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  1. Nevermind. I just replaced those 2 files with the current versions on Github and it works fine.
  2. Can anybody give me any insight into how to fix this? I think the html is generated by js but I don't know js well enough to troubleshoot. I think its either in themes/mytheme/order-address.js or order-ops.js Please help.
  3. I think the problem is in the product-list-colors.tpl : <ul class="color_to_pick_list clearfix"> {foreach from=$colors_list item='color'} <li> <a href="{$link->getProductLink($color.id_product, null, null, null, null, null, $color.id_product_attribute)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" id="color_{$color.id_product_attribute|intval}" class="color_pick"style="background: {$color.color};"> {if file_exists($col_img_dir|cat:$color.id_attribute|cat:'.jpg')} <img src="{$img_col_dir}{$color.id_attribute|intval}.jpg" alt="{$color.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$color.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" width="36" height="36" /> {/if} </a> </li> {/foreach} </ul> I can't find where the $colors_list array is set, not that I would know what to do if I did find it. Can anyone help? I need to get this figured out. Thank you.
  4. I initially posted this in the ecommerce section but then thought it would be better here but then couldn't figure out how to delete the first one. If you tell me how I'll go ahead and delete the other post. Thanks
  5. I can't figure out how the order of the little color picker boxes on the product list is determined. The colors are displayed in one order on the product list and a different order on the product page. Here's a link to the product list: http://discountwallc.../1880-geometric The order on the product page is the order of the colors in the list of values in the BO but the order on the product list makes no sense. I am using but have updated product-list-colors.tpl with the latest forge update. I just cannot figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Same problem with Any solutions? Modules?
  7. I have the same problem. It would be better to only load the images of the default combination. Does anyone know how to make this happen?
  8. I cannot figure this out. When I go to the checkout page the address initially does not display the line containing the city, state and zip. When I examined the HTML I find this: <li class="address_city, State:name postcode" style="display: none;">Morgantown, Pennsylvania 19520</li> The content is there but the inline style is causing it not to display. I cannot find where this is set. Does anyone have any ideas about this?
  9. My site crashed and these are the error messages I am getting FO: Fatal error: Class 'IndexController' not found in /home2/fredfred/public_html/classes/controller/Controller.php on line 135 BO: Notice: Undefined index: AdminOrdersControllerCore in /home2/fredfred/public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 121 Warning: require(/home2/fredfred/public_html/) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such device in /home2/fredfred/public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 121 Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home2/fredfred/public_html/' (include_path='/home2/fredfred/public_html/tools/htmlpurifier/standalone:.:/opt/php52/lib/php') in/home2/fredfred/public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 121 Can anyone tell me what they mean?
  10. I also have it hooked to displayHeader as well as the action hooks and AfterTop
  11. To summarize this is what I did: I created a new hook in the DB named "AfterTop" I added the following code to blocktopmenu.php just befor the closing bracket: public function hookAfterTop($params){ return $this->hookDisplayTop($params); } public function hookdisplayHeader($params){ $this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path.'js/hoverIntent.js'); $this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path.'js/superfish-modified.js'); $this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path.'js/blocktopmenu.js'); $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path.'css/blocktopmenu.css'); $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path.'css/superfish-modified.css'); } Then I added this hook in header.tpl: {hook::exec('AfterTop')} </div> </header> Then I selected the Top Menu module in the BO and clicked on configure and then save to recompile it. That moved the menu to the bottom of the header, after the container div so I could make it full width. I hope this helps clarify things
  12. Nevermind I fixed it by following Vekia's excellent tutorial: how to move block top menu module to top section Thanks for all you do Vekia
  13. I did exactly as instructed, at least I think I did, and still no css. I just get plain text. What am I doing wrong? I created the hook in DB, added the code to the mod php file and added the new hook to header.tpl with the code provided. Am I missing something?
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