------------- RM 8.18 (Subtotal) + RM 3.96 (Delivery include Tax) ----------------- RM 12.15 (*I want Total Figure Round up or round down in Final Total*, so in this case final amount is RM 12.20, if 12.14 in final amount , so final amount will rounded to 12.10) I currently has changed the code in Cart.php. I changed function getOrderTotal with return Tools::ps_round((float)$order_total, 1); But this solution not so perfect because the displayed price is: RM 2.56 (product A include 6%) + RM 5.62 (product B include 6%) --------------- RM 8.18 (Subtotal has first round up already, which is RM 8.20) + RM 3.96 (Delivery include Tax) ----------------- RM 12.15 (Final amount here second rounded, which is use RM 8.20 + RM 3.96 = RM 12.16 <-- this is not accurate in Malaysia. ) I want here only first 1 decimal round up here. which is RM 12.20 in final ---------------- Hope could get advice on this case. Thanks!
  2. Hi, I have facing my stores contact in front end does not display stores location in google map. My backend has 47 datas and I tested in IE, that is perfect with show the data but google chrome, firefox mozilla and safari keep no stores were found. Did anybody has facing the same issue? any solutions on it? Thanks and Regards! KC Tan
  3. So has any solution to solve this 15 mins logged out automatically? default value 480 hours, but It is 15 minutes logged out....
  4. 小弟的店面其实一直都营业得顺顺利利,但是直到有一天,我发现我发送不到邮件给顾客。 在这情况之下,心急的我赶快询问我了server hosting公司, 最后得知,原来我的Prestashop里,有一个不明物体,不停地在发送猥亵信息,导致我的Email被BLACK LIST了,这让我非常伤心, 经过苦苦哀求之下,他们WHILE LIST了我的店名。 但是这故事还未完结, 正当我以为将那不明物体DELETE掉,就可以风平浪静,哪知一个月后,这个不明物体又从其它的Module东山在起,这让小弟非常惊讶,因为我已经将admin的account 都统统更换新的PASSWORD了。但是他既然又再复发。 它到底是透过什么途径,可以那么潇洒且静悄悄的发送高达 8千封EMAIL出去。。。 这的确让我“头大大”,不知大家是否有此类的经验,比如如何加强防备且不让这些非法入境者逍遥快活呢? 还有如何解决呢? 希望大家可以分享你们的看法与种种。 十分感激。 谢谢。
  5. Hi, everyone I am from Malaysia and sorry for my poor english. My question is, could I direct call a validateOrder function from classes/paymentModule? Because I'm using local Payment Gateway, It is facing an issue frequently is some customer puchase items, the payment gateway has data but admin site of Prestashop do not have. The solution provided from local payment gateway is called PSQ (MERCHANT REQUEST APIs), which is let me request data from them and then Insert into Prestashop system. Anybody has idea? One of the data get from payment gateway is ReturnUrl, ReturnURL is let me process the data. So, how do I direct call validateOrder function inside ReturnURL to let me insert to Order table instead of I manually Key In data in admin? Thanks!!!
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