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    Web development agency

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Community Answers

  1. Hey, Thanks for help. Yes, this solution worked perfectly. I have made backup of the website and than restore it on new installation. After it I have deleted unnecessary data like orders, products and clients from both installations using phpMyAdmin.
  2. Hello, Please let me know you requirements on my email address so I can give you an accurate quote. [email protected]
  3. Hey, We will be happy to design a theme for your online shop. Please send us some more information about your requirements for your website on [email protected]. Kind regards, Kamil Strauss Out Of Box - Creative agency oobox.pro
  4. Hello everyone, I have two shops with different domains hooked up in one backend using multishop. I have already added some products, have some orders etc. I want to split those two shops and make two separate ones. I'm not sure how to do that, I can't see any easy way of doing that by splitting database... Can anyone help? Will be very grateful for some tips!
  5. Witam, Generalnie zmiany, które wprowadzasz w preferencjach będą widoczne w bazie danych. Może problem jest w komunikacji z bazą danych? Sprawdź sobie tam czy przypadkiem są tam nie aktualne dane. Powinna być table o nazwie ps_configuration czy coś w tym stylu. Zmień tam DOMAIN i DOMAIN_SSL. Sprawdź sobie też /config/settings.inc.php i w razie potrzeby wpisz poprawny url. Ostatnia rzecz to .htaccess, usuń go (radzę zrobić backup) a potem wejdź na swoją stronę w celu wygenerowania nowego. W razie jakichkolwiek problemów pisz na PW to postaram się coś pomóc.
  6. Same here. It doesn't work when I'm not logged in. Button simply doesn't do anything. My shop: http://mooncakeshop.pl
  7. I left the women category as it was. I can see the thumbnails in front end of shop but in back end I can't see thumbnails.. So I can't add them, delete them etc.
  8. Hello? Is someone can help me? This is a big issue for me...
  9. Hello! I can't find in categories a place to upload thumbnails. I can see two default thumbnails in Women category but I can't delete or found them in back end. I would like to add thumbnails in other categories that I have created. Website URL Please help me. Thanks in advance!
  10. Hello ! After I login to back office I see blank page. When I turn on error reports I get this : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /public_html/mooncakeshop/cache/smarty/compile/17/77/4e/17774e986878844cac81ae8ef0cb039f09b7cd3f.file.content.tpl.php on line 279 I try to fix the code by myself but without any luck.. the 279 is the last line. This is the last few lines of code (I also attache php file): <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { if (<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['refresh_check_version']->value;?> ) { $('#blockNewVersionCheck').hide(); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', data : { ajax : '1', controller : 'AdminHome', token : '<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['token']->value;?> ', id_employee : '<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['employee']->value->id;?> ', action : 'refreshCheckVersion' }, url: 'ajax-tab.php', dataType : 'json', success: function(data) { if (!data) jAlert("TECHNICAL ERROR - no return status found"); else if (data.status != "ok") jAlert("TECHNICAL ERROR: "+data.msg); if(data.upgrade.need_upgrade) { $('#blockNewVersionCheck').children("a").attr('href',data.upgrade.link); $('#blockNewVersionCheck').children("a").html(data.upgrade.link+"pouet"); $('#blockNewVersionCheck').fadeIn('slow'); } }, error: function(data, textStatus, errorThrown) { jAlert("TECHNICAL ERROR: "+data); } }); } $.ajax({ url: "ajax-tab.php", type: "POST", data:{ token: "<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['token']->value;?> ", ajax: "1", controller : "AdminHome", action: "getAdminHomeElement" }, dataType: "json", success: function(json) { <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['employee']->value->bo_show_screencast){?> if (json.screencast != 'NOK') $('#adminpresentation').fadeIn('slow'); else $('#adminpresentation').fadeOut('slow'); <?php }?> $('#partner_preactivation').fadeOut('slow', function() { if (json.partner_preactivation != 'NOK') $('#partner_preactivation').html(json.partner_preactivation); else $('#partner_preactivation').html(''); $('#partner_preactivation').fadeIn('slow'); }); $('#discover_prestashop').fadeOut('slow', function() { if (json.discover_prestashop != 'NOK') $('#discover_prestashop').replaceWith(json.discover_prestashop); else $('#discover_prestashop').html(''); $('#discover_prestashop').fadeIn('slow'); }); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { // don't show/hide screencast if it's deactivated <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['employee']->value->bo_show_screencast){?> $('#adminpresentation').fadeOut('slow'); <?php }?> $('#partner_preactivation').fadeOut('slow'); } }); }); </script> Thanks! issue.php
  11. I'm having issue with statistics in prestashop 1.5.4. When I'm entering statistic (for example products I sold) I can't see right amount of sold products. In the beggining (three months earlier) I add new order status. Before, It was only "sent" and I add "sent on wednesday". Maybe this is an issue? I set up every option the same as in "sent". Thanks in advanced! And sorry for my bad english..
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